So It Wasn't a Dream.../Meeting Agent Fowler-Bulkhead

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If there's one thing you hate, it would be noisy neighbors. You groan and pull your pillow over your head as the high pitched shrieking of the next door six-year-old fiend destroys your peaceful sleep.

"Oh my god, shut up." You mutter, trying to pull the pillow tighter around your head. As if out of spite, the noise gets even louder, joined by the screaming of the five-year-old sister.

"That's it! I'm done!" You shout frustratedly, launching yourself up out of bed, throwing the blankets off and stomping over to the windows, yanking the shades down as if they'd do something to block out the incessant squealing.

When make your way to the bathroom you growl at your hair that more closely resembles a bird's nest than anything else. You quickly brush it out, and since you're already up, decide to get dressed, pulling on some shorts and one of your favorite graphic tees. It's only seven in the morning and already warm, but you shrug on your favorite army green jacket anyway. You don't know why, but right now it just feels right.

Going over to your kitchen to grab some breakfast, the incessant noise seems even louder than before, if possible. You groan and glare towards the direction of the house. If you had laservision or anything of the sort, that building would be nothing more than a smoldering pile of beams right now.

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, you looked at your phone to see a picture of your friend hanging out with her ex. Again. You told her over and over that he was bad news and she could do so much better, but no matter what you said, she still went running back to him whenever he flashed her a smile. You knew that in a few days time she would be at your doorstep sobbing, and you'd pull out two tubs of ice cream to eat during a night full of movies.

You sighed, closed your eyes and massaged your temples. "I really can't take this anymore."

Adding to the annoyance, you hear the loud honk of a car. You close your eyes tighter, ignoring it. It honks again. Morons, don't they know not all people like early mornings? To your complete and utter fury, it honks again.

"Are you kidding me!" You shout, stomping over to your windows and ripping the shutters down to see who on Earth was being such a jerk.

You let out a small squeak of embarrassment as you realize that the person isn't actually from Earth, and are waiting for you by the curb.

You rush back to the kitchen and practically throw your bowl in the sink, slipping on your shoes and hopping over to the door as you struggle to pull them on. You put your phone in your pocket and rush out the door, locking it and smoothing your hair back down as you jog over to the Autobot.

"Hi Bulkhead! Sorry, I didn't realize it was you." You smile sheepishly.

Right then another scream echoes through the air and you flinch, glaring at the house.

Bulkhead chuckles. "Rough morning."

You groan. "You have no idea."

The door opens on its own and you yelp in surprise. Bulkhead bursts out laughing. You glare at him playfully before getting in.

When he finally calmed himself the rearview turned towards you and he said, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine." You laugh, "Just wasn't expecting it."

You look around the cabin. "Where's Miko?"

"School day." He says, "Won't be here til later."

"Ohhh, right." You mutter. "It's gonna be quiet without her."

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