So It Wasn't a Dream...(/Meeting Agent Fowler)-Optimus Prime

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You woke up to the sounds of birds. Trilling sparrows and chirping chickadees mixed with the coos of the mourning dove and gentle lulling song of the wood thrush. Stretching, you pull the curtains back from your windows, the sun greeting you good morning as you gaze at the pale blue sky. A new day! Full of new adventures and all sorts of-wait a second. Your eyes widen as everything that happened yesterday comes rushing back to you, images of rock bases and giant Cybertronians, a deep voice and kind blue optics.

"Optimus." You whisper in the morning silence.

Goodness, it had felt like a dream-it was so unbelievable, how could it be real? But more memories from last night pass through your mind and you can't stop the smile that spreads across your face when you think of the Prime.

You rush around to get ready, tugging on some shorts and a shirt you slyly made sure had at least a little bit of blue or red on it.

Smiling you grab yourself a small breakfast, just tugging on your shoes when you hear a honk from outside. You gasp and rush to the window. Sure enough a royal blue and crimson truck sits patiently on the side of the road by your house. You grab your phone and rush out the door, stopping in front of him with a wide smile.

"Good morning Optimus!" You say cheerfully.

He chuckles, "Good morning Y/N. Are you ready?"

"Yep!" You say as the passenger door opens and you hop in.

You shut the door and click yourself into the seat, almost bursting with excitement.

"What has put you in such delight this morning?" He asks as you pull away.

"I honestly thought that yesterday was a dream-how could anything that amazing happen to me? But then you showed up's just all so exciting." You breathed.

He chuckled, "Well I'm glad you find us exciting rather than terrifying."

You look at the rear view quizzically, "Why would I find you terrifying? You're so kind and gentle and calm, even if you are thirty or so feet tall and made of metal...okay I'm starting to see how someone might get scared." You laughed quietly.

"Jack was the first to know of our existence here in Jasper, and met Arcee by accident. However, his first reaction was terror. Raf met Bumblebee in an easier manner and thus wasn't as frightened, and, as you could probably assume, Miko was thrilled." He chuckled softly, "As much as Bulkhead adores Miko, I'm not sure how I myself would endure her inexhaustible energy."

You smile, "Even with only a day's experience, I've come to learn that one can be a little harder to handle." You turn towards the mirror. "Now I realize that with you as my guardian you're required to take care of me and protect me, but while we're at base, what exactly am

I supposed to do?"

The cabin was silent for a moment. "I am unsure. Although when we get there, tasks will be found, trust me, there's always more to be done." His tone had turned sad at the end, an old wound scraped over.

"Optimus? Are you okay?" You ask softly.

It was silent again before a sigh filled with years of wistful sorrow drifted through the air. "No matter what I do, how hard I try, how many times I fight, it feels as though this war will never end. All I wanted was peace but it feels like I'm the harbinger of hate. There's so much that needs to be done and so little I feel I can do."

You felt your heart break as tears filled your eyes at his words. "Optimus..." Your voice cracks. "I've known you for less than 24 hours and I already know that what you think of yourself is not true. You are the most peaceful person I have ever met, even when dealing within a conflict. Your team respects and admires you, and combined you all do so much in dealing with this war. You don't have to take it all on yourself." In a quieter tone you add, "If you ever need someone, to help shoulder your burden, to help lift your spirits, to vent your frustration or merely a friend, I'll always be here for you."

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