So It Wasn't A Dream.../Meeting Agent Fowler-Smokescreen

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You opened your eyes to golden sunlight peeking through your windows, and a smile instantly set itself upon your face. You hummed and stretched yourself out, enjoying the tightening of your muscles and following relaxation.

"Good morning, world!" You said to the open air, smiling again when you saw just how gorgeous of a day it was outside.

Being as high energy as you were, waking up in the morning wasn't much of an issue for you, but for some reason, you were just lit up like a Christmas tree today. You couldn't remember your dream so that wasn't the reason why. Thinking back further you let out an excited gasp. Smokescreen! The thought of the giant bot made your smile even bigger.

Swinging yourself out of bed, you threw on some shorts and a graphic tee, throwing on some super-not-suspicious silver aviators on your head. Something was telling you you'd probably want them later.

Walking to your kitchen, you quickly make a piece of toast and eat it as fast as you can. If Smokescreen is anything like you-which you're pretty sure he is-he would also be quick to rise, and you can't imagine it would take him that long to arrive, especially considering his racecar alt form. Not completely satisfied with one meager piece of bread, you reach for an apple just as you hear a car horn outside.

"Coming!" You call, rushing out the door and locking it as you do. With a bright smile on your face, you sprint down the walkway, launching yourself into the car with the door ready and open for you.

"Good morning Y/N!" He cries cheerfully.

"Good morning Smokescreen!" You reply, "What's on the agenda today?"

"No clue." He says with a chuckle. "That's how it usually is. If something needs to be done, we do it, if not, well...I guess we just kind of hang out. We'll see how it goes today."

"Sounds fine with me." You say, sinking into the seat and taking a bite of your apple. You gasp as you realize. "You don't mind me eating, do you? I know some people have a thing about that and I don't know if you do and I can just..."

"Y/N it's fine!" He laughs, the sound reverberating through the frame and into your bones. "You can eat...whatever exactly it is that you're eating."

You cock an eyebrow at that. "You've never heard of an apple before?" You giggle.

"Hey! I have no idea what sort of weird things you humans eat. It all looks weird and gross to me." He whined.

"Wait-what do cybertronians eat?" You ask curiously.

"Energon. In all of its delicious and normal forms." He brags.

"Well excuse me." You sass right back, "I quite like having a diverse set of flavors and foods."

"Probably doesn't matter either way, because I don't think I could eat apples, and I really doubt you could eat energon."

The two of you laugh as he pulls into the base, and are still laughing as he transforms with you in his hand. You probably would have kept laughing, if it wasn't for the fact that a certain stern, rather loud voice.

"WHO IN THE BLAZES NAME IS THAT!" Shouted a man in a suit standing at the railing.

"Oh scrap." Smokescreen mutters, flinching away from the man and looking pleadingly at Optimus at the same time.

You cringe as the fierce brown gaze settles on you. " name i-is Y/N, sir." You stutter out, anxiously wringing your hands in front of you.

"Y/N, huh? Smokescreen can you explain to me why you let Miss Y/N here in on our not-so-little-anymore secret?!"

The young mech flinched again, moving uncomfortably under the man's hard stare. "I was on a patrol, a-and I saw her being followed by a bunch of guys and..." His voice continues to get quieter and quieter the longer he looks at him, and soon Optimus steps forward, much to the two's relief.

"Agent Fowler, Smokescreen was running a patrol under my orders and during his brief period downtown noticed Y/N's distress after she was being harassed by three men. He saved her from whatever malicious intent they had in mind, but in doing so revealed himself to them. All things considered, sir, I believe he took the right course of action." Optimus explained.

The recently named Agent Fowler turned to the two again. "Well than, I owe the two of you an apology. Miss Y/N, I am sorry about what you went through, and if there is any way I can help you just let me know. Smokescreen, as for you, despite the danger it puts us in, you did the right thing. Good job." He turned back to the Prime. "Now, as we were discussing, are you sure the energon levels are steady enough? I know you just found that abandoned mine, but those things are so stripped, I'm getting worried you Bots are gonna run out of resources. You sure you'll be alright?"

"I am sure, Agent Fowler, but I appreciate the concern. I will alert right away if the situation worsens." He replied steadily.

"If you say so." He looked back towards you. "Y/N, it was nice meeting you." He gave a little wave as he walked to the elevator at the back. "You all have a nice day, and don't go get blown up by any Cons just yet."

The Prime sighed and turned to you as the doors shut. "He means well, Y/N, but can just be somewhat intense at times."

You shook off the feeling of being thrown in a jail cell and looked up at the leader with a shaky smile. "It's fine Optimus, thanks for covering for us two blubbering idiots."

The corner of his mouth lifted in the ghost of a smile and he nodded, turning to Ratchet for whatever purpose.

You let out a long, shaky breath. "That was terrifying." You said, looking up at Smokescreen with wide eyes. "I thought I was going to be arrested."

The mech laughed but it sounded strained, "Yeah, I was even nervous myself. Wanna go for a drive? I could use a nice, fast drive right now."

"Yeah, sure." You say, still dazed.

He transforms around you and the seatbelt instantly wraps around you, tight and snug. You grab it for support and the two of you are off, escaping from the too-small room and out into the open desert. You start to relax under the big blue sky that seems to stretch on forever and slowly uncurl yourself from the ball you had tucked in to. Sensing you start to ease up, Smokescreen rolls down the windows, and the wind whipping against your face and through your hair whisks away all the worries that had been lingering around. A smile lights up on your face and you lean closer to the open window, struggling to breath as the speed makes it difficult, but loving the way it caressed your skin like the softest of silk. A bubble of laughter spills from you without you even realizing it, and Smokescreen's own half-nervous, half-relieved chuckle is released into the wind as well. Within a minutes time the two of you are cheering at the speed and the excitement, loving the way it feels, loving the easy company you find in each other. As he finally slows as you return, you can't keep the beaming smile from your lips, pat the dashboard in appreciation.

"Thanks Smokescreen, this was a lot of fun. As terrible as it was, I'm glad those guys started to follow me. Wouldn't have met you if they didn't." You giggle, but mean every word of it.

A low hum (or is it a purr?) erupts from the engine. With a voice heavy with emotion, Smokescreen says, "It was my pleasure. And as terrible as it was, I'm glad they did too. Wouldn't have been able to save you if they didn't". He laughed.

You laughed as well, and hugged the driver's seat as best you could, not knowing what else to do. "My hero." You smiled. You would never say it out loud, but you meant it more than the joking tone implied. You felt safe with the mech, like nothing would be able to hurt you.

Smokescreen would never say it out loud, but it meant more to him than anything else you could have said. Maybe more than when Optimus complimented him. He loved that you felt safe with him, and wanted nothing more than to protect you for the rest of his days.

Well, maybe a little more. 

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