Frozen Hearts Ch.9

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Sup, author~chan here! FYI, I don't own Naruto, but I do own the fabulous Akuma. <(•~•<)

Akuma's POV

I zoomed through the forest of trees, on the border of the land of fire.

"I only have to cross the border to get into the Land of Earth, then to Iwagakure." I spoke aloud. We had a month to practice new jutsus and I was going to learn some more earth justus, so why not go to the Land of Earth, right?

I hopped from tree to tree, entering the Land of Earth's territory.

Soon Iwagakure came into view, the sharp pointy rocks barricading the town. I ran through the rocks, dodging the smaller ones. I then came to the entrance of the village. Soon after entering the village, I met up with Hana.

"Hey Akuma! Right on time as always!" She cheered. I rolled my eyes, giving her a big hug.

"So, you ready to get started?" She asked. I nodded. She turned around, startled to see Rin sitting there, tail wagging furiously.

"Oh! Hey Rin!" She giggled, scratching Rin's head. Rin barked back a response. Hana giggled again, walking towards her house.

I set my stuff down, setting up a little bed near Hana's. I lied the blanket on the ground, putting my bag on top.

"Now, follow me." She said, pulling me into the rocky terrain. We hopped through the spiked forest of rock until we came to this flat topped rock.

"First, we'll learn Earth style: stone plate coffin." She said, getting into a defensive stance. Then she did a few hand signs, yelling what we were learning. Jagged rocks soon cornered me, concealing me in a rock cave with no exit.

"Wow." I whispered. I touched the smooth rock, feeling it retreating to the ground.

"Now you try." She giggled. She showed me the hand signs, then went to sit down. My training started off slowly, as I always do, then came the time to spar.

"Ok Akuma, but I won't go easy on you." Hana said, getting herself in a defensive position.

"Right back at ya, baka." She huffed as I said that. Then we started.

3rd POV

Akuma and Hana circled a few times before it started. Hana touched her fingers to the ground, pulling up a huge chunk of the earth. She threw it at Akuma, then enclosing her so there was no exit.

Akuma spun a few times before burrowing into the ground, popping up behind Hana. She did her signature hand sign, yelling the words.

"Secret jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors." Soon the mirrors formed around Hana, cutting off any exits. Akuma took out a kunia, scratching her arms a few times. Then she did some more hand signs.

"Blood style: Blood Knives of Death." She whispered. Soon the blood turned into sharp daggers, pointing at Hana. Then they started to fly. Hana was all scratched up when Akuma used the new jutsu she learned.

After making the hand signs, Hana was soon enclosed in a ball of earth. The ball soon got smaller and smaller, until it was a human sized ball floating above ground. She pounded against the earth, but Akuma's chakra just fed off of her.

"I give." She said. Akuma dropped the ball, freeing Hana from her prison. "Wow, you've gotten stronger from our last battle Akuma." She complemented. Akuma gave a smile, holding out her hand.

Akuma's POV

"Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" I asked, helping her up. She stifled a giggle. I picked her up, carrying her back to her place. I set her carefully on her bed, setting my hand on her forehead. I transferred some chakra into her, healing her injuries.

"Akuma, I didn't know you were a healing ninja." Hana said, sitting up.

"I'm not, it's just I can do that. I learned it, but never really applied it to battle." I said, lying down on the floor. Hana snuggled up next to me, slowly falling asleep. I giggled as she slightly snored, then I snuggled up next to her, falling asleep myself.

Aww, sisterly (not rlly) love! Adorable. If you kittens enjoyed this chapter then show some support or feedback and I will ttyl! BUYE!!!

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