Never ending pain.

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I came to london but that didn't change anything. I lay in bed refuse to eat, drink to get up or do anything. I didn't speak. I just lay there looking at the same spot in the wall all day and night.

I heard people come in and left. I heard doctors talk and nothing came out. It hurt to much to speak it hurt to even move. All I taught about was Brian how was he where was he and why did my family put my through this.

Mother of Dia

"She is like this for 2 weeks now. What happened in Dublin tell me now Aleksandr I should know I have a right I am her mother forgod sake. "

"She fell in love with Brian and then she had to leave..."

"You forced her didn't you to break up with him because he isn't th eguy you want to see her with. Your a fucking monster Aleksandr"

I felt slamming the door shut.

I packed all Dia's cloths and belonging. She is going to Dublin. I am not breaking her life. I can't se my baby girl kill herself alive from pain.

Brian POV

I tired getting into work. I worked day and night for the first two days. The I dropped dead. I was in a car crash. Now I am in hospital for the past week. I open my eyes see the white ceilig and once again i turn to see a picture of Dia. My sweet Angle. How was she. I hope she is doing fine.


my mam was rushing around my room packing my belongings repeting we are going back. I will never let you and Brian suffor over him. Dia please come on let get up and go.

I was frozen. I could feel a connection with brian he was in pain. I felt like he was in more pain than i felt him in.

We were in the airport going over to Dublin. I  didn't say a word my mam was trying to make me talk but I was to closed away I couldnt remember the sound of my own voice.

I ran down the corridors of the hospital. I found him. I walked in her was sleeping peacefully. His face was in scares I seen a picture of me in his hand. tears spilled down my checks. God how could I leave him. I walked over and sat down beside his bed. Taking his hand into mine.

Brians POV

I woke up to see Dia sleeping beside me holding my hand. This is a dream your dreaming she can't be here.

I seen her wake up. he jumped up and kissed me all over my face murmblued sorry.

"Dia---- "

"Brian if i knew i would never leave you. I love you and I don't care what my family wants from me but I need to be with me. Because if your not its like there is no me. I'm selfish but you're all that i ever need."

"Dia I love you. Stay"

"I will never leave."

"Can you take something out of the pocket of my jacket in the wardrope?"
He looked at me concerned full of sorrow and sorry. She walked over and took out a small red box that I wanted to give her under that tree.

"Will you be my amazing and crazy wife ?" She looked at me shocked but smiled

"Yes " She laughed and ran over to me.

She will be with me for ever now. Because she is my angle my only one in the world.

Dia's POV

God sees how much I love him and will be his wife. truthful and always there to protect him and heal his scars. I think and will always want to be with him.

 I sit there looking at Brian while he stares back at me.

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