Will she stay or will she go ?

13 2 0

I began walking away. I heard him walked behind me I went to run. I ran into the sand dunes. 

I couldn't hear any more steps behind me and I sat down. What will I do now. I am lost in the sand dunes and I have no way to get out my phone is gone dead and it is so dark. I got up and crashed into a hard chest. I screamed but my mouth was cover with his lips.

He kissed me slowly and full of passion moving in good timing  to each other. His hands where no my waist pulling me into him. I had my hands around his neck making my way to his hair. 

We walked in each others arms back to where lights filled the streets and i realized  that I was no longer worried and stressed. He made me fell better. He made me feel me. 

We stopped. He spoke "I want you to know that I love you and I am here for you and the past is the past I have changed because I want to be with you." I looked at him and hugged him 

"Thanks but I need to go it's late and I need to get myself some sleep." 

"Ok. I will text you later to make sure you are safe and he is letting you live. I meant your dad." I smiled and kissed him goodbye. The short walk home didn't take long. 

I walked into the door and seen that it was 2 am in the morning. How long was I gone for. 

"Dia your back did you have a nice walk?" My mam whispered to me. 

"Yes mam. Can we chat since Brian is asleep have a girls night out.? "

We sat in the kitchen at the big round table. Soon dad came and I told them both the story that Zyan told me and how i got to know him to. Dad was happy about me finding out the truth from Zyan.  

Our family chat was interrupted when Brian came down.

"Hello Sir." His face turned from a calm one to a confused and not so welcoming. 

"Brian how are you feeling ? Feel better?" I said. I wanted nothing to slip. This bet I wanted him to lose. Because I wanted to be someone I am not a playing game

"Yes I feel a lot better thanks Dia" He smiled and kiss my cheek. Two faced dick. 

"So Brian, Tell me this why would you place a bet on my daughter?" My dad spoke out. The door bell went I got up to go get it. 

I walked out of the kitchen and heard Brian mumble 

"I was forced to.-" 

I walked down the hall to the door when I open the big heavy brown door. Zyan stood there.....

He stepped into the house and I shut the door behind him. He grabbed me and pulled me into a huge. Whispering into my ear "You need to be strong. I will be here to support you I promise." he whispered into my ear. I nodded and hugged him back before heading back into the kitchen.

We walked into the kitchen where there was a heated conversation between my dad and Brian going on. They stopped and turned to us as we walked in. Zyan had his hand around my waist. I took his hand away and went down to sit.  He followed and sat on the empty chair beside me. 

"Brian please continue to why you chose to play with my daughter and form this bet of €85000?" 

"This was a bet originally thought when I seen her it is a long story and I guess its time to tell. I used to know a girl called Deanna she is the spit image of Dia and I couldn't let this chance slip I love Deanna and never got her to stay here on this earth she died after 3 years. Zyan knew her also but she chose me. When I seen Dia I taught that this was a chance when I found out that she stared a game with Zyan I hated it because I never understood why girls go after him. He wasn't a player but after Deanna's death he changed it wasn't like him anymore. I came up with a plan and put it forward to Zyan he accepted it because she only lost money but nothing more. Compared to me I lost everything. I knew Zyan wasn't going to keep her but I was wrong one week into the bet when she started her play hard to get. Zyan said that he can't use her because she is not worth this drama and she deserves better..." 

I looked over at Zyan and she looked at me. He took my hand but I moved mine away. As Brian continued. 

"When Dia had to leave to go to London I went over as well. I meet her over there knowing that Sultan would have forced her to her limits. thats where it started and all the rest you know. I tried canceling the bet but Zyan was to smart. I only had two more weeks left and I would have had the money and you Dia." he said looking at me. I looked into the green eyes and I couldn't say anything I was numb. 

I can't feel anything I was empty. Those eyes had such a powerful effect on me. Now there is nothing.

I look over at Zyan to see him looking at me. His face full of worry and care. I stand up out of my place and walk over to Brian. I want to hit him in the face. But i resisted 

"You are a piece.... Just leave.... just leave and never come back into my life. You've lost your chance. I swear you lost what ever you had you lost. I don't care if you have no where to go I just want you out now. Out " I scream the last bit. I seen him get up 

"Dia listen it start of with a bet but I do love you please just let me stay and be the same me I always was. --"

"Oh shut up would you. All you ever do is lie to me. Please just leave."

"Brian I think it's time for you to go pack up and leave this house. You've caused enough pain to this family." Zyan spoke out on behalf of my family.

"Oh who would think that you would open your mouth. You a fucken player an arse hole who fucks all day every day gets a say in this. You should be the one to leave."Brian screams out 


Zayn took a nodded from my dad. Who was quiet and all i see is Brain running over to Zayn to punch him in the face while he isn't looking. 7

"ZYAN" I managed to scream just in time. Brian is on the ground with Zayn on top. Zayn has his arm Brian is screaming from pain

"Let go of me you prick."

"Say sorry to them and you can go and spoil the rest of your life I don't give a dame." I look at Zayn who is extremely anger but is calm at the same time. My heart skips  a beat.  a small smile plays on my lips  but  Zayn catches me. We look each other eye to eye and that's where our connection became stronger. 

Hey Guys thanks for reading. Don't be mad about the grammer and spelling. I will edit the book when it's done. 

Thanks for reading love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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