Frozen Hearts Ch.10

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The days go bye, and I still ponder why I didn't make Naruto, but I did make my OC.

Akumu's POV; a month later

I looked under the bright light of the sun to see the gates of the leaf village. I gave a sigh of relief.

"Ahhh! Home sweet home!" I yelled, running into the city. I hopped from roof to roof, feeling the breeze through my hair.

"AKUMA!" I heard someone yell. I turn to see Naruto running towards me.

"NARUTO!" I yelled. We brought each other into a big hug.

"So how was training with Pervy Sage?!" I asked, sitting down on the ledge. He sat next to me, legs swinging over the side.

"It was awesome, besides Pervy Sage looking at every hot woman he saw." Naruto groaned. I stifled a giggle, hearing someone else call my name. I turned to see Temari running towards us, waving like a mad man.

"Oh hey Temari!" I cheered, standing up. We gave each other a gigantic hug, saying our hellos.

"So how was training, where ever you were?" Temari asked. I shrugged.

"Hana was the best, she taught me some more earth style jutsus." I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. She nodded.

"Well, hope that comes in handy!" She said before hopping down to the ground below.

"Hey Akuma!" I heard someone bark. I looked down to see Kiba along with Akamaru looking up at me.

"Hi Kiba!" Naruto and I said in unison. We both hopped down. I landed on an earth monument, slowly bringing it down to the ground. I hopped off, letting the ground go back down.

"Wow, you must have learned a lot in just that month." Kiba said, gawking at my improvements. I shrugged.

"Just some basic stuff I learned, nothing special." I said like it was nothing. They all argued that it was some pretty hard stuff but I just ignored them, quickly running away.

I ran for a good 10 minutes before running into someone. I stumbled back, looking to see Gaara starring directly at me.

"Sorry Gaara, didn't see ya there." I said, standing up straight. He looked at me for a minute before speaking.

"That's alright, just pay attention to were you are running Akuma." He said flatly before continuing to walk away. I gave a sigh.

"Well, bye Gaara!" I cheered. He stopped, turning to me.

"Goodbye Akuma." He whispered before going back on his route. I gave a smile before crashing to the ground.

"TEMARI! NARUTO GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!" I growled. I heard Temari and Naruto giggling, slowly getting off of me. I stood up, starring directly at Naruto. He looked at me frightened.

"Naruto, you little twit!" I yelled, punching him in the face. He fell to the floor, holding his nose. I chuckled, same as Temari.

"Hey Akuma! Hey Temari!" I turned to see Kankurō walking towards us.

"What's up kitty?" I asked, leaning on his shoulder. He gave out an angry groan.

"Stop calling me kitty." He whined, crossing his arms. I gave him the puppy eyes.

"Aww, what's wrong? It the wittle kitty mad?" I asked in a baby voice. He pushed me off his shoulder.

"Still annoying as ever I see?" He asked. I punched his shoulder lightly.

"Still practical as ever I see?" I asked back. He gave a light huff before ruffling my hair, walking off.

"Bye kitty!" I yelled. Rin soon came behind me, giving a bark.

"There you are Rin. I thought I lost ya for a second." I said, scratching under her chin. She gave a little yip, running over to Temari.

"Did you guys learn anything new?" I asked, stretching my back. They all nodded.

"But you'll never get to see mine until it's time." Temari wagged her finger in my face. I pushed it aside. She gave a little smirk, walking away. "See ya later!" She yelled, running off.

"Naruto, want to see what I have learned?" I asked. He nodded, wildly shaking his head. I grabbed his hand. "Follow me."

I dragged him all the way to the fields. He sat nearby on the ground while I stood a few feet away. I grabbed the blade from my back, holding it right infront of me.

"Blade of a thousand fallen warriors!" I yelled, cutting my thumb on the sharp end of the blade. The blood seeped into the blade, making it glow a bright red. In a poof of smoke, the blade turned into a flame marked sword (above). I swung it around a few times.

"Wow, I didn't know you could do that!" Naruto exclaimed. I chuckled.

"That's only the beginning." I ran over to a tree, slicing it in one move.

"Aww nothing happened." Naruto whined, but I just put a hand up. I lightly tapped it with my finger and it and three other trees fell in an instant. Naruto had a "WHAT?!" look on his face.

"Did something happen now?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly. I looked up to the sun, seeing the beautiful colors of pink and orange.

"Well, have to go, see ya later Naruto." I yelled and I ran home to Kakashi~sensei. My blade had returned to normal by now, setting it in its regular spot.

"Goodnight Kakashi~sensei!" I yelled. I heard a little "goodnight" come from his room. I snuggled up in the covers, drifting asleep.


I woke to snow falling around me. The soft white snow carelessly fell onto my arms, melting on contact.

"This is amazing." I said aloud.

"Isn't it?" A voice said. I turned to see Haku seated on the floor next to me. Zabuza kneeled next to him, hands on his lap.

"Haku! Zabuza!" I exclaimed, jumping onto them. We all fell to the soft snow. "Wait, how am I here?" I asked, slowly getting off them. Haku gave a light giggle.

"You're dreaming silly, but I was able to contact you through it too." Haku said. I slightly giggled.

"I see you have improved Akuma." Zabuza said, resting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded crazily.

"I can make your sword into the ultimate weapon Zabuza!" I cheered, throwing some snow at his face. He dodged it with ease, but I easily caught him in another snowball. He wiped it off his face, digging his hand into the snow.

"Take this ya brat!" Zabuza yelled, throwing the snowball he made in his hand. I jumped up, just being able to miss it.

"Aww Zabuza, are you going soft on me?" I asked, taunting the now angered ninja.

After having our snowball fight, we all said our goodbyes. I gave them both a big hug, kissing each on the cheek.

"I've missed you guys." I said, giving them one last hug. "Mostly you Haku, Zabuza not so much." Zabuza growled at me.

"You Damned brat." He hissed. I stuck out my tongue.

"Love ya too Zabuza." I sneered and I was soon whirled into a never ending darkness.

Hello my kittens! Hope you liked this chapter and if you did show some support or feedback and I will ttyl! BYE!!!!!!

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