Chapter One. First Day!!

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Today is my first day in a new school and I have a hell load to day apart from going into school today.
I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock as I open my eyes slowly and remember that it's my first day in this new secondary school.
I jump out of bed and run into the shower. Letting the warm water flow over my body. I start to day dream about Sultan. My amazing boyfriend who is supposed to come over today. I get out the shower. Walk into my small room, with light brown and white walls. I hated the look of the walls and hated the place in the first place. I quickly go to my wardrope. I pick out black skinny jeans and spilt sleeve white top and the shoes I got in Aldo the other day.  Put some eyeliner on and mascara,Straight my hair. Look at myself in the mirror and pulled a faced.
As I was about to run out the door my mam and dad called me.
"Dia dear come hear please!" I moaned and walked into the big kitchen. Where the were sitting at the big round table that could fit at least 12 people.
"Year Parents Whats up? Cause Well I am kinda Late" I said as I glaced at my watch. It was already 20 past 8 and classes started at 9. I also hadn't a clue where my locker was and where my books are. So I wanted to be earlier today.
"Dia we can't talk to you when you are somewhere else and not in this room! Where is your head dear? " Mum said annoyed at me for going away into my school shit again.
"Here mum come on I don't want to be late ! You always said its better to be early than late on your first day ?" I spoke as my mums faced turned more pissed off at me.
"Dia. Sultan won't come over today. Due to the case that he had exams coming up and his mother called today saying that he'll come this weekend!" My mum looked deep into my eyes. I wanted to scream. I haven't seen Sultan since last month. But i calmly smiled.
"Alright no problem Weekend! Then weekend. See ya parents. Love yous!" As I ran out the door. Well weekend isn't that far away and I will have more time to think about my life with him until then. Anything that is done is done for the better . As my grandad always told me.  I jumped into my matted BMW 6 series and drove down into the school.
As I walked along the car park to get into school. I seen a guy who was in his middle 20's maybe 25 or 26. He was walking with a bunch of girl students surrounding him all taking a piss out of him. Soon I got to the door and into the office where I asked the lady called Linda. Where I should go to get all the iteams I need.  I seen that guy again and he walked up to me.
"Hey. You must be Dia Ivanovich ? The new student? " He smiled and look into my eyes.
"Hello, Yes I am the new student. " I said back in a serious voice.
"My name Is Mr Costallo. Welcome, I will show you around and show you, Your locker..."He smiled again. We walked down the halls and he showed me the rooms soon we came to the locker where my books where and timetable on the side of the locker door when it opened. He soon left after wishing me luck in my new school.
"Could Dia Ivanovich. Please come to the office. Thank you " I hear from the intercome. I walked down to the office after getting my books. I was greeted by a teacher.
"Hello. Dia. I am Ms O'Hanglon I will be your history teacher from now on. Also your form group teacher. Have you meet any of the other staff members ?" She spoke softly and smiling. I smiled back.
"Hello, Ms O'Hanglon nice to meet you. Yes Mr Costallo he has showen me around the school.
"Oh Mr Costallo ? Our Chatter Box and Smile of our staff member. Yeah you'll probably hear alot about him form the girls and guys around the school." She said laughing. "HAve you got your timetable dear?" She smiled
"Yes Ms I have. " I smiled back as a few girls walked past us and smiled at me. Ms O'Hanglon called them over.
"Girls could you show Dia around she is new to our school and doesn't know anything here!"
"Yes of course ms. That shouldn't be a problem!" They smiled at me. They were all so nice and didn't look like sluts or the type of girls who would go out drinking on the fields and parties.
"Hey so this is Shannon" She pointed at a girl with brown short hair. Small amount of makeup and Blue eyes.  "This is Aoife" she pointed at another girl who was cubby and had a look of murder on her face. Soon she added "Don't worry Aoife is just not having a good day today. " SHe laughed as we all joined. "I am Katie and this is my sister Hannah." We all greeted eachother and went to class. English and I was in Higher level I hated the guts out of english but lucky enough I was in same class as Shannon. I meet alot of other girls and guys. When the Ms came in she moved me beside a guy called Eoin. Who looked hot. But i paaid attention to class remembering that I love sultan.

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