Meeting Him-Starscream

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You walked down the hallways of your school, holding your materials loosely by your side. The teachers here were so stupid! So maybe that english assignment was a few days late, so what! It's not like you were ever going to grow up to be an author or whatever.

"Stupid teachers, stupid school, stupid life." You mumble, glaring ahead.

"Hey Y/N, you alright?" Your friend Scarlett said as she walked up to meet you.

Scarlett had, well, scarlett hair, and blazing amber eyes. Her pursed lips were always stained red, and she almost always was wearing some form of leather. She was absolutely gorgeous, and totally bad girl awesome.

"Ugh, life sucks girl, English is freakin' annoying."

"You're telling me. I hate it just as much as you." She says as she falls in step with you.

A small smile found its way onto your face. The whole world could be conspiring against you, and Scarlett would still have your side. The two of you were inseparable, and she was just as loyal to you as you were to her.

"At least the day is over. Hey, you wanna stop by my house afterwards? You can call your mom if you need to, my parents are still out on their business trip."

"Sure! I'll do that right now." She said just as the bell rang.

"Well it's about time!" You say exasperatedly, throwing your hands up in the air.

"Sorry! You know how my mom is." Scarlett said with a slight blush.

You laughed. "It's okay, I was just kidding, come on, lets go get some sodas."

The two of you walk over to the nearest gas station and walk into the store, finding some soda and two ice cream cones for the walk back to your house. You hand the person at the register a ten and grab your change, heading back out to the sunny Nevada day.

"...and then, she screamed! She literally screamed in the middle of class! Funniest thing EVER." Scarlett laughed.

"Man! I wish I had been there to see that. Earlier today...woah." You stopped midsentence and gaped up at the sky. "Scarlett, check it out! That's an F-16!"

"Why is it flying around here?" Your friend asks, bringing her hand up to shield from the sun.

"I have no idea, but it's flying really low." You say, then gasp as it flies no more than twenty feet above your heads.

"Oh my god! Watch where you're flying, jerk!" Scarlett shouted after it.

You chuckled. "Come on, lets go back home."

"Thanks for coming Scarlett, see you Monday!" You call, waving.

"See ya Y/N!" She calls after you, waving from the front seat of the car.

You smile and walk back inside, locking the door as you do. You had already eaten dinner, so you crawled up the stairs to your room and flopped down on your bed. A 'ding' sounded from your pocket, so you pulled your phone out and checked the notifications.

What's up?-Scarlett

You smile.

Literally nothing. You just saw me!-Y/N

But I'm bored and lonelyyyyyy-Scarlett

Can't help you there Scar-Y/N

:P Fiiiiine. Hey, I gtg, ttyl-Scarlett

K bye-Y/N

You sigh and stare up at your F/C ceiling. A low rumble has you sitting up. Walking over to the huge window in your room, you spot a plane flying outside.

"Is that the same F-16 from earlier?" You wonder aloud, watching as it circles around the town.

You had always been interested in planes, and had even considered becoming a pilot for the Air Force one day. But that probably wasn't going to happen. Suddenly, a blue laser looking thing shot from the ground, straight at the plane! It hit directly on the wing and the F-16 spiraled down into the forest a couple blocks from your house.

"Oh my god." You say with wide eyes, jumping up and running out of your house, phone in hand.

What if the pilot was injured? Who on earth shot that blue laser thing? What was that blue laser thing? You had never even heard of such a weapon. Your ragged breath tore from lungs and your feet pounded the cement, but you pushed on. Tree branches ripped at your body and you put your arms in front of your face, blocking the wooden whips from bloodying it. Suddenly forest turned to field and you stumbled as the footing changed. Falling right behind a rock, you gasped. Any closer and you would have been knocked out cold. Standing up, what you see before leaves you completely and utterly speechless. A giant humanoid robot is standing in the middle of a clearing, grey arm clutching the other as a bright blue liquid seeps between its fingers. Is that like...blood? You shake your head. Okay, put the facts together Y/N. You saw a jet flying over town. It got shot and fell into this exact place. Now that you're here, there is a giant robot...with wings on its back that look an awful lot like those of an F-16.

"The robot is the F-16." You whisper aloud.

You ducked as the robot whipped its head around towards you, eyes locked on the exact place where the top of your head had been a second ago. I barely even breathed that! That thing has some impressive hearing! You waited for a moment before deciding it was safe to look up again. You lifted your head and were met with two glowing red eyes. Your own E/C eyes widened and you fell back onto your butt. The robot grinned maliciously.

"So a human had seen me crash. What a shame that I would make such a weak first impression." It said mockingly.

Your mouth set in a thin line, you stood up and dusted yourself off. When you looked back up the robot was still grinning, watching your every move.

"Who are you?" It asked.

"Why should I tell you?" You glared, not liking its commanding attitude.

It chuckled. "I could always squish your tiny human body if you'd prefer."

You gulped. "Y/N. And you are...?"

The robot stood up proudly. "Commander Starscream, second in command of the mighty Decepticons."

"What are Decepticons?" You couldn't help but be curious.

Starscream scoffed annoyingly. "I am a Cybertronian, from the planet Cybertron. There are mostly two kinds of us, Decepticon and Autobot. The Autobots are the enemies of the Decepticons, trying to save the world and keep our home planet for themselves." With a deadly grin the commander continued. "We want it all to ourselves, and we don't like to share. Megatron, our leader will have ultimate control over Cybertron, and I his most trusted advisor."

Your felt your mouth hang open in shock. These guys did not sound all that friendly. "So was that an Autobot that shot that glowy blue laser thing at you."

Starscream frowned. "Yes, that annoying scout of theirs, Bumblebee. And now I have to return to the ship empty handed. Megatron will have my head! Unless..." His eyes slowly turned back towards yours.

You felt yourself pale. You tried to turn and run, but the giant simply plucked you from the ground like you would a pebble. "Let me go! Starscream!"

"That's commander Starscream to you, and no, I will not. Tell me, do you have any reasonable skills that could be helpful in combat?"

You stopped struggling long enough to ponder the thought. "I'm not sure. I'm interested in the military, specifically the Air Force. I kinda want to be a pilot once I graduate. I'm a pretty good strategist and am undyingly loyal. Are those reasonable enough?"

"We'll see what Megatron thinks of you once we board the Nemesis. I for one think your skills will suffice." He says, walking through a blue and green swirling portal that had suddenly appeared beside us. His confident red eyes meet yours. "Welcome to the Decepticons." He smirks.

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