Chapter One

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Three years passed and I still live on the plantation with my mother and father, unmarried or engaged. Father looked desperately for a suitor. Time was passing up quickly and if I didn't marry soon, I would live the rest of my life as a spinster. I would live on my father's plantation until my hair greyed. Unless someone would dare marry me at the age 24. That's only if the man was desperate.

I stared at myself in the mirror, staring into my empty eyes. I tied my wavy red hair back with a ribbon and fixed my yellow dress. I walked out onto my veranda, smelling in the sweet summer air. I looked upon acres of cotton, the sun beating down on the slaves that have been working for hours on end. My eyes gazed upon the men hauling bails of hay onto the bed of a wagon. There I saw him, Eli. I smiled to myself.

I hurried out of my room and down the stairs. "Good, morning, Miss!" greeted Nancy, "I just finished making breakfast, Miss. Is there anything you wish to drink?"

"Water, please," I said scooping up my eggs in one bite, "A big glass, if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course, Miss," she answered sweetly.

I took a sip and quickly walked out the back door. The cup chilled the palm of my hand. One after the other, slaves welcomed me good morning. I finally got to the wagon and saw Eli still loading it with hay. He wore only pants, handy-downs from his father which he probably got from the dump. He stood close to 6 feet tall and from years of lifting heavy weight, he developed a very fit torso.

"Well, good morning, my lady," he said, brushing off his hands.

I beamed, "Good morning, Eli."

"How may I help you this fine morn?" He placed his hands on his hips and smiled back, teeth perfectly aligned. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Oh, no, I'm well," I answered, "Here," I offered. I handed him the glass of water.

He smiled, shaking his head, but took the offer. He gulped down the water until not a drop was left. "Thank you," he said, wiping his mouth.

I sat on a bail of hay, setting the cup down. Eli continued to load the wagon. "So," I began to Eli, "You know my birthday is next week."

He grinned at me, "I know. You'll be turning 18. Should be a big year for you."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Well, rumor has it, your father has been searching for a suitable spouse for you. So, I'm expecting you'll be led to the alter any day from then." he said with a smile.

"Don't joke, Eli. You know I'm not going to marry anyone my father recommends."

One of the slaves told Eli he would finish loading. Eli nodded and walked towards the slave housing. I quickly got up, following him. "You and I both know that's not true," Eli said over his shoulder.

"It is," I chirped. I struggled to catch up with his long strides. Eli ignored my comment. He continued his way to his cabin. I looked behind me, making sure my family did not see me with Eli. He enter his small room. It had two beds, the mattresses thin. The air inside was thick and stuffy.

"Eli," I said, calling for his attention.

He stopped. He turned around and sighed, "Yes, Miss?"

"I have a name," I said quietly.

"Evelyn," he whispered. He walked up to me and gazed down at me with warm eyes.

"Why will you not marry? Why do you refuse to give any man a chance with a wonderful life with you? I know the thing you want most is to run away from this place, away from you parents and all of your troubles. Why stay? Why stay when you could marry a man who will treat you right?" he asked.

I thought, choosing my words carefully, "Why do you ask questions when you already know the answer?"

He pondered for words. "Hmm," I said, "It seems here I left Eli speechless."

He smiled. "Oh, my dear, Evelyn," he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

I closed my eyes, feeling his warmth. "When will it get in your head?" I chuckled.

"Evelyn, I cannot..." My eyes shot open. His face was dismal.

"Why not?" I asked, hurt.

He sighed, "I am much older than you." he said.

"You're 22!" I fired back.

"Evelyn, you know why! Why must you bring this up? I am owned by your father!" he took a deep breath, calming himself down.

I felt tears form in my eyes, "But Eli..."

He cupped my faced and bent down to my eye level, "We cannot be, my love."

"You told me that you would marry me," I cried, "Do you love me?"

"Of course, Evelyn. With all my heart."

"Then you will do everything to have me. And I will do the same."

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