Getting a Guardian...and Something More-Wheeljack

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Now that were officially unofficially (but still officially) part of Team Prime like Wheeljack, you were kinda curious as to how this would all play out. Being as you were, Ratchet was gonna be the best to tease, but you wouldn't get along too well besides that. Same with Arcee, except not the teasing part. You were too scared she would get up and shoot you just to do the team a favor. Miko was cool, and so was Bulkhead, you could see a lot of fun and trouble brewing between the four of you. As for Bumblebee, he could be fun, but he kinda stuck to the rules too much. He was a respectable mech who you would be friendly with, but not so much so as Wheeljack. Optimus was a whole other story all together. He was insanely big, and you guessed fast and strong too because, well, he's a prime. He was the father figure but you could tell Wheeljack didn't really know how exactly to act around him. You remembered the story he told you though, and imagined you would probably react the same way given the situation. Still, you had respect for the somewhat gentle giant, and would try to not cause too much trouble. It would still probably happen anyway. Jack and Raf were alright, but you can't imagine spending too much time with them.

Bulkhead, Miko, Wheeljack and you had all been hanging out talking for a while. You had heard of all sorts of adventures the two mechs had been on back on Cybertron and laughed at Miko's reenactment. When you had told the story of how Wheeljack had nearly killed you, the two wouldn't stop laughing as you giggled at Wheeljack who sheepishly rubbed the back. When he noticed your giggling form he looked down at you with a smirk-like half smile. A slight blush tinged your S/C cheeks, but you quickly turned your head before he saw. No doubt he would tease you endlessly for it. Especially when you heard all about his stories of how he was such the ladies man back at Cybertron. You rolled your eyes and glanced back up, noticing Jack and Raf, heading out with Arcee and Bumblebee.

"Hey Bulk, it's about time Miko got home." Arcee called over, as Jack slid on his helmet.

"Aww! Darnit! Can't I stay just a little longer?" She says, pouting.

"Sorry Miko, but I gotta get you home." He says, transforming and opening the passenger door.

"And if I don't get in and stay with Y/N and Wheeljack?" She says.

"Don't make me transform with you!" He threatens.

Her face pales and she runs towards Bulkhead and jumps in. Before they leave, Bulkhead asks one very important question:

"Who is Y/N's guardian gonna be?"

I look up at Wheeljack and he looks down at me before shouting, "Optimus!"

The heavy footsteps are followed by his deep voice, "Yes Wheeljack?"

"Who is Y/N's guardian gonna be?" He asks.

Ratchet turns from his station at the computer, "You brought her here, why don't you be her guardian?"

Wheeljack laughs and slaps his knee, but when he turns to see Optimus's serious face his face goes slack. "You're serious."

"Great, I get the guardian that almost killed me." You say sarcastically under my breath.

Optimus glances down at you with a knowing look in his eyes as he walks away.

Wheeljack turns back to you, his face still in shock. You smirk and he shakes his head, clearing it and gives you a smirk, scooping you up in his hands as you let out a surprised yelp.

He laughs. "Well, I've never been a guardian before-"

"That much I figured." You say with a smirk as he glares down at you, continuing on.

"-so this will be a little interesting."

You smile as he sets you on the ground next to him and transforms into a sleek sports car.

"Coool..." You say, glancing admiringly along the sleek shape.

"Like what you see?" He says flirtatiously.

A light blush dusts your cheeks, "No! Jerk." You mutter.

He laughs and you can't help but smile as you climb into the passenger's side. I let out an excited squeal as he screeches out the door, leaving a shouting Ratchet behind.

As he rushes down the road I laugh as I hear his cocky voice inside the cabin, "I was wondering if that would happen."

The dark road is in the middle of nowhere, but the surrounding area is beautiful. Massive amounts of orange stone jut from the ground and you can just imagine standing on top one of the taller ones, arms stretched towards the sky and stars above almost as if you could fly-

"Whatcha thinking about?" Wheeljack asks.

You smile gently. "Nothing."

"Your expression said otherwise." He says.

Your smile broadens. "I was thinking about how beautiful this place is."

"The desert?" He asks surprised. "It's just, rock and sand."

You turn back to the cabin. "Maybe, but isn't that beautiful in its own way? It almost glows in the sun and then at night it gets so dark and you can see the stars so well. Haven't you ever looked up?"

"Well for someone who's been travelling in space among billions and billions of stars, no, I never really took notice of it."

"Well, I guess that makes sense. Still, you've got to learn to see the beauty in everything, otherwise you'll live your life just being drowned in everything else."

"You think about this often?"

You let out a short laugh. "Yea, I guess. But its a nice thought."

He chuckles. "It is beautiful. Maybe one day I'd be able to take you out in the Jackhammer, then you'd really see the stars."

Your eyes get huge as a smile lights up your face. "Really?"

He laughs. "If the big guy would ever let me, yeah. It's the last I could do for hitting you with it anyway."

You laugh and lean back into the seat, relaxing and gently rubbing the armrests of the seat. You hear almost a purr of the engine, but it stops almost as quickly as it began so you don't think much of it. You stare out the large windshield up at the stars and can't help but imagine yourself flying among them with Wheeljack in his ship.

You pulled up to the curb beside your house as Wheeljack slowed to a stop. "Well, this is your stop."

"Yeah..." You say, unbuckling and stepping out of the door, it shutting behind you on its own.

"I had fun Wheeljack. Even if you did almost kill me." You say with a smile.

He chuckles. "Hopefully that won't happen again. Should I pick you up tomorrow?"

"I'd probably walk all the way there myself if you didn't." You say with a playful wink.

"Goodnight Y/N." He says with a rumble of his engines.

You smile. "Goodnight Wheeljack."

As you head into your house and look through the window you wave at the sports car sitting outside. The lights blink in goodbye as he drives off, and you couldn't remove the smile from your face no matter how hard you tried.

Wheeljack sped down the road like usual, only imagining what Ratchet and Optimus would think of it. But even that thought spun fast from his mind to be replaced by the face of a certain person. Y/N. He hadn't laughed so hard in years! And when she had started to rub the arms of the seat he accidentally purred! Him! Purring! He had stopped quickly as he had begun and didn't think Y/N had really noticed. But when she threw him that wink at the end of the night his spark had skipped a little. He was glad he was in his alt form for that. As all the actions of the day flew past like a movie before his eyes, he remembered something she had said.

"Haven't you ever looked up?"

And for the first time since he had been to Earth, he looked up at the stars and realized just what he had been missing. As those pinpricks of light broke through the darkness, he couldn't help but imagine himself flying through the skies in the Jackhammer with Y/N, right by his side.

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