Chapter Four

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I walked out of the house for the first time in almost 2 days... It wasn't hot like it had been the past several weeks, but it was warm. The breeze itself was warm, ruffling your hair, giving you that feeling to just close your eyes and listen to the world move around you. The wind blew a blanket of grey cotton across the blue sky. Everyone seemed to be working today. Not taking the day off to enjoy the weather with their family and friends.

Everything was quiet besides small chatter amongst some of the slaves. Everything was in slow motion. There was an eerie feeling to this day and I didn't know why. The slaves cut down cotton and hay, slow whacks to the stem. Over by the wagon, Wade talked to Eli. My Eli.

My heart fluttered when I saw his lean body with rolled up sleeves, but I got sick to my stomach when I remembered that he said he didn't want me anymore. They tied up rolls of cotton and loaded them onto the bed. Of course I headed over there. "Hello," I said softly.

"Why 'ello there, Miss Evelyn!" boomed Wade, all teeth showing. Wade was a thick man. He had dread locks that almost reached his shoulders, the tips bleached to a golden orange and his chin clean shaved. He was Father's favorite. Young, strong, thick, a good personality, and gets the job done. Wade was bought into our plantation when he was 12. He's been here for 11 years. Been friends with Eli ever since.

"How's my lil sun chip?" he chuckled in a warmhearted tone. His eyes were the color of molasses that just warmed your soul.

"I'm well," I said with a weary smile. I glanced at Eli. He just stood there awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

Eli obviously told Wade about yesterday at the market because once Wade notice me awing at him, his smile faced away. Eli felt my eyes on him. He couldn't take it any longer. He threw his gloves on the bed wagon and stormed off, disappearing into the cotton field. I plopped on a barrel of hay, "He hates me."

"Psh, nah," he said sitting next to me, "He hates himself."


"Really? Really? Ginger, what kind of question is that? He thinks that dis is the only way. He ain't a very open minded person... You'se out of everyone should know that."

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Ruth invited me to eat dinner with them tonight."

His smile returned, bigger than ever, "I'se heard bout that. You'se excited? I'se be.. You'se should get's a dolled up ta get Eli all jealous and stuff."

I laughed. It wasn't a half bad idea. I could always ask Alifair to help me get pretty. Or as they say "purty".

"There's you are," finished Alifiar. I turned around in the chair and looked into the mirror. My hair was straightened and flowed down my back. A thick braid crowned the top of my head and two curls cradled on each side of my face. Neutral tones of eyeshadow warmed my eyes and blush brought a little extra color.

My summer dress was chartreuse, decorated with teal beads and thread. It wasn't something my mother would have worn. She would think it was something to sleep in. I actually thought it was too dressy for dinner at the Jackson's house. But I trusted Alifair.

I snuck out of my room when the sun set, telling my parents that I wasn't hungry and just sleep. Mother still thought I was sick. The night had cooled off significantly, raising goosebumps on my arms. I hurried across the backyard to the cabins and went to the Jackson's. I tapped on the door and came in. Ruth was setting the table. She had lit candles and placed a seasoned chicken in the center, joining the mashed potatoes and carrots.

 The air was warm. A fire crackled in front of a couch. I dragged my feet across the rug in front of the door. I remember that rug from the first day I came here. It was antiquated then too. Now it had holes and lost color.

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