Chapter 25

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*Amber's POV*

How could she? How dare she? Why would she do this? To me of all people? I'm the most loving person towards her? And she's...gone?! I need to-I need to-I don't even know.

I slump out in my chair and pour myself another whiskey. Chugging it down in one go, I put my head in my hands and tried to go through all the events that led up to this: me sitting in this dark, drab room; the smell of alcohol and tobacco mixed in with the damp and rotten wood; feeling utterly and truly depressed.
a couple of hours earlier
*Morgan's POV*

"So, I'll be back soon my darling. I just need to get some drinks," Amber said.
"Are you- are you getting any baby clothes?" I rasped.
"Baby clothes? You don't need baby clothes. You're 20," she giggled.
"For the baby..." I whispered. God, my throat was so dry. I needed a drink.
"I was joking silly!" she laughed, punching my arm.
I tensed up and tried to move away.

She looked at me angrily, and I felt a whimper come out of my lips. I know what happens when she gets angry.

Bad things.
" know what happens when you defy me," she said coldly.

I nodded.

"Come over here. I'm not going to hurt you."
Slowly, I shuffled over to her.

Hooking a finger under my chin, she raised my head up and attached her lips to mine. Her breath tasted like stale cigarettes and bitter alcohol.

"Don't go anywhere while I'm away," she smiled.

I looked helplessly at my ankles, then back up at her.

"I'm joking, obviously," she laughed.

And with that, she left.

I acted fast. I grabbed the hairpin that had fell out of her pocket onto the floor, and I attempted to pick the lock of the chains around my feet.

It was hard work, and I was already so tired from living off a diet of whiskey and roll ups, with the occasional meal of fruit and bread. I never wanted to have any of them: the baby might be in danger.

The baby. What will happen to the baby, or the babies? Amber said that I'll probably have twins. My stomach is pretty big now.

I don't know how long I've been here. It's hard to keep track of time when you're trapped: in a mystery room, in your own mind. I can't focus on anything.

Clang! I hear the noise of the chains, as they fall from my ankle.

Time to get started on the other one.

Time. Completely underrated. Everyone just assumes that time is always happening, so we don't have to take too much notice of it.

It was this thinking that stopped me from thinking about time. And now, I don't know how long I've been here. A week? A month? Maybe it's been years, and this is my fifth pregnancy?

No, I can't think like that. I won't think like that. What I need to think about right now is how to get out of here. Fast.

Clang! The other shackle became undone, and it fell to the floor.

I stood up, and the room started spinning.

Now's not the time for being dizzy. This is my life at stake.

I saw a door at the other side of the room, and I hurried towards it.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the handle.

It was completely black. I felt around the walls, looking for a window, or a torch.

My hands fumbled around, until my fingers grasped onto a lightswitch.

I flicked it on, and I winced as my eyes adjusted to the brightness.

When I had recovered, I looked around the room. A fridge, a table, an empty glass, and my phone.

My phone.

I went to the table, and I turned my phone on. Luckily, it had a thumbprint on it, so Amber wouldn't be able to talk to anyone.

There was one message. From someone called Jess.

Jess? Who's Jess? I don't know anyone called Jess...

My girlfriend.

How had I forgot her? I tried to put a face to the name, but I couldn't remember. The only people I could remember was Frankie and my parents, because I've spent every moment thinking about them.

I read the message that was displayed on the lock screen.

Amber, please meet me. Bring Morgan.

Had she gone to meet her? I don't know. But I can't focus on her right now. I need to think about contacting Frankie.

I unlocked my phone and clicked on Frankie's name.

I began typing.

It's Morgan. I've escaped. Meet me at

I stopped. Where was I?

Putting the phone down, I began searching for clues. Anything that could help me. A postcard, a letter.

I searched everywhere. Drawers, shelves, everything. I needed to be quick. Amber might be back any minute.

Finally, I found a letter.


(🌸👑~not even kidding this girl wouldn't write this chapter because she always forgot every single time 😂 updates will be less frequent but next chapter will be in Jess' POV, sorry you saw no Frankie but soon my children. Soon...)

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