Chapter 19

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*Frankie's POV*

It was 3am, and my fingers rapidly typed the keys on my keyboard, the artifical computer light illuminating my face. I was wide awake: partly because I'd drank 3 coffees today but mostly because I needed to find something out. Something that may change the whole story from 9 years ago.

As my eyes darted the computer screen, searching for answers, I heard a knock on my door.

"You don't need to knock, just come in," I drawled.

Morgan fell into the room with a crash, and stumbled over to me.

"Why are you on your computer? All I can hear is clickclickclickclickclick," she asked.

Here's the thing with Morgan. She'll be extremely tired for about half an hour, and then she'll just be hyper for about 2 hours. It's a neverending cycle. Right now, she was hyper, whick explains the jumping, the falling over and the 'clickclickclickclickclick' thing.

"I'm looking for something," I replied.

"Like what? Is it an adventure? An exciting one?! Ooh, who with? Where are we going? Is it a holiday? Oh Frankie, you really shouldn't have, but oh well: shall I start packing? Will we need snacks? Yes, snacks are always a good idea. I must get snacks," she rambled at full speed.

"Um, that's kinda the opposite of what we're doing, for now, but we might be going on a adventure," I smiled.

"I'm so excited! This is gonna be so fun; I can't wait! Yay!" she chattered happily.

Just what I need. Distraction. Don't get me wrong, her overwhelming and seemingly endless positivity is awesome, but it's not really that needed when I'm trying to find something serious that may change our whole lives. But hey, it's cool, it's cool.

"It might not be that fun for you actually..." I started, but Morgan carried on talking.

"Its gonna be so fun! Is it in a different country? Or a different planet? I've always wanted to go to the Moon! Actually, no I haven't because I don't like cheese, but maybe Mars?! I can't believe we're going to Mars!" She squealed. I was kinda wondering whether she was hyper or whether she was drunk, because she isn't usually like this when she gets hyper.

I attempted to block out her voice as I scanned all the words on the screen, my eyes trying to gather all the information. It was hard to find this stuff: especially when I remembered what was in the diaries.

I shuddered. I hadn't thought of those in years. I don't even know where they are: Morgan, Ellie and I had buried them somewhere in the woods to try and repress all the memories.

But one thing I can't forget is our last encounter.

"You know, you don't need a bed to have sex. In fact, you dont even need consent when it's with someone you love."

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, to try and stop the tears that were threatening to spill out. I opened my eyes and continued writing, searching for what could be the biggest piece of information I've ever read.

Then, I found it.

"-and we're gonna spread our wings and fly back to Narnia and then-" I heard Morgan say.

"Morgan, I know you're drunk, but you have to go to bed. I'll tell you what I was doing tomorrow," I said calmly.

"But I don't wanna goooo," she whined, sticking her bottom lip out.

After 10minutes of attempting to persuade her to move, she finally trudged to her room, and passed out on her bed.

I sighed. Tomorrow would be a big day for both of us, but especially her. I just don't want to hurt her.

"Good morning!" exclaimed Morgan as she whirled into the kitchen.

I lifted my head up and glared at her. Not only was she a morning person, but she was seemingly immune to hangovers. Lil shit.

"I made you pancakes!"

Sitting up hurriedly, I grabbed the pancakes off her and wolfed them down hungrily. Times like this, I feel really glad that we live together.

She whirled around my bedroom, singing Disney songs as loud as possible, and I smiled at her.

I raised my eyebrow at her.
"Having fun?" I laughed.

"Just warming up for the adventure later," she replied.

I took a deep breath. Oh god, I didn't want to hurt her.

"We're going to see Saskia," I rushed out.

She stopped singing and dancing, and stood there. I saw a fleeting look of fear mixed with hurt, but it was quickly replaced with a smile that didnt quite meet her eyes.

"Oh...Saskia..." she whispered.

All of a sudden, she dropped to the floor, and I quickly caught her.

A tear trickled down her face, and I looked at her with shock and concern.

"Listen, we don't have to go, it's fine," I said softly.

She exhaled, and looked at me.

"No...we'll go."

A/N: Yes, this chapter is shit. Yes, I can't write to save my life. Yes, I dont know where I'm going with this. Yes, I'm rambling. But oh well. Thanks for reading another one of my shitty chapters I guess

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