Chapter 13

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*Frankie's POV*

"Ellie, you coming over to mine?"
"Bit, why?"
"Because I have the diaries."
"I'll be 2 minutes."

I quickly went to my timer and set it for two minutes. Hey, it's a thing that i do, okay?

I went to my bag and grabbed the diaries. Amber's mom's was a plain blue one, whilst Amber's was yellow with a heart in the middle, with a timy paper collage inside the heart.

I looked closer and yep, it was Morgan.

Damn, the girl has to know when to let go. Psychopath.

The timer stopped and I heard the alarm,

I'm a banana, I'm a banana, I'm a banana, lOOK AT ME MOVE...
(A/N:lmao Onision)

I ran over to my phone and tapped the alarm. I heard a knocking on my bedroom door at the same time.

"Come in!" I shouted.

"Frankie, shut up! She's right by you, you dont need to shout," I heard my mom's voice echo .

"But I want to!" I answered.

"Whatever Trevor," she jokingly answered.

Ellie sat on my bed, and said," So...this is...exciting?"

"Is it exciting or scary? Is it fun or dangerous? Is it a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare?" I started singing as soon as that last line came out of my mouth.

"Okay Beyonce, I get your point," she said.

"Thank you very much m'dearie," I joked.

"So, where are the diaries?" she asked.

"Um, maybe on my lap?"
" they are."

I laughed, and passed them to her.

She went to open it, and then paused. She sighed.

" remember the bathroom in Amber's house..."
"And you remember how there was a tiny key..."
"What's your point?"
"Well...both of the diaries have tiny locks on them. And I dont know how to lockpick."

I facepalmed- not mentally, I actually physically facepalmed- and sighed at my stupidity.

"Well, it's against my life rules to commit crimes...?" I said, trying to get out of doing anything.

It's not that I didn't want to do anything, I just knew that it wouldn't get done.

"Okay, it's against your life rules? Because the last time I checked, we broke into someone's house and stole off them. Not to mention you dropping that vase, which looked like it cost a load of money."


"So how are we gonna open them," she asked.

"To be honest, I have no fucking clue," I answered.


A/N: K, I hope you enjoyed that not-at-all boring chapter.  There'll be something good from the other author, but I can't think of anything. I'm literally so unfocused, sorry. I can't even focus on my story on my other account, whereas 🌸👑 has a shit ton of updates. Along with her busy schedule. I don't know how she does it. Anyway, rant over.

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