Where will this lead to?

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I was being  carried up the stairs and kissed. Just that moment. I heard the door bell go. Brain continued to walk but I broke the kiss and got out of his grip. I walked down to the door. 

I opened it to see......Zyan standing there. 

Brian came up behind me as I was still frozen. He kissed the top on my head and spoke instead of me. 

"Honey what does this man want again?" He spoke to me directly looking down. I looked up and stuttered. 

"It's.....Zyan.... he was my teacher who  fell for me.... I played a game and left him..... uh hang of a cliff... I guess he survived and now is hear. Remember I told you " Brian smiled hearing the sacram in my voice. 

"I am here to explain myself Dia, nothing more. Please listen" Zyan spoke looking into my eyes as I looked past him. Brain stiffened beside me and I felt his hand turn into a fist. 

"Dia it's late and I think he should go" Brain spoke. I looked up at Zyan.

"Brian head to bed, we need to talk about this but not right now and not even tomorrow. ." I said polity to Brian and zyan. With that the door closed. I had to face an angry Brian. 

He stormed down to the kitchen. He took out whiskey and poured himself a glass. 

"What do you think you're doing Brian? Are you out of your mind? The kiss then that scene what is going on man? I taught you were....."

"Enough young lady-Enough!" He screamed at me. pouring himself another glass. " you need to get him gone from your life. Do you here me, he is only negative to you nothing more. just a piece of bull shit thats not worth your time" I stayed silence letting him speak his mind. But knowing the other points inside. "why can't you see the obvious around you? Why can't you see that someone loves you no matter what ?" I looked at him as he drank one after another of the whiskey and knew I had to stop it. His eyes where to dark to be true.

"Brian, Listen. Things change in life and I to am not here forever. I will have to go at one stage...." He let out a roar from the anger but I took my chance to continue. " Brian come to terms that you sometimes don't get what you want. Brian I am sorry but what happened was a mistake. A full time mistake. Insist that's all it was!" I spoke so smooth and wanted him to understand. I looked into his eyes. He was in pain . I hated to see him like this broken. Stabbed millions of times but still here still beside me. I stubble back to a walk.

He walked over to me and whispered to me. his breath flickering against my lips "But you answered. " He once again kissed me. I didn't answer. I just stood there. I wasn't ready to and I knew that I needed to let go. I can't keep him. I had to do what is right for him and my family and this time it was going against my own heart beat.  

He stopped and I took the chance to make a run but he catch my hand. " you will not leave if I want you to stay. Clear ???" He ordered as if i was his toy that he just wanted. But I knew who I was too. 

"You can't just do what you want and let go of me!" I screamed at him yet knowing it was pointless. But was wrong he let go.

"Sorry ....." I heard him say in a low voice. I was about to  ran up the stairs and my dad walked into the house. I ran over  and jumped into his hands. I hugged him tightly. 

"Good night Dad. I love you with all my heart." I whispered into him. his embrace on me was very strong. 

"Good night princess. Remember about our plan." I smiled into him and went up stairs. 

Three Days Ago.

"Dia you need to understand how serious it is. You can't continue this with Brian he is falling in love with you and your too blind to see. Dear the facts show that you are falling into that trap also.-"

"Dad listen...---"

"No. No. No. Dia. I said you have to make a scene to cause him to leave. Oh never mind that Zyan of yours you need him gone out of your life. The best you can do right now is say yes. "

"I don't know what to say yes to? Ok i will move to live in London and attend college there but I am not agreeing to the case that tells me to push away Brian. He doesn't deserve this Dad" I pleaded him knowing it was pointless. My dad will never give in to something he thinks is wrong. Hard on me i have to make a choice between the two men who I value and care about.

"Dia I said what you have to do. Go think about it! thats enough for today!" He spoke so harsh this wasn't my dad. He was my hero my god. I was his girl. He never screamed and demanded things from me. I walked out of his office nodding my head to give a think.....

Back to present time.

I walked into my room. Shutting the door behind me. As tears went flowing down me cheers. I had no controll over them. The jsut flew.

"Dia your stonger than this remember who you are. You don't need to cry over men. They shouldn't be a subject to cry over. Dia " I remember my grannys words when I was crying on her lap over a boy.  Tears began stronger undertsanding how much I missed her.

I walked away from the door  over to the  window and sat down looking at the rain drops on my window. I kept crying just letting it all out. I sat there for a good half an hour. I realsied someone was behind me.

I looked back to see Brian having his arms around me and I didn't even feel him being there. I was too deep down crying and feeling sorry that I forgot about everything.

I turned to face him. He was between my legs his arms still wrapped around my waist. He looked straight into my eyes. He removed one hand from my waist and started to wipe away my tears from my wet checks. He smiled as i cried more tears.

"Dia I don't derseve you to cry over me!" he wispered.


"Shhh I'm sorry that I love you too much to let go. But I know I have to because you don't always get what you want in life." I was taken back by his words. I hugged him tigher than ever. As if this was the last time I was ever going to hold on to him. I felt his lips on the top of my head.

I let go of him. I had to let him go. I placed my hands down on my legs and looked down.

"I'm sorry that I love you but I am forced to push you away..." I spoke to silent to be heard.

"I know." He picked up my chin forcing my eyes to meet him. "I know. But that doesn't change the fact that I love you." I felt his lips on mine. The kiss was soft and passionate at the same time.

"Tomorrow will be another day where we will play a role. Tomorrow will be the day where we will deverge forever. " I looked away from him. He sighed nodding.

We moved to the bed and lay in eachother embrace just to remember being here for eachother one last time. My heart was breaking every second and I could feel his break too.

Brian's POV

She lay there in my hands. Yet knowing this was the very last time I will see her and be with her. Tomorrow will be the end.

My heart was breaking, it was so hard to breath almost impossible but I could feel it was the same for her. God how much I love her. I can't let go. I need her to be close maybe not with me but at least to see her.

We lay there all night just being together..... last time...

Hey guys I hope you like this new update. Love you all so very much thanks for voting really means a lot.

The picture is Dia's Room in Dublin.


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