Getting a Guardian...and Something More-Smokescreen

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So. Here you were. Sitting on the shoulder of a giant metal alien, in a room with five other giant metal aliens.

Not something you thought you would ever really live to see.

Smokescreen had offered to set you down by the kids a while back but you preferred to stay with him. After all that had happened tonight, you just wanted to stay with the kind and joking mech who saved your life.

He, Bee and Bulkhead were leaning against the railing the kids were on, and everyone was talking. The more you watched the more the descriptions Smokescreen had given you were starting to come true.


You were startled from your thoughts as said mech gently nudged you with a digit. With wide eyes you look over to find him with amused optics and a smirk on his face. You feel your cheeks warm.


"Bee here asked you a question." He said, his smirk widening as he notices your blush.

You turn to the black and yellow scout with a sheepish grin. "Sorry Bee, I was off in my own little world. What was your question?"

You hear a few beeps and Raf translates for you. "How did you meet Smokescreen?"

You rub the back of your neck and look down with a half smile. "Funny story actually. I was walking back home when I felt like I was being watched, so I kinda started to run and sure enough I heard people behind me. I thought I had lost them when I turned down a dead end and they had me trapped. There were three men, none of them very nice. I don't know what would have happened to me if Smokescreen didn't show up and scare them off." You finish, looking up at your hero of the day. He gives a proud smile back.

"That was very noble of you Smokescreen." You hear a deep voice say.

The two of you turn to see the rest of the team was listening as well. The Prime walks forward bending down to your eye level.

"I assume you are unharmed then?" He asks.

You nod. "Yes."

"Well then." He says, standing to his full height. He rests his hand on Smokescreen's other shoulder. "Good job Smokescreen."

The young mech smiles excitedly. "Thank you Optimus."

The older Cybertronian looks at him knowingly. "Since Y/N is new to this team, and does not yet have a guardian, and you have already proved yourself capable, why not you be hers?"

You look up at Smokescreen as he looks down at you. "I would be honored."

"Good." He says with an almost smile.

"Speaking of which," you hear Arcee say, "Jack, it's about time for you to go home. Don't want your mom to get worried."

Bulkhead transforms in agreement, and Bee lets out a few whirls as he turns to Raf. You look up at Smokescreen to find a wicked grin stretched across his face. A sense of dread overtakes you.

"Uh oh, what are you doing?" You ask nervously.

He chuckles and starts to transform. You let out a short screech as he loses height and you "fall", metal pieces flying around you like comets. You land in a seat and the last pieces click into place as you grip onto either side of you for dear life. Smokescreen laughs and you hit the dashboard, glaring violently at the rearview.

"I thought a guardian was supposed to protect you not give you a heart attack!"

He laughs and pulls out into the tunnel, speeding out onto the road beyond. "Lucky for you, you're not getting a boring guardian!"

You smile smalley. "I guess not."

You lean the seat back all the way so you're lying down, then stretch out, your arms high above your head until they touch the back seats. You feel your back crack and sigh contentedly, turning onto your stomach and clutching the seat, closing your eyes and snuggling into the leather.

"What are you doing?" Smokescreen asks curiously.

You mumble out something incoherent and yawn, making the young mech laugh. A smile stretches across your face. You feel the seat starting to get warmer beneath you and gentle music starts to play.

"You are the best." You say.

"I know." Is his simple reply.

The rest of the ride is quiet, a little weird for you two high energy people, but it was nice. It was a new side to this strange new bot you met. The side that was content to make you content. You gently gripped the side of the seat and for the rest of the ride you couldn't keep the smile from your face.

A few moments later you hear Smokescreen, "Y/N, we're here."


A low chuckle echos through the cabin. You feel the seat move upward on its own and you open your eyes, letting out a yawn as you step out the door. Your eyes bright from being woken move to look at him. "Thank you Smokescreen, for everything."

"Your welcome. Goodnight Y/N."


With a small, tired smile, you make your way to your door. You wave through the window and the lights blink, before he drives off.

The wind moving against him, the pavement beneath his tires, the night sky above him, all things that would normally excite him and be plenty to keep his mind busy seemed very...plain, at the moment. For the only thing swirling about in his processor were adorable images of a certain girl yawning tiredly and cuddling up to his seat. His whole form shuddered with, what did humans call it, butterflies? Those bright E/C eyes looking over him, that shining smile, the gorgeous laugh-he just couldn't get her out of his head! But for some strange, wonderfully peculiar reason, he didn't want to. 

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