Chapter 15

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*Frankie's POV*

"Oh my god guys..." I muttered

"What?! What is it?!" rushed Ellie.

"This is like...I can't explain it. Just read it," I whispered.

I felt sick, my stomach was turning and I felt like I was going to cry. Something I haven't done for about a year.

Morgan reached over and took the diary. She flicked back to the first page and started reading.

The words were like a normal teenage girls, and the handwriting was immaculate.

Dear Diary,
What a rubbish beginning to a diary. You're not exactly my best friend are you? There's one girl: Morgan, who's my best friend. So I guess you'll have to try and take her spot, haha.
Mum said that I have to write in a diary for now on because she doesn't want "a repeat of last time." It won't happen again though. Sure, I went a little crazy with Saskia, but it's all fine now. Morgan is different. She's...special, almost.
Anyway, I've got to go. My grandad is coming over soon, unfortunately. Oh well.

"She seems fine so far," said Morgan.

"Yeah, she's fine now. Skip to the middle of the book," I trembled.

Dear Diary,
You are definitely my second best friend. You listen to everything I say, and you never judge me. However, as I said before, Morgan is my number one best friend.
I've finished the shrine-

"She had a shrine? What?!" exclaimed Morgan.

"Just carry on reading Morgan," said Ellie.

-and I've perfected the plan. Everything should be sorted out soon, with Frankie and Ellie. It'll be too easy to do it. Just invite them to a sleepover, ask if we should go out for a bit, then when we play hide and seek in the woods, just group them together and kill them. My darling Morgan will be with me, of course. It's a perfect plan.
Of course, Morgan will be shook up by this. I mean, her second and third best friends are dead, and surely that would upset her. But I'll just calm her down, and when the moment is right...I'll make her mine.
It's a perfect plan, if I do say so myself. Nothing can go wrong.
Anyway, I have to go. I think my rose petals have arrived; and that will be the perfect finishing touch to the Morgan Shrine.

"She...she really wants to kill us..." whispered Ellie.

"I guess so," I answered.

"Hey, there's the last diary entrance written today," said Morgan. "I'm gonna read it."

Dear Diary,
My mom keeps forcing me to take medication. She said that the "problem has come back." Love is not a problem. Killing people to get what you want is not a problem. At least, that's what you tell me.
That's right, I've heard you talking in my head. I never knew what the voices were, but now I know it's you.
   I'm going to ask Morgan, Ellie and Frankie to come to my house tomorrow. Of course, Frankie will have to persuade her mom to let her come round. After all, her mom's a weirdo. She's obsessed with her kids. Who's mom is like that? Apart from Frankie's of course.
   Frankie. The very word makes me angry. Just hearing her name. I swear, there's something wrong with her: she always says that she's a 'pancake' or that everyone thinks she's a 'rainbow.' Like, no bitch, people think you're gay with Morgan.
   My darling Morgan isn't gay for her. Gay is wrong. Well, at least that's what my mom says. But for every rule, there's an exception. And mine and Morgan's love is a good enough exception.
   Anyway, I have to go and set everything up for tomorrow night. It's going to be perfect.

"I've got a text," said Morgan, breaking the silence.

"Who from?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

"It's from Amber," answered Morgan. "Asking if I want to sleep at her house tomorrow."

"Say no," said Ellie.

"But...I feel bad saying no...oh, she's asked if you two can come as well..."

"Say no!" Ellie repeated, raising her voice.

"But I don't want to let her hopes down..."

"Well, it's not your life at risk, is it?!" she said.

Morgan looked down sheepishly.

"You're right...I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight..." she said softly.

"Because you're not," I snickered.

"Really Frankie? I would have preferred to come out to Ellie in my own way. Maybe some cupcakes with the pansexual flag on it, maybe phone the Westboro Baptist Church and listen to them tell me to go to hell, but hey, you can't help having timing that's so bad that it's good," said Morgan.

"Um, I thought Frankie was joking, but thanks for the heads up," laughed Ellie.

We all started laughing, forgetting what we had just read for a couple of moments, just trying to relive our peaceful moments we had.

Those peaceful moments were some of our last.

Can I just say, there's so much beef with famous people rn. Kim and Kanye against Taylor Swift (which I'm #teamKimye) and Melania Trump stealing part of Michelle Obama's speech. If you haven't heard of any of this stuff going down, please crawl out of the Wattpad hole for a couple of seconds and go to another side of the internet that involves all of the beef. Pls and ty.
Hope you enjoyed! Byeeeeeee!
(Pretty sure 🌸👑 won't know about any of this until she reads it later)

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