Chapter 57

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Alexa's pov:

We entered the living room and everyone looked at me with a huge smile on their face.
"I don't know how did it but I'm very very thankful!" Janet came walking towards me and hugged me. "Thank you so much Alexa." Katherine said. She was really moved and happy. "Well you are all very welcome but I have to admit that it wasn't me who made him open the door, right?." I smiled and looked at Mila. "Uh huh. I fell and Michael came to help me." Mila said and showed everyone her knee which caused me and the others to laugh. I sat down with Mila on my lap. "Michael promised to show Mila the animals and the playground with the swings." I said. "That's great. I'm glad he is ok. I really am." Liz said and sighed out of relief. "Alexa. Can you make sure he really is? Try to talk to him, maybe he will open up to you." Katherine added. "Don't worry, I will. But I won't make him talk. If he feels like talking about it then he should, not because I make him." I answered. "He needs some time and we should give it to him." I added. "She is right, we can't force him." Frank said. "He's really sensitive, he's always been." LaToya agreed.
It was silent for a moment when we heard Michael coming towards the living room.
"Alexa, Mila! Are you ready to go ou-..." he said when he entered the living room but stopped when he saw everyone looking at him. He looked shocked, somehow embarrassed and upset. "Michael.." Liz said and slowly stood up. He looked at her, then at me and back at her. Before anyone could say something he turned around and ran away. Mila jumped off my lap and followed him. I sighed and looked at Liz who slowly sat back down. "He needs time, don't take his actions personal. Sooner or later he'll realize what a great family and friends he has." I slowly said while looking at everyone. Liz sighed and nodded. "Give him some time" I said and made my out of the living room to follow Mila and Michael. I sighed to myself not knowing where they went, so I first walked towards his room but it was empty. I leaned against the wall and tried to remember every place Michael used to be when he was upset. "Giving tree!" I said to myself and hurried outside and made my way to his favorite tree.
Michael loved climbing trees and his Giving Tree was his favorite one. It took me a while to get there cause Neverland was really huge and to my bad I forgot how to get to his tree. But after a while I managed to find the tree with Michael and Mila on it. "Mommy! Mommy!" Mila screamed with excitement when I came closer. "Mommy look where I am!" she said.
"Wow that's amazing Mila. Did you get up there all by yourself?" I asked and looked at Michael who was holding unto her making sure she won't fall down. "Noo Michael helped me." she smiled. "That's really nice of him." I answered and smiled at Michael. Mila looked at him "Can mommy come up too?" she asked him. Michael looked at her and then at me. "If she wants to, sure." he said trying to avoid eye contact with me. "Mommy will you come up?" Mila asked with a huge grin on her face. "Well, I will try my best." I laughed. I haven't been climbing trees for ages. "Don't laugh at me." I warned Mila and Michael, which cause him to giggle a bit. He sure knew I was pretty bad at climbing trees. I looked the tree up and down to find the best way how to get up. "Hold onto these" Michael said and pointed at the branches on my right. "Then put your left foot over there" he instructed me and I did as he said. "Good, now try to hold onto this branch over there with your right arm and put your left arm around the branch on the left." I was nearly up when I accidentally put my foot on the wrong place and slipped down. "Ahhh!" I screamed. Suddenly I felt hands holding onto my arms and carefully pulling me back up. "I got you!" Michael said and pulled me up. He made some space for me to sit down. I was shaking. "Are you ok?" he asked sounding worried. I looked at him shattered "Yes. Thank you so much." I answered. Mila was crawling on my lap and hugging me tightly. "Did you fell down mommy?" she asked. "Nearly" I answered. "Did Michael save you?" she looked at me a smiled. "Yes he did." I smiled slightly. "It's been 5 years and you still can't climb trees huh?" he asked trying to hold back a giggle. "Shut up." I said and laughed. He looked down, bit his lip and giggled. "Oh come on it wasn't that funny." I pouted. He looked at me and broke down in laughter. I was still in shock but it was great to see and hear him laugh again. "You're so mean!" I said and shook my head which caused him to laugh even more. "I'm sorry" he said under laughters. "You better be" I warned and laughed. He hold up his hands in defense and bit his lip to stop laughing, which didn't really work. When he finally calmed down he looked at Mila and then at me "Come on Mila, we better go back down, I don't want your mommy to fall off this tree again." Michael laughed. "I hate you" I laughed. "Hate is such a strong and bad word" he laughed and gently picked up Mila to give her a piggyback ride. "Hold onto me really tight ok Mila?" he said. "Yes!" she said and wrapped her little arms around his neck. He carefully climbed down the tree and put Mila back on the ground. "And how will I get down?" I looked at him not really wanting to move. "Just the same way you got up, just don't fall." he joked. "Very funny today huh?" I said sarcastically. "Don't worry, I'm right here to catch you." he said with a huge grin. I sighed and slowly made my way off this tree. I really was a terrible tree climber. I wrapped my arms around some branches and tried to find