Meeting Him-Optimus Prime

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Finally Friday! God you loved weekends, no school, no homework (or at least not much) and no drama. Waving to your friends, you walk out the front doors of the school and put in your earbuds, picking out your favorite song. You quietly sang along as you walked, content to watch the few clouds drift across the blue sky. Soon enough, you reached the center of town where your house was.

"I'm home!" You call as you walk in.

You don't expect an answer from your parents, your dad was probably in his study and your mom most likely still at work. However, you were happy to see a young 5 year old boy run toward you from the other room.

"Y/N!" He squeals with excitement.

"Hey B/N! What's up?" You say ruffling his hair.

"Nothing. Wanna watch a movie with me?" He asks making a puppy dog face.

"Sorry bud, I can't," At the sight of his disappointed face you poke him in the chest making him giggle, "Maybe next time though!"

"Okay! Bye bye!" He says running off into the other room.

Walking upstairs, you dump your stuff on the floor and flop on the bed groaning. "Stupid overdue library book, why?"

You had taken out a book a while ago...a long while ago...and now had to return it or pay a fee. Forcing yourself off the soft covers you look around your F/C room, spotting it sitting underneath a bunch of papers on your dresser. Grabbing the book, you decide on walking instead of driving. The library isn't too far off, and you can always use the exercise, right?

You've made it to the library, and after being on the receiving end of the librarian's disapproving look, returned the book. You were going to go straight home, but instead decided to go to take a walk around town. Coming to a fork in the road, you were stumped. Which to choose? You had taken the one to the right before, it simply lead out and back in a loop. The other however... You decided to take the left, which seemed to lead out of town. You shrugged your shoulders. You were in an adventurous mood afterall. Taking out your earbuds and ipod again, you put on a playlist and decided on jogging. After putting your hair in a ponytail, retying your SF/C sneakers and making sure your ipod was secure in the back pocket of your shorts, you started off. It was a fairly hot day, so you had worn your F/C graphic tee.

So maybe you had gotten a little lost, no biggie! There's only one road! Turns out it lead to the middle of nowhere, in the desert, and it was HOT. On the plus side, all around were huge masses of stone jutting from the dusty ground below. Stopping for a minute to look at your surroundings before heading back the way you came. Walking over to one of the giant rocks, you fell against it and slumped in the cool shade. Taking out your earbuds, you closed your eyes and relaxed in the blissful quiet. Suddenly, the sound of metal screeching against stone had you jerking up from your restful position. More sounds of metal on metal and gunfire, or possibly cannon fire, was heard from behind where you were sitting. Pushing yourself off the ground, you carefully looked from behind the safety of the hard desert stone at a sight that would forever change your life. In a clearing ahead, two massive...robots...were waging an incredible fight. One was gun metal grey, with red eyes and a giant purple cannon on his right arm. The second was blue and red, with blue eyes and a gleaming battle mask covering the lower half of his face. It seemed that they were evenly matched and the battle would continue, but then a green blue swirling portal appeared behind the gray robot and, guessing it was a he, ran through it and disappeared.

The red and blue robot looked after the spot he disappeared before his guns transformed into hands, and his battle mask went down. Turning, it seemed he was making his way towards the road.

"Oh no." You said, quickly trying to retreat into the shadows of the stone.

You felt the ground shake with every step the giant took, and holding your breath, you watched as he walked right up to the stone you were standing below. Putting one of his hands on top, he scanned the road from behind it. As he did so, small rocks were falling off and painfully hitting you. Keeping your cries of pain quiet, the robot did not notice you right underneath him. He walked from behind the rock and when he was a few steps ahead, you released a breath of relief. Bad choice. Stopping in his tracks, the robot stood up straight and turned around...and stared right at you.

"Oh no." You whispered as he started to walk forwards.

Kneeling down in front of you, the robot looked at you before doing anything. You barely breathed as he observed you, your eyes wide with intimidation. But, something told you this robot wasn't going to hurt you. Sure, he was just in a raging war with that other one, but his blue eyes seemed kind.

"Hello." A deep voice said.

It startled you and made you jump a little. The robot talked, and it was most definitely a guy.

"Hi." You said a bit hesitantly.

"My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." He said gently.

"Y/N. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Miss Y/N, I am afraid I will have to take you with me, for safety reasons."

"What?! Why?" I said shocked.

"Did you not just see my battle?"

You nod.

"The mech I was fighting is called Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. By knowing of my, and his, existence, you have now become a target. In order to make sure no harm comes to you, I will have to take you to my base. I will explain further on the way there."

"Okay." I say. "How exactly will we be getting there?"

"Transportation will not be an issue." After finishing his sentence, he stands up, only to transform into a semi truck.

"Woah! You transform into a truck!" I say incredulously.

"That I do." His voice emanates from the truck.

Pulling up in front of me, the passenger door opens on its own.

"Let us be on our way." He says.

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