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crEEp calling

Byul wasn't expecting the call at all. She picked up right away because she desperately needs help. Her hands were shaking as she moved her phone nearer to her ear. While talking, she continues to take a peek at the person following her.

"Where the hell are you?" Wonho yelled.

Byul told him where she is, stammering along the way. Today's alone time definitely went wrong. She's on the verge of crying because she is really frightened of the situation.

"Wonho, I'm so fucking scared. I think I'm gonna pee in my pants." She unnecessarily added.

After knowing her location, Wonho got out of his house without delay. He ran to the street she mentioned as fast as he can. It was quite a long distance away from his home, but it doesn't matter to him at the point of time. When he reached the destination, he frantically look around for her. There, he saw a petite girl, wearing black shorts and a white crop top getting followed by a man wearing all black, covered with a mask.

"Byul!" Wonho hollered as he run quickly towards her.

Byul stopped in her tracks and faced the direction where the angelic voice came from. Upon hearing Wonho's voice, the man instantly turned back and walked away. Wonho was about to chase the man, but Byul stopped him from doing so. Wonho sighed and looked at her, worries can be seen in his eyes.

He held both of her shoulders and looked at her closely, "Byul, are you okay?"

She was too terrified to say anything. Her face was covered with a white mask, so he can't see her face fully. However, he knows that she is still traumatised because she's trembling in fear and tears are flowing down her cheeks without stopping.

Wonho pulled her close in warm embrace, hoping that she would calm down. She sinked her face into his chest, wetting his shirt with her tears. He rubbed her head slowly and repeatedly told her that everything is okay and she's safe with him.

After she calmed down, Wonho started reprimanding her, "Are you out of your mind? Why are you showing so much skin?! You are clearly attracting perverts."

"I felt cute wearing this. I didn't know I look that attractive." She pouted and looked down.

Wonho chuckled at her witty reply and knocked her head lightly. "Let's go. I'll walk you home."

"So um, this is our first conversation in real life, I guess." Byul tried to make a conversation.


Awkwardness filled the air as they remained quiet, not talking to each other. Byul just looked straight, not daring to take a glance at him. Wonho, on the other hand, was observing her quietly. She have wavy, long brown hair. Her face is quite small since the mask is covering almost half of her face. Her eyeslashes are long and her eyes are sparkly like the stars. She's shorter than him definitely, her head just reaching Wonho's shoulder. He also noticed that she's shivering which made him smiled slightly and shook his head.

"I'm positive you noticed that I'm shivering to death." She suddenly mentioned.

"And?" Wonho answered, as he cocked his left eyebrow.

"Well, a gentlemen would kindly take off his hoodie and hand it to the girl." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you're talking about me now?" He sarcastically questioned.

"Of course not, I was obviously talking to the man who was following me earlier."

He chuckled at her sarcastic answer. As much as he don't want to, Wonho slowly remove his hoodie and gave it to her. Byul's eyes widened in shock. Again, she didn't expect Wonho to actually offer his hoodie to her. She hesitantly took and puts it on. It's too big for her but she likes the warmth it brings to her body. The scent that remains on the cotton makes the hoodie more comfy to wear. She stretched out her arms to look at her sweater paws. She giggled silently as she flapped the excess part around.

"Wow, you actually cared about me." She dramatically whimpered, wiping her fake tears.

"Pft, you think? That's obviously not why I ran 1000 miles here. For you? You ought to be kidding me."

The silence fell once again. The fact that there's no one walking on the empty pathway makes everything much more awkward.

"You're so much different in real life compared to when we're texting." Wonho voiced out.

"What do you mean?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Everytime you text me, you're really talkative and irritating but right now, you're just really awkward and quiet. Definitely something I didn't expect at all."

"Well, I didn't expext you to be... so... decent either. I thought you'd be very angsty and mad and-" She stopped talking when she realised the glare he was giving her.

"Yes, thank you for the nice compliments."

Soon, they arrived at her house. Wonho looked at her house in awe. Her house is huge, and to think that she's always alone at home makes it more interesting. She must be living a good, but lonely life. He understands a little why she's really outgoing.

Before Byul go inside, she told Wonho, "Thank you for saving me, and this," pointing to his hoodie while giving him a sheepish smile.

Wonho just smiled slightly and told her to head inside since it is cold. Wonho walked home slowly, feeling a little chilly afterwards. He couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. He gradually fastened his pace as he can't wait to get home and warm up.

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