Joining the Team-Starscream

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Walking through the portal in the hand of a giant robot alien. That is something you definitely did not think would ever happen to you. As you exited the portal you felt a tad nauseated, but kept it down and looked at your surroundings. You were on top of a giant metal ship. Another surprise. Guess I should get use to being surprised...I've just been captured by an alien after all.

"Uh, Starscream-" He glared down at you, and you gulped, "I mean, Commander Starscream, where are we exactly?"

"You are aboard the Nemesis, the Decepticon ship and current stronghold. And unless you want your fleshy tongue cut out, I would suggest you keep your mouth shut. You are about to meet our leader, Lord Megatron, and unless he talks to you specifically, keep quiet." He says with a small glare at the end.

With wide eyes you seal your lips and decide to just observe your surroundings for now. He carries you through a set of doors and into a dim grey hallway. You try to remember which way he goes, but after a series of twists and turns you give up. As you turn another corner, you notice two Cybertronians who look more or less the same. Purple with a red visor for eyes, their heads turn towards you and instantly their hands turn to weapons.

"Commander Starscream! Do you need assistance? Shall we talk her to the torture room?" One says.

Your eyes widen and you let out a startled squeak, squirming as you try to bury yourself in the seeker's hand. He looks down at your shaking form before looking back at the drones.

"Nonsense, I am fine. And she is not to be taken to the torture room. Do you understand?" He says authoritatively.

Their glowing cannons turn back to hands. "Yes Commander."

He nods and walks past them, continuing down the corridor. You sneak a peek behind you and let out a breath as their figures disappear. You feel your body relax, and Starscream looks down at you. A sly smirk finds its way on his face.

"Worried there were you?"

You glare up at him but smile. "It's not my fault. I'm still new to this whole 'abducted by alien Cybertronians thing'". You say putting in air quotes.

He chuckles. "I suppose."

You turn down another hallway and nearly smash into a bright red mech.

"Whaaah! Starscream watch the fin-" he starts to say before he notices you. One of his eyebrows go up. "Who is this?" He says.

Starscream rolls his eyes. "Knockout, this is Y/N, Y/N, this is Knockout, the Decepticon medic."

You look up at him and hesitantly smile. "Hey."

This time both his eyebrows go up. "Hello." He sees your confined position in Starscream's hand and this time turns to the commander. "Starscream, is it really necessary to confine her so? It's not like she can go anywhere."

He looks down at you. "I suppose you are right." He grumbles.

He flattens his hand and you end up sitting down. You quickly stand up and flash a smile at Knockout, who smirks at you before waving and walking off. Starscream watches him walk off dully before grumbling something under his breath and continuing on.

"Are there any other people, or I guess Cybertronians, I need to know?"

"Well, you already know myself and Knockout, you've seen the Vehicons, but the other important mechs would be Soundwave, the third in command and communications officer, and of course, Megatron, who you'll be meeting right about now." He says, stopping before a door.

You gulp and try to keep your arms still at your sides. You feel your eyes widen, as the door slides away, revealing a massive room with computers of sorts on either wall and an enormous window/screen at the end. But what really starts your trembling is the enormous gun metal grey Decepticon leader standing with his back turned to you. He is enormous, easily twice, maybe three times the size of all the others you've seen today.

"My liege, I-" Starscream starts before getting cut off.

"What is it now Starscream?" The leader says, his voice deep and menacing.

As he turns you have to ball your hands into fists to stop them from shaking. You hadn't noticed the giant purple cannon on his right arm. Don't ask how you hadn't, maybe you were just too overwhelmed with fear. But you definitely noticed it now. You also noticed his blood red eyes, right as they locked onto you. And the last thing you noticed was that he had very, very sharp teeth and an evil grin.

"A pet of the Autobots? Or something else, perhaps?" He asked, leaning down so his face was level with your body.

Your eyes widen and he grins, finding joy in your fear.

"A recruit, my liege. She found me in the woods when I was shot down by that wretched scout of theirs Bumblebee. I figured, perhaps, it is time we evened the odds on the human scale."

Megatron stands to his full height once more, looking down at the Seeker. His eyes narrow. "For once, you may be right, Starscream. But, you must be the one to take care of her. Do not, and I repeat do not, let her roam around the ship free will unless I say so. Understand?"

Starscream gulps. "Yes my liege."

"Good. Now," Megatron turns his huge body towards you once more, "what is your name, human?"

"Y/N, sir." You respond.

Seemingly happy with the respectful title, he looks down at you and smiles. Although it's not happy or kind, at least it's not completely threatening this time.

"Well then, Y/N, welcome to the Decepticons."

You can't help but let a small smile creep onto your face at that, and when Megatron turns back around to whatever he was doing before, you look up at Starscream to find him looking down at you. Your smile grows larger, and although Starscream looks a little startled by it, he smirks down as well. 

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