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"Tickets for two, please."

They waited patiently for their tickets to be given. Cheeky Byul starts to kick in so she tapped on Wonho's right shoulder since she is standing on his left.

Wonho glared at Byul as it is obvious that Byul is the one who tapped him. Byul tap his shoulder again but this time before she managed to put down her hand, Wonho grabbed her hand and tickled her.

"Ah.. Won.. Ho... I'll stop." She laughed as she try to slither out of his grasp.

Wonho expressed a satisfied look and seconds later, the lady in her mid 30s handed them their tickets.

"Here you go. You two are a very cute couple." She 'complimented', showing a warm smile.

Before Byul could protest, Wonho pulled her away, looking excited to go inside.

They decided to go to the Haunted House first since the queue is not that long.

"Do we really have to go here? I'm really really scared." Byul pleaded.

"It's okay, I'm here remember?" Wonho reassured.

Byul pouted, knowing that she won't be able to change his mind. At last, it's their turn to go inside.

"Wonho, I'm really fucking scared. Shit." She cursed.

"Come, hold my hand." He put his hand out.

Byul grabbed his hand tightly. The beginning is filled with creepy ass musics and eerie figures. From just holding his hand, she clutched his arm, making her body closer to him.

"Ah, finally, it's finishing." She sighed in relief as she sees the exit.

Right after Byul said that, a man with a creepy mask jumped out infront of them, scaring the shit outta them.

"AH EOMMAAAAAA." Byul closed her eyes tightly, clinging onto his arm.


They ran out of the haunted house, not looking back.

"Well that was epic." Byul stated.

"Totally." He agreed.

"Oh my god, cute!" She shrieked, running towards a cat ear headband.

She took it and try it on.

"How do I look?" Byul asked Wonho for his opinion.

"You look adorable." Wonho smiled sincerely, showing his perfect straight teeth.

Byul smiled back, paying for the headband and putting it on.

They went on several rides, that are not scary first.

They took a short break and bought two churros, one with chocolate dip, another with white chocolate dip. They sat down and enjoy their food.

"Do you want some?" Wonho offered, holding out his churros that has been eaten.

"Yeah, sure."

He dipped his churros in the chocolate and fed her.

"Omo, is that an indirect kiss?" Byul winked at him jokingly.

Wonho turned red slightly, blushing at her statement. Without asking Wonho, she hold out her churros infront of his mouth, making him open his mouth forcefully. Wonho blinked at her twice while munching on the churros.

"What?" She stared at him.

He shake his head and just continue eating. Now, it's time for them to try the deathly rides. They tried Gyro Swing, French Revolution and Giant Loop. They felt like they lost their soul after riding those.

And the last one, they move on to the Gyro Drop.

The queue is really long. Byul felt more anxious watching people scream in fear as the machine goes up and down. Or in excitement.

"Oh my god, aren't you scared?" She asked Wonho.

"I am but I have to be brave infront of you." He boldly admitted.

Byul is taken aback, of course. She nodded awkwardly, turning her attention back on the Gyro Drop.

Unfortunately, it is already their turn but they managed to sit together, side by side. They pulled down the harness and secure it with the belt below.

When the operator starts to play the machine, Byul grabbed Wonho's hand instinctively. Both of them squeezed their hands tightly when it starts to move up, until the highest point. It stopped for a few seconds, letting them hang on top for a while. Everything look so tiny from above.

Finally, the climax of the ride. That's when the fear start gushing in. It suddenly drops madly fast, making everyone scream. The g-force is really strong, Byul closed her eyes, having the feeling of peeing.

Wonho screamed too. But instead of screaming plainly, he actually scream his confession to Byul.

"I LIKE YOU BYUL." while holding her hand tightly.

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