Chapter 18

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*Morgans POV*

A/N-I'm writing because well, 👽💸 is procrastinator of the year and I got bored. Btw if this doesn't make sense it was written at 2:35 am soooo. Oops? Enjoy!

Darkness. It's all I can see. It's all I've seen for a few moments. I then heard something. A voice I knew too well and a hand I'd held many times before. I went to grab his hand, to be free, but his finger went up and wagged itself.

"It's not your time darling. You're needed" my grandfather said, his tone soft and full of emotion not even I could grasp. I dropped my arm and closed my eyes. His voice faded along with my thoughts as I was one with the darkness.

My eyes felt heavy. When I finally pried them open, brightness blinded me, making me close them again. Soon enough I had adjusted to the light and looked at my surroundings.

The walls were plain, a dull white colour with one picture on the wall of a forest. The curtains were white but they had a few flowers on them. Beside me was a glass of water, flowers, get well soon cards. All the cliche things people get when someone's in hospital. At least I hope I'm at a hospital, not one of those crazy ones.

"Morgan?" A voice said beside me. When I turned, my mother sat beside me, her cheeks stained with tears probably caused by my...well what the hell could I call it.

"Mom?" My voice broke, tears flowed down my cheeks as I remembered all from the night. It came in flashes, bringing waves of pain I couldn't handle and mental images I couldn't forget.

"You're safe honey. You're safe" my mom calmed me, she was laying beside me, stroking my hair.

"I'm not safe. Not anymore" I mumble. All my mom did was sigh and resume to calming me.

"Where's Frankie? And Ellie? And A-a-amb-I can't say her name" I ask, sudden concern taking over my tone.

"Ellie is fine, you saved her sweetie. That girl is in prison for only 10 years. Her mental illness pushed it down so many years. They think they can cure her" My mother informs me, looking down.

"Mom. Frankie?"

"Oh yes. She's healed. She was made to go to court to show evidence of attack although it was pointless because it was clearly true. She's coming soon" mom told me. I nodded my head and felt my eyes droop. I yawned and fell asleep.


My eyes opened more naturally this time around and I was still stuck in the same hospital room. But something has changed. Frankie was in here.

"You're up, sleeping beauty" Frankie smiles, walking over to my side.

"You've used that one already, gonna need to restock soon" I joke. She laughs and her nostrils flare. Like always.

"Listen, Morgan. I have a question." I nod, showing her she can ask away. "Why did you do it?" My eyes soften.

"I couldn't deal with loosing you or Ellie" I answer honestly. She hugs me and I feel a tear on my arm.

"I a also had to stop you from fighting back because we both know you'd suck in prison." I joke, attempting to lighten the mood. She laughs and sniffles.

"I missed you" is all she says.

"How long was I out for then?" I ask.

"2 months. Morgan...they were going to pull your plug tomorrow" she tells me, looking down.

"But I'm here now. No negative-ness okay?" I say firmly.

"Okay, let's watch ru Paul's drag race to pass the time" she says, laying next to me and putting on the show.

*jump to the future, where it was at the prologue*

"It still haunts me Frankie" I say, sitting on the sofa in the apartment I share with my best friend.

"It wasn't one of the best days was it?" Frankie adds, kind of staring off into space in deep thought.

"She gets out soon, it's been 9 years, we were 13. Or for you 12" I state.

"She's apparently recovered but, a girl like her never can" Frankie says, still looking off at a wall.

"Wanna film a video then. It's a q and a" I ask, changing the subject. She snaps into reality and nods.

"Sure" She agrees and goes into her room to retrieve the camera. I smile thinking about how my life had changed since I was a young girl.

A/N- it's now 2:57 am. I have got a life I swear. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. It will (hopefully) be 👽💸 next chap.


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