Part 11 - Introduction

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The house was anything but welcoming. Planks of crinkled, old wood covered the windows and any source of brightness, plastered strong across the source and stuck against the buildings walls which were crumbled and weak. Looking at this place sparked a fear that the walls would collapse, and without the support of them, the roof would collapse too.

Though strangely, I felt safe. More safe than I'd ever felt in my whole life. Probably because I had someone beside me who I felt cared about me, and I can't even express how much gratitude I have for that.

I dropped my bags on the ground softly, and breathed in, the smell of flakes of paint blocked my senses and I resisted a sneeze. Though it may seem like a rundown hobo-house, I liked it more than my mansion back home, even if the dusty floor made my eyes water.

"This is it," Emma muttered crossing over to the other side of the rundown room which looked like it used to be the reception of a fancy hotel.

"This will do," I replied, honestly, tracing her footsteps across the room.

"Oh, I forgot I haven't introduced you guys yet," she laughed and motioned towards the guys standing at the other side of the gloomy room, keeping their distance from me.

They were like a gang of outcasts. I imagined each of them had their own story of why they were out on the streets, away from their family and friends, but I dared not ask, as it would risk getting into a fist fight with one of them again.

''This is Sean...'' Em said pointing to the big guy that tried to end my life earlier.

'' Aiden,'' the boy of about 14 years of age stepped forward to introduce himself, he was tall, well a lot taller than me that is, he had a slender build with dirty blonde hair. Coloured eyes, he wasn't very muscular but he definitely didn't seem like the kind of guy to mess with.

''The name's Danny, Danny Brown'' said another guy holding his hand out which I shook rather cautiously, he had this thick American accent, sounding like he was from New York, he must have a rather interesting story. He had black hair and dark eyes, a tattoo of a serpent was visible on his arm.

The next guy introduced himself as John, he seems to be about 23/24 years old, he had black hair and piercing green eyes. 

''And last but not least Dylan,'' Emma stated smiling, going over to him and placing a quick kiss on his cheek.

I felt a pain inside, a pain I couldn't describe. Why would Emma kiss him? Where they together or something?

For some reason, I felt that thought unsettling inside my head, but she was my best friend for years, I can only assume it's my protective nature kicking in.

Emma looked at me as if waiting for me speak. I gave her a confused expression.

''Well aren't you going to introduce yourself, well properly this time'' Emma told me referring to our...not so good start earlier this afternoon.

I took a deep breath before speaking. ''My name is Freddie.... Freddie Tomlinson'' I said softly but loud enough for everyone to hear.

They either didn't seem impressed or they just didn't seem to care, the only one smiling was Emma.

They all walked off to some dirty mattress lying on the floor, there were a couple of blankets and pillows spread out on the ground as well. The walls were covered in graffiti which somehow seemed to fill the void and emptiness of the abandoned, broken down building.

''Well it isn't much, especially compared to what you're used to but this is home,'' she said in her soft, comforting voice, sending me a small yet reassuring smile which I gladly returned and handed me one of the blankets.

I took it from her as that was the only thing I had keeping me from freezing during the cold California nights.

I noticed how Emma went straight to that Dylan guy and lay down next to him as he placed his arm around her. I don't know why but for some reason I just wish that could be me holding her, but that doesn't seem like a possibility anymore.

I clutched the blanket closer to me , lying myself down on the cold, hard, cemented ground, I drifted off to sleep with a small smile plastered on my face as I remember all the childhood memories I had with Emma...


Hey guys , so sorry we haven't updated in agggeeeesss. We've just been a little preoccupied lately, but we have a lot of interesting drama coming up, so we hope you guys enjoy it xx

- love you all

- Nicole and Ayanda

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