Chapter Six

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Sorry it took me so long to post this.... I was on vacation! And sorry it's really short... it was longer on paper.. I even added a lot of stuff... Well enjoy!!

"I had a lovely time with you, Miss Ross."

"Thank you, Jake," I curtsied, "I had a lovely time as well. I appreciate you-- uh, walking me to the door." I forced a smile on my face. Sheriff Jake's eyes brightened.

"You're quite welcome. I'll be hoping to see you again?" he asked almost accidental, "Good night, Miss Ross," he smiled. The sheriff tipped his hat and made his way back to town.

Once the sheriff was out off sight, I slouched into a more comfortable posture. I yanked the bonnet that was pinned to my head out of my hair. Pissing and moaning while I plucked out the hair follicles I had pulled from my scalp. Crickets chirped in the dark, dead night. The oil lit lamps only showed a few feet from the porch steps.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to lie?" came a voice.

I gasped, startled, my hand at my throat. "Jesus, Eli!" I hissed as he appeared from the shadows. Eli's teeth shown bright against his dark skin as he smiled. I chucked my bonnet at him, "Lord help you, what the hell do you want?!" I growled.

Mother and Father were asleep. Eli knew better that to sneak up on me. Especially at night. He ignored me, "Why would you lie to that poor man? You and I both know you had the worst of times."

He shaped back my bonnet, smoothing out the wrinkles. I snatched it from him. "I did not lie," I stated, "I had a wonderful evening with the sheriff. You weren't there and you sure aren't in my head."

Eli cocked a smile, crossing his arms over his chest, "Is that a fact?"

"Hell it is!" I fumed, "You aren't me! And you sure as hell don't know what I'm thinking or feelin'!"

Eli shook his head and chuckled, "Evelyn, you sure are something."

I put my hands on my hips, "And what do you mean by that?"

My anger was getting the best of me and it was rising fast. I didn't have time for this! Eli sighed and was quiet for a moment. He turned back to me with sorrow eyes, "Ma misses you," he said, finally.

My hands fell to my side and my eyes went down the floor. I wrapped my arms around myself, guilt flooding over me. It had nearly been three weeks since I left Eli alone in his cabin after dinner. I hadn't talked to them since. I did my best to avoid them. If Ruth came into the room, I went to a different floor. I couldn't stand to face her. I knew she would yell at me for leaving then yell for being disappointed at Eli and I and then either yell or cry for avoiding them. I just couldn't take it.

She probably put him up to this. Tell him to guilt-trip me to come back... But it wasn't my fault! None of this was! Eli was the one who lied to me, broke my heart, and deserted me. I didn't need the guilt-trip, Eli did! Anger found it's way back in.

"How dare you?!" I yelled but not loud enough for my parents to wake, "How dare you come speak to me after everything you put me through! You have no right to put me in this position!"

I raised my hand, fighting the urge to slap him. I clenched my hand into a fist and stormed off the porch, twisting the life out of the stupid bonnet. I heard Eli's steps follow me, "Evelyn, please stop," he touched my arm.

I spun around and smacked it. "No, don't touch me. I hate you. Don't talk to me. I don't need this. I don't need you," I quickly realized what a big lie I had told. But I wasn't going to put up with this anymore.

"Evelyn, let me explain," he begged.

Tears welled in my eyes, "Please explain! I would love to know why you would tell me that you loved me, how much you cared, telling me we were going to get married, then just saying there was never 'us'!"

I felt the tears burn down my skin as they slid down my cheeks, "Those days we spent in the cotton fields... The days we would spend in each others arms... Did that not mean anything to you?"

Eli closed the gap I kept between us, "My dear Evelyn--" he breathed, his finger tips brushing away my tears, "They meant everything to me. More than you could know."

"I don't understand," I wept, "I'm so confused."

"I was too," he brought me to my chest and petted my hair, "But I'm not anymore. I was being stupid and rash. I do love you, Evelyn. I just needed to think. I didn't know what I was going to do with all the love I had. I had questions I needed answered. I had to think. But it's OK now. I've got you. I have my thoughts sorted and I will never let you go again. I will never hurt you."

"You promise you won't leave me?"

"I promise."

BTW: If you have any ideas for the story, comment or message me!! I need some haha if I use them (which is a high chance that I will) I'll dedicate the chapter to you (: thanks! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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