Chapter Five

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Silverware scraped against our antique plates. We ate our chicken, Ruth and I practically licking our plates clean. Eli, however, pushed his mashed potatoes with his fork, mixing them with his carrots. Eli didn't say a word all after Ruth yelled at him...

*              *                  *                    *

"Why you think she's here?" barked Ruth.

Eli didn't say anything. I sat in silence. Eli sighed and said, "Save a leg for me, Ma. I'll be back when she's gone."

My heart craked a little bit more. He headed for the door, but Ruth wouldn't let that slide. She stood up and smacked her hand on the table, making the plates and silverware rattle. Eli stopped dead in his tracks. He spun around, "Ma-"

"Sit. Your. Ass. Down."

"Ma," he said again.

"Eli, don't you dare tell me you'se gonna be standing up yo momma because of some bullshit hormones you be havin'. Now sit down."

*                *                   *                   *

Of course he did what he was told. He only ate the chicken. Nothing else. Nothing more. Ruth dabbed her lips with her cloth napkin and stood up from her chair. "Where you going, Ma?" asked Eli.

Ruth seemed surprised that he asked. But she had a answer. "Oh, didn't you'se hear? The neighbor just called for me. Must be needing some help with the laundry. I'll be back in a bit," she grinned.

Eli hadn't heard the neighbor's call and neither had I. Ruth made her way out side, leaving Eli alone with me.

 Eli's jaw clenched. I twiddled my thumbs in my lap. I don't know how long we sat there in silence, but it felt like hours. Eli then moved for the first time since Ruth left and rubbed his eyes. He rested his chin on his hands, looking at me. I looked back.

"So, are we going to have a staring contest?" I asked.

Eli chuckled, "Why bother? I would win anyway," he smiled.

I laughed to myself. It was silent again. Eli slouched in his chair. "You look pretty," he said.

I smiled, half-heartedly and ran my hands through my hair, rolling my eyes, "Does it even matter?"

"What?" he asked.

"If I look pretty," I replied.

Eli didn't respond. I didn't expect him to. I felt tears swell in my eyes. I blinked them back, "I better be going."

I stood up, brushed my gown, and headed for the door. I twisted the brass knob and pulled it open, the cool night air, sweeping in. I paused. I waited for Eli to call for me. I sighed and closed the door behind me and went to bed...

Sorry it took me soo long to write... I just wasn't feeling it for awhile. And sorry it was short. I promise I'll write more ASAP and longer!!

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