a place to put my feet on. At first it worked but then I made a wrong step and landed in Michael's arms. "See, told ya I'd catch you" he laughed. I wanted to answer but I couldn't. I broke down in laughter and he joined in. He put me back down on the ground and smiled. "You should definitely how to get on and off a tree" he said and bit his lip again. Got his lip bites where so sexy. "Alexa?" he looked at me and raised one eyebrow. "What? Oh yeah yeah I should." I said. He shook his head and laughed. Falling down a tree wasn't embarrassing enough.. I tried to hide my embarrassment "Well, I can't climb trees, but I can't swing on swings like a champion" I said and winked at him. "I wanna see that" he laughed in disbelief. "What do you think Mila, should we go to the playground now to see who's the king or queen of the swings?" he asked her. "Yes!" Mila screamed and jumped up and down with a huge smile on her face. "Well let's go then" Michael said and took Mila's hand, it was just too cute to watch. "Come on" he said and smiled at me. We walked for a while until we got to his little train station. "Mila, should we take the train to get to the playground?" he asked her. She nodded with a huge smile on her face and together they ran towards the train station. I shook my head and laughed. Michael was really special. I loved his childlike way. It was never boring to be around him.
The most adults are really boring and snobby, never joking or making anything funny. I hated it. Michael was just different and I really liked that about him. "Mommy come on!" Mila called me and I snapped out of my thoughts. "I'm coming sweetheart" I called back and walked towards them. "I'm here, let's go" I laughed. The train was already waiting and we got in and the train took off.
Michael and I sat next to each other and Mila was sitting on his lap. She was really excited cause she's never been on a train before. Michael showed and explained her everything. It was really cute to watch. Michael would be such a great father. I smiled to myself and enjoyed the ride. After all this time I forgot how beautiful Neverland actually was.  During the ride we passed the amusement park and the zoo. Mila was really amazed by all the things she saw. Michael enjoyed having her around. He seemed really proud to show her everything and teach her about trees and other stuff.
He loved nature and do did Mila. After about 20 minutes the train stopped and we got off. "Come on" Michael said and smiled. Mila grabbed his and my hand and we walked towards the playground. I loved the surrounding. There were a lot of different flowers in all kinds of colors. It was so beautiful. Mila loved the playground, when she saw the swings she let go of our hands and ran towards the swings. Michael laughed. "She is so adorable" he looked at me and smiled. "She is indeed" I smiled back. "Let's sit down over there" he said and pointed at a bench near the swings. We sat down and watched Mila swing.
"When is her birthday?" he asked curiously. "June 24th" I answered and smiled at him.
"That's already next month" he said. "Yes that's right. I can't believe how fast time flies" I said and looked at Mila who was still enjoying the swings.
"They grow up so fast huh?" he said and smiled. "They do" I sighed and smiled back at him.
"Mommy look! Michael looook!" Mila screamed and laughed.
"You're doing great" Michael said and smiled. Mila laughed proudly. She was really having fun. Michael and I talked about a lot of things. It was really great. "How has your life been in the last 5 years?" he asked carefully. I looked at him and thought about my life for a moment before I answered. "Well... I graduated school, moved to Ireland and got pregnant before I decide to move back to America."
"You lived in Ireland? That sounds amazing." he said.
"Yes it was nice but I had some problems there so I left and moved to LA" I admitted.
"Really?" he asked.
I sighed. "Yes.. you know... Mila's.. father.. wasn't really that easy going.." I said and looked down. "I'm sorry" Michael said and carefully took my hand in his. I smiled slightly "It's ok. My life is great now, I have a wonderful daughter and a great job." I added. "I'm glad you are happy." he smiled slightly. "What about you?" I asked curiously. "Did your tour went well? I mean.. after I ruined it" I added. "You didn't ruin it Alexa. Actually.. I was feeling the same way but you just hit the wrong moment" he sighed. "But yes, the tour went well. I met a lot of interesting people and fans. It's an amazing feeling to know you're loved by people all over the world" he said and smiled.
"That's great" I said "Are you happy?" I asked and looked at him. He was still holding onto my hand and gently caressed it with his thumb. "At the moment... it's... it's not that easy.. but everything else is good." he admitted. "I understand, I really do. But remember, life will go on and I'm sure you'll find happiness again" I tried to cheer him up a little. "I know and right now, you and Mila are a big help and I would like to thank you for coming here after all this time" he smiled slightly. "You are very welcome. We were really close and had a great friendship. So it's obviously that I come to help you or to be there for you" I smiled at him. He looked down for a moment, bit his lip before looking at me. He was trying his very best to hold his tears back "Thank you so so much. I really really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart" I hugged him gently and smiled to myself knowing that I kinda had my best friend back. I was really happy. And we enjoyed the time together.

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