Chapter 17

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Pt.2 of Sleepover

*Morgans POV*

*playing spin the bottle*

It landed on me. Brilliant. Amber smiled sheepishly at me, blushing slightly. I sighed and thought maybe if I kiss her good enough she will stop.

I place my lips against hers and pushed aside my disgust. My hand went on her face, to add effect, and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. She licked the bottom of my lips and I almost gagged. Almost. I pull away slowly, allowing my lips to linger near hers for a few seconds, before pulling away. She was bright red. Frankie and Ellie suppressed laughs.

I spun the bottle and it landed on Ellie. I laughed and we met in the middle before pecking each others lips. I wipe my mouth afterwards. Ellie spun the bottle and it landed on Frankie. Amber snorted a little. I elbowed her and raised an eyebrow. She just shrugs.

Ellie and Frankie kiss for like two seconds before pulling away, both wiping their mouths.

Frankie spun the bottle and it landed on me. I looked at her and we burst out laughing before winking at each other, knowing how to annoy Amber.

We had an entire plan, I mean, Frankie wants to be an actress: this is perfect practice.

I bit my lip, forcing myself to blush, to seem shy. Frankie 'seductively' crawls towards me. Our lips met and we rose up into our knees. I suppressed a giggle against Frankie's lips as I wrapped my arms around her neck. Ellie knew what was happening and was silently laughing. I then moved my legs and Frankie lay me down so she was over me with her hands either side of my head. We were both giggling but had to keep it going. We kept kissing (and for future girlfriends or boyfriends-she's good) and Frankie bit my lip (sexy way) before continuing.

"Okay! Let others have a go!" Amber called out, her face full of anger.


It lands on me. Again. I groan inwardly to look and see a smiling Amber. She dives at me and takes me by surprise. I fall onto my back and she leans in, straddles me so I can't move and puts her weight on her arms which are at either side of my head. I glance at Frankie, wide eyed who is staring at the scene in shock. I pull away and grin at Amber. She does the same but gets off.

"Listen Amber, I know that everyone thinks I'm a lesbian, so I'm flattered that you think trying to devour Morgan's tongue will decrease my hormonal lesbian urges. But I've stocked up on the girlxgirl memories, so we'd all appreciate it if you stopped trying to eat her face, because she needs it" Frankie said coldly.

We change the game then Amber asks if it's dark. Frankie replies with a joke and she suggests hide and seek.


I stop breathing.

"I'm afraid of the dark" I lie, trying to stop this from happening. Amber laughs.

"Don't be silly, you'll be fine" Amber says. Damn!

Soon enough, we're all in the woods.

"I'll count first. 1! 2!-" everyone scurried away from Amber. I hide behind a tree.

"10! Ready or not! Here I come!" She called out. My breathing was heavy. A hand clasped over my mouth. I scream but it's muffled by the hand.

"Stop its me" Amber mumbles, her breath on my neck. She pulls me away a bit and then looks down.

"I have something to tell you, don't say anything! I like you and have for a really long time. Oh god when we were playing spin the bottle I knew you liked me back!" Amber giggled. Before I could reply, my back was slammed against a tree and Amber was kissing my face off. I tried to push her away but surprisingly she was so much stronger. She pulled away and I thanked the Lord. But no, she just pulled off my sweater and revealed my bra. I tried to get away but it made her angry and she pushed me to the ground. I was knocked out.

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