Getting a Guardian...and Something More-Ratchet

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You were a sort of quiet person. You weren't shy really, you just, didn't feel the need to be so dramatic and loud about everything. You preferred to watch and listen instead of really doing, unless it was something you enjoyed of course. Otherwise you were content to simply kick back, relax, and enjoy the show. And that is exactly what you had done here at the base. You had met everyone and talked with them a little, but after you were done, you went back towards where Ratchet had walked off to and-to his surprise-climbed up the computer he was working at and sat next to him, merely observing everyone. He had simply shrugged and continued with his work, but you did notice the occasional glances down towards you.

You had started to see the fundamentals of the team, the relations between every bot and human. The kids were, in all reality, just that, the kids. Their guardians looked after them as friends and they were part of the family, the youngest ones at that, but were respected by all of the Cybertronians. As for the bots themselves, you could tell automatically that the respect they had for Optimus was more than just respect for their leader, it was respect for the mech he was, and the father figure he was for the team. Arcee was sort of the worrier/defender in a way. She was very suspicious and untrusting of new people, but for the sake of her friends. She didn't want anything to happen to them, and you respected that. Even if her intense gaze was slightly unnerving. Bumblebee was the youngest bot and the team and was like a brother to Arcee and it almost seemed like he was the son of the Prime. Not by direct relation, but just by the two of them. Bulkhead was really like the clumsy friend or weird cousin that everyone loved. It was hilarious to watch the big bot, and his friendship with Miko was adorable to say the least. And then there was Ratchet. He was like the grumpy grandfather/caretaker of the team, and the Prime's best friend.

Your ever diligent eyes noticed the children talking to their guardians, asking to be taken home. You realized you didn't have a guardian, and you sure couldn't walk all the way back to town in the middle of the night from all the way out here. You looked up at the bot sitting beside you.

"Uh, Ratchet?" You said, gaining his attention, "I don't have a guardian. And I need to be getting home soon."

He humphed as his eyebrows furrowed.

"Optimus!" He called.

The large leader strode over and looked at you before turning his attention to the medical officer.

"What is it, old friend?" His deep voice soothing the nervous feeling Ratchet's yell had caused.

"Y/N doesn't have a guardian. Who is it going to be? Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead all have charges already."

He blinked once before saying simply, "You."

"Me?" Ratchet all but yelled, "But I can't be a guardian! I have other things to do, important things, I can't have my time be wasted having to drive back and forth from base to pick up and drop off a human!"

You winced and saw the Prime look concernedly at you. The base had gone silent as the others watched with equally sympathetic and slightly horrified gazes.

"Ratchet, you will be fine. It is time to take Y/N home. It will not take long." Optimus said as turned back to the others and nodded, sending them on their way.

Ratchet turned to you, but you wouldn't make eye contact. You silently climbed down and waited as he transformed before getting into the passenger's side, all without a word. Ratchet exited the base and started off down the road, and all you did was stare out the window at the stars. The silence wasn't comfortable. It was hot and angry from him and cool and hurt from you. As Ratchet began to calm down he noticed your disheartened demeanor. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, Y/N?" He began.

You didn't answer only turned further towards the window.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

Still no answer.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said, I just-I've never been a guardian before and frankly never wanted to be. My work is important, and requires most of my attention. I don't have the time to entertain some kid." He pauses. "However, you are not like that. I always thought I would have to spend all my time trying to care for my charge and would have none for anything else, but you are independent and do not need me in that way. I'm sorry for the way I acted, I truly am. Y/N, I would be honored to be your guardian if you want me to."

There is a brief pause before you sigh and turn towards the center. "It's fine Ratchet. I can see where you're coming from, but that hurt. Still, I accept your apology, and I would love for you to be my guardian." You say.

"Oh thank Primus." You hear him mutter.

You smile and lay your head in your arms and prop yourself against the dashboard. You feel the heaters turn on a little higher and the radio play softly and you smile, gently rubbing your thumb against the dash. Soon the silence went back to being warm and friendly and when you looked up at the stars they seemed to glow brighter.

Ratchet drove into town and dropped you off in front of your house. You climbed out and patted the hood. You went to turn when you heard him say, "Wait, Y/N."

You looked at the ambulance once more and did as you were told.

"Y/N, I know I already said this, but I'm sorry about what happened earlier. It will be, nice, to have you around." He said, his voice soft.

You smiled and your eyes shone. "I forgive you, Ratchet. Thank you. Have a goodnight."

"You too."

You turned around and walked up to your door. When you closed it behind you you looked through the window and waved. You saw the lights blink and then he drove off. You couldn't help but smile.

Ratchet drove alone. He normally enjoyed being alone, but right now, it felt wrong. He was so terribly sorry for what he had said with Y/N right there. What had he been thinking? But the way she forgave him so easily made his spark ache a little, but, in a good way. He was looking forward to spending time with the girl who had made him smile and loved the medical field as much as he did. As he drove in the silence of the night with all these thoughts swarming around in his processor, he realized something. He never wanted to see Y/N hurt ever again. And he swore he would not.

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