Chapter Two: Part 2

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A few slaves carried Mr. Jackson into his cabin, laying him gently on the thin mattress. They propped his feet on a few pillows and wrapped up his bleeding feet. Cold sweet gathered in beads on his forehead. Mr. Jackson tried to slow his breathing. Ruth rushed to his side. She sniffed, holding back tears and clutched his hand. One of the slaves put a wet rag on his forehead, chilling him down.

I couldn't watch anymore. I rushed out of the cabin, tears running down my face. I ran into the house, feeling a gush of cold air run through my hair. I ran up stairs and slammed my door. I flung myself onto my bed and sobbed. I then felt a my bed contract from the weight of someone sitting down. A large, warm hand smooth my hair. I rolled over on my back and met eyes with Eli.

He seemed unfazed, probably still in shock. He wiped away a tear that escaped the corner on my eye. "I'm so sorry, Eli," I cried.

"It's not your fault, Evelyn." He said, looking at me with sorrow eyes.

"I tried to stop Father.. but I- He wouldn't listen! I'm so sorry!"

He pulled me into his chest and held me tight, "Shh," he whispered, "It's OK."

Ruth and Eli took the rest of the day off. I ate dinner in silence. My eyes aches from all the tears I shed earlier. I reached for another biscuit. "Evelyn! I think you've had enough. You don't want to get fat do you?" barked Mother.

"I'm not going to get fat, Mother. It's just one more biscuit." I mumbled.

"Evelyn, that one biscuit could lead up to you never able to have a suitable spouse." she said nibbling on her vegetables.

"Mother, I will be fine. If the man truly loved me, he wouldn't care about my weight..."

"You would be surprised," She said.

"That's why you're marriage will be arranged," butted in Father.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Table manners, dear," chimed Mother.

"But Mother! Father, that's completely unfair!" I felt my face get hot and my hands became clammy.

"Evelyn, we can't let you take vows with a ignoble beau. You deserve a charming young fellow who will be able to support you," said Father.

"That's a load of-" I declared but was interrupted by Mother.

"Evelyn, that is quiet enough. Now finish your dinner and I don't want to hear another word about this." she continued eating her asparagus. I angrily finished my dinner and stormed outside. My hands shook from anger. How could they do that to me?! I have my own mind. I have feelings! I couldn't believe they were going to throw me around like some show horse!

I trudged my way to Eli's cabin in the dark. I went to cabin 4 and opened the door, without knocking. Mr. Jackson lay on the bed sleeping with deep breaths. Ruth was no where in sight but Eli sat on the couch with his face in his hands. I plopped myself next to him and heaved a sigh.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, slouching back.

"I have an arranged marriage..." I stated. Eli didn't respond. "I don't want to marry a stranger," I continued.

"Why would you?" he chuckled.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I have someone else in mind," I said.

"Oh, yeah? And who's that?" he asked intrigued.

"Like I'm going to tell you," I laughed.

"Why wouldn't you? We're best friends. Unless it's someone I know.."

I felt my face get warm, "You can say you know him.."

"Is it Wade?" he asked, worried. I threw my head back and laughed. Wade was his best friend since they were 12. Wade was a very odd man, but knew how to lighten up the mood. He would use blades of grass as a mustache and balance apple cores on the top of his head. He took being a slave lightly. He was proud to be colored, to be different. I think that's why Eli admired him.

I shook my head, laughing, "No, not Wade."

"Alright... Is it Richy?"

Richy was his older brother. He didn't live on our plantation anymore, though. Mother sold him for $1,600 for a polished pearl necklace she planned to wear at a party about 2 years ago. She never wore the necklace. It still lays untouched since the day she bought it in her dresser drawer. She believed it didn't match her baby blue dress.

I shook my head, "No, but you're quiet close." I loved how he guessed only slaves. Eli knew me quiet well. Everyone knew everyone in this town, except me. I've never talked a boy my whole life, besides our slaves and they were quiet decent.

"How close is close?" asked Eli.

 "Utterly close," I muttered, eyeing the space between us.

"And you dare not tell me?" he asked, with a smile so sly, I thought it could belong to a fox.

My heart beat rapidly. Did I dare? Should I tell the slave my father owns that I was in love with him? There were so many bad outcomes and so few good. But those few were extremely happy endings....

What if he not feel the same? What if he will never talk to me again? What if father finds out? That scared me the most...

I couldn't stand the silence any longer. I took the risk and I blurted out, "You, Eli Jackson. I wish to marry you. I have fallen in love with you..."

Eli did not respond. I didn't want to look at his God like face. I only heard our breathing and his neighbor singing softly. I stood up quickly, "I better leave. I hope your father feels better."

I brushed off my gown and headed for the door.

 My head swarmed with unbearable thoughts that practically spilled out of my ears. I shouldn't have said anything. I ruined a friendship that took years building. I'd let him sleep on it... I'll talk to him tomorrow. Pretend that nothing happened at all. I reached for the metal door handle but was stopped with Eli grabbing my shoulder and spinning me back around to face him.

The room spun so fast, if Eli was not there to support my balance, I would have fell flat on my face. Before I could catch my breath, Eli crushed his lips on mine. His hands pressed my body against his and my arms wrapped around his neck. My eyes fluttered closed and my heart beat so quick and so hard, I swear I thought he could hear it.

Our lips moved in-sync, fitting perfectly together as if we weren't supposed to kiss anyone else. He parted his lips and rested his forehead on mine. "When you become of age," he said between breaths, "I will marry you. Do not think twice that I won't."

I smiled, catching my breath. "Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"I couldn't believe you shared the same feelings I did, my dear Evelyn." He kissed me once more and sent me off to bed. I don't believe I could have slept better than that night. I couldn't wait till sunrise to see Eli again...

Gonna get started on Chapter 3! I'm sooo glad I got this finished lol and I'm happy with it too haha tell me what you think! Vote and comment!! <3

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