Chapter 16 Dawn of a New Day

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Link awoke to light filtering in through the window hitting his face directly and a certain blue fairy's insistent voice above him.

"Link. Link, wake up!" Navi moaned, bouncing above the hero's head. Link lay there pretending to sleep until he heard an annoyed groan followed by a jingle as the fairy flew out the window. He lay there enjoying the quiet until a form close to him moved and he realized that he had his arms loosely wrapped around Zelda/Sheik's sleeping body. Link pulled her close, a gasp escaping her lips signifying her awakening, and planted his own lips onto her neck.

"Good morning." He said, after pulling away from the kiss. He felt her move and watched as she rolled over to face him, placing her hands and fore arms on his bare chest.

"Good morning." She repeated, tapping Link's nose, then lightly placing her forehead against his, causing their noses to touch. After laying their for a few seconds, in one swift move, Zelda pushed off the bed to roll on top of Link, holding herself up with her arms and catching Link off guard, letting her bright blonde hair fall around her shoulders and pool on the bed around Link's head. Link in response moved his hands to softly grip her waist.

"There's the princess I know and love." He said, noticing a slight hint of slyness in her now blue eyes. He wrapped his arms fully around her waist, pulling her to him to lay her head on his chest.

"I won't be a princess for very long." Zelda whispered, pushing off of Link and sitting up on the bed, her legs crossed as she stared out the window at the rising sun.

"Well, might as well make the most of it." Link said, a plan forming in his head.
He laid there and watched Zelda turn her head towards him, looking at him suspiciously.

"What do you plan to-Ah!" Zelda was cut off as Link grabbed her shoulders, spun her and pushed her down until she lay flat on her back with Link above her, bracing himself with his arms placed on either side of her, holding him up and a grin crossing his face. Zelda too let a grin appear on her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned in, preparing to kiss her deeply when he was interrupted by a voice in the window.

"Eww!" Navi cried, floating in through the window. Link looked over at her then back to Zelda who grinned wider and closed her eyes as he rolled his. Pushing off the bed, Link rolled over Zelda and stood up in one fluid movement, glancing around the room. He immediately noticed his white shirt lying on the floor along with Zelda's blue sheikah outfit hanging on the wall.

"Navi, could you go away for a moment?" Link asked, approaching his pack that held his green tunic, belt, pants and item pouch.

"Why?" Navi asked, floating around the room. Link raised an eyebrow and pointed at Zelda's clothes hanging on the wall. "Oh, heh. Sorry." Navi said before flying out the window once more. Link dug through his pack and pulled out his brown pants.

"Wait are you gonna- Link!" Zelda shrieked as Link removed his off-white pants, replacing them with his dirty brown ones. Link rolled his eyes as he grabbed Zelda's blue sheikah suit and tossed it to her.

"Do you expect me to change in front of you!?" Zelda looked over at Link who pulled his forest green tunic over his head.

"Would you rather do it outside?" Link responded sarcastically, tightening his belt. He heard Zelda let out a heavy sigh as he walked over to get his boots and gauntlets.

"Just don't look." Zelda said from behind Link followed by the sound of cloth on skin Link could only assume was her removing her night gown. Link sat and rolled his eyes, reaching for one of his boots. He barely grasped it and yanked, but the force of his pull caused him to fall backwards and get a look at an upside down, very scantily clad Zelda. She screamed and turned away from him. Link let a small chuckle escape his lips and sat back up, slipping on his boots and gauntlets.

He stood and slowly turned to be greeted by a Zelda covered in a skin tight blue body suit, struggling with a strap near the top of her neck.

"Here." He said, walking over to her and tying the knot easily. As Zelda began to move to grab the strips of cloth that surrounded her head, Link wrapped his arms around her waist, stopping her in place. Leaning in, Link placed a small kiss on Zelda's neck.

"You know, you looked kinda cute practically naked and blushing like crazy." He whispered in her ear, to which she responded by quickly spinning in his arms and slapping him in the face.


(A/N I know this chapter in kinda trivial to the overall plot but I had fun writing it so....ITS IN)

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