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Few neighbourhoods would be as happy to have a Paedophile hanging around, but the people of Quahog either don't notice Herbert's proclivities or ignore them. While he may like young boys, he's very bad at doing anything about it. Stewie has has the best take on it, saying "Well, there's a paedophile up the street that nobody seems to do anything about, but it's mainly because he's so funny." Despite numerous attempts to ensnare boys and his constant attempts to get Chris to remove his shirt, Herbert is too old and feeble to be a real menace. Indeed his unhealthy hebephillia (an attraction to boys in the early years of puberty) can sometimes come in handy, such as when he rescues Chris from the basement of an evil Nazi and battling a living tree in the episode 'Petergeist' so he can save the teenager. Like Carter, Herbert is a war veteran, having served in Army Air Corps during World War II. When the Nazis captured him, he was locked up in a concentration camp because Germans thought he was gay