Chapter 8

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*Frankie's POV*

"Bye Ellie!" we both called at her, as she drove off in her mum's car.

We closed the door, and jumped onto the sofa in the living room.

"Yesterday was so fun," I said.
"Almost everything," she replied.
We both shuddered as we thought of the Amber incident. That was scary.

"Wanna watch something on my TV?" asked Morgan.
"Sure; YouTube and hanging out as friends?" I laughed.
"Of course," she replied.

She put YouTube on, and we started binge-watching PINOF. We were huddled together under the blanket fort we had created with Ellie earlier.

"I'm freezing," said Morgan randomly, breaking the silence.
I snuggled closer to her.
"Penguin huddle," I said jokingly.
"Ya know, that actually helps," she said.

We lay down in a comfortable silence, cuddled up to eachother as we watched the thing that initially brought us together.

I liked being like this; lying next to my best friend, without a fear of someone recognizing im not straight or anything: because she already knows. I still have secrets; she probably does as well. But, for the first time in a very long time, I'm happy. I'm content with who I am right now, and I just hope that it will stay like this.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"If you threw a tub of Flora out of the window, would it be a butterfly?" Morgan shouted instinctively.

"Um, probably? And the phone's ringing. Probably for you, seeing as we're the only people in the house right now," I said.

"Oh. It's probably my dad asking if I'm okay. He always does this," she laughed, and skipped up to the phone.

"Hello?" she asked perkily.

She listened intently, her face paling. I saw a tear stream down her face, as she slid to the floor. The phone flew from her hand, next to where I was.

"No, no, no, no..." Morgan whispered.

"Morgan? What's the matter?" I asked hesitantly.

She just shook her head in response.

I picked up the phone.
"Hi, this is Frankie. Why's Morgan crying?" I asked urgently.

The person on the end of the phone sniffled, their voice hoarse, evidently as a result of crying. What's happened?

"Hi Frankie. I-It's Morgan's g-grandad; my d-d-dad." Morgan's mum said, before bursting into tears.

I immediately tried to calm them down, shushing them and comforting them until they stopped crying as violently.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, what's happened?" I asked timidly.

There was silence.

Then a gulp.

Then a sniffle.

In a whisper, barely audible, her mum said two words that shocked me.

"He's gone."

A/N: So sorry for the chapter, I know it's rlly upsetting, but it's kinda important. Again, really sorry if I made you sad, but I tried to write it so it wasn't upsetting.
Morgan's POV next!

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