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mon 7:30am


are you in class

my hero❤️:
yeah just come in

i'll just knock and pass you from outside

my hero❤️:
my seat is pretty far from the door

my hero❤️:
and i'm not walking just for you

my hero❤️:
so just enter no one will kill you

uGH fine lazy prick

Byul held his folded hoodie tightly. She let out a huge breath before knocking. She almost regretted immediately because it caught the attention of everyone in the class, except Wonho who is busy playing games in his phone with his group of friends. Byul entered the class, trying her best to ignore the stares she's receiving from everyone. She walked quickly to his table and placed the hoodie on his table without acknowledging him. Before Byul managed to leave peacefully, someone stopped her with a question.

"Who are you?" asked a scary looking girl sitting at the desk nearest to her.

"Nobody, really." Byul laughed awkwardly.

"Then why is his hoodie with you? You're aware that he is in a relationship, right? It would be very obnoxious of you to seduce him and borrow a jacket from someone's boyfriend." She meanly cornered Byul.

Byul was at lost of words because she was too taken aback by the sudden attack. She tried sending a distress signal to Wonho but he was too busy with his stupid game. Soon, students in the class start murmuring and whispering while shamelessly pointing at her as if she's not looking.

"I- uh-" She stammered nervously.

Out of a sudden, Wonho slammed his phone on his table and spoke, "I think you're the one who's being obnoxious."

There were many gasps and shocked faces. Everyone did not expect Wonho to defend her, who seemed to be in the wrong.

"You're on her side? What would Soojung feel if she heard about this?" the same girl argued.

"She wouldn't care less. As long as I'm concerned, we're both over and no longer together. So, there's nothing wrong with me letting her wear my clothes." Wonho revealed the truth harshly.

The gasps was louder than before. There was an awkward silence for a second. People started bombarding him with questions, all curious to the reason they broke up.

"Is it because of her?" Someone from the back of the class shouted, referring to Byul.

Byul widened her eyes and pointed to herself in disbelief. Before she could speak up for herself, Wonho boomed, "So as you know, she had nothing to do with our break up and it is none of your business. If any of you have issues with her, please do come and talk to me."

Byul stared at Wonho, who is showing a very hard and stoic expression, trying hard to figure out what he is thinking. Suddenly, he took her hand and dragged her outside of his class.

"Where are we going?" Byul questioned.

"Anywhere but here."

"Uh, if so, my class is the other direction." She timidly revealed with a quiet voice.

Wonho made an abrupt stop which almost made her tripped. He swiftly turn the other direction, and continue to walk quickly. Wonho turned slightly red because of his stupid mistake.

"Why didn't you just tell them?" She asked.

"I don't want to bring down Soojung's name. It'll affect your bestfriend too, since they're sisters."

Byul was surprised at his thoughtful answer. She never knew that he would be this kind of person.

There is some affection and love left in his heart.

"I don't care about Soojung though. She transferred to a different school so it wouldn't matter to her." He gave an indifferent shrug.

Or maybe not.

"Anymore questions?" He lazily asked and looked curiously at the girl.

"Yeah, um, why are we holding hands?"

He stared at their interlocking hands, and immediately threw her hand down after she mentioned it.

"Pft, wow, thanks for letting go gently." She said sarcastically, emphasising on the last word.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. Just caught up in the moment, I guess."

She looked at the time. She shrieked softly when she realised it's going to be 8 in 3 minutes.

"Gotta run! My first class is Maths, and Mr Kim will kill me if I'm late! You should hurry back to your class too." She talked quickly while running, not giving him a chance to reply to her.

He laughed at her while watching her run until she couldn't be seen.

"She is such a goody-two-shoes." Wonho chuckled as he took quick, largest strides back to his class.

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