Meeting Him-Wheeljack

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(This may be a little interesting :P)

You had always enjoyed hiking. Since the first time your parents ever brought you on your first hike, you fell in love with walking the trails, being outdoors, and most of all, the view from the top of the trek, and the vastness of sky above you. This was one of your favorite trails, leading up to the tallest mountain in the area. With all the hiking you did though, the several mile long trek wasn't difficult. Stopping to take a sip of your water bottle, you look around before continuing. At the moment, it wasn't much, just the same old Nevada landscape, but at the top, it was a different story. Soon enough, the trees parted to reveal the stony precipice at the top, dropping your bag in the center, you carefully climb the stone until you reach the top, where you stand, the tallest point in the entire area. Looking around, you have a 360 degree view of the desert, but from above, the normally bland land is gorgeous. Huge masses of rock jut from the earth, and mountains rise to heights slightly lower than the one you stand on now. Colors that you normally can't see from the ground are now a saturated rainbow of red, orange, yellow, green, gray, tan, and brown hues. A slight breeze blows from the north, bringing deliciously cold air to the otherwise strong heat. Closing your E/C eyes, you let the wind blow your H/C hair past your face. A sigh of contentment left your lips as you once again opened your eyes and stared out at the beautiful view. Just when you thought that things couldn't possibly get any more peaceful, you heard a slight rumbling. As it steadily got louder, you realized it was coming from behind you. Turning, a gasp escaped you at the scene unfolding. A...spaceship...was flying towards you, and it was flying fast. Stunned, you watched as it came closer, but didn't realize just how close it did get. You threw your hands up in the air to alert the driver, and it worked, the spaceship pulled up, but just a little too late. To avoid your head getting smashed into the rough metal, you leaned backwards-and off the narrow precipice. A scream erupted from your throat as you fell back, the wind seemingly trying to keep you up and away from the ground that was coming ever so nearer. You struggled to turn over, and when you did, the wind blinded you with tears, and breathing became difficult. As the ground looked as though it would be the last thing you would ever see, you closed your eyes and imagined the view from the top of your mountain, so at least your last image wouldn't be that of your death. Instead of hitting the ground and dying however, you felt yourself hit metal. A strangled cry of pain escaped you because god that HURT, but you were alive. Opening your eyes, you saw it was the spaceship that had knocked you off in the first place. A door opened, and a giant metal hand grabbed you from the top of the ship. Still shaken from your near death experience, you did nothing but gape as a giant grey, red and green robot with bright blue eyes brought you close to its face.

"Are you okay?! I am so sorry, are you hurt?" It asked in an obviously worried and quite male voice.

After you got over the fact that you weren't going to die, and you were in the hands of a guilty robot for a very good reason as to why he should be guilty, you finally found your voice...and boy did you find it.


Closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose, you took a deep breath before looking back at the robot. His face...priceless. His mouth was hanging open, and his eyes were wide with shock. You laughed at his expression and after a second, he shook his head, chuckling himself.

"Now that was impressive." The robot said. "You've got quite a voice there kid. And you've got some guts, talking to a giant alien robot like that."

"Sorry about that, but you did almost kill me."

He frowns and rubs the back of his head. "Yea, sorry, my sensors didn't pick you up, you were too small. I didn't even see you until you started waving your hands. And you're super lucky you weren't falling any faster than you already were." He said shaking his head.

"Oh well, I'm alive and well." I say shrugging.

"That's it?" He asks, staring at you like you had grown two heads.

You shrug and nod your head. "You almost killed me, but you saved me, so now it's all good. My name's Y/N."

The robot smiles and shakes his head. "I like you. The name's Wheeljack, Autobot wrecker."

"What's an autobot?" You ask.

"Well, I'm a cybertronian from the planet Cybertron. There are mainly two kinds of us, Autobots and Decepticons. I'm an autobot, we fight for peace on our home planet and here. Decepticons are the opposite of that, they basically want to kill us all and rule both places."

"Well then. My brain is kind of overloaded here. You are a cybertronian, from the planet Cybertron, which is undoubtedly somewhere out in the far reaches of space. You're an Autobot, which are the good guys, and you're fighting Decepticons, which are the bad guys, right?"

Wheeljack nods his head.

"Awesome." I say with a smile.

Wheeljack grins. "Well it's a good thing you think that, cause now you know about me, I have to take you back to my base, otherwise you'll be a target for Decepticons."

"Double awesome! There are more of you guys here."

"Yep, right now there are six more of us."

"This is so cool."

Wheeljack grins again. "Kid, you're gonna fit in just fine."

I grin right back at him.

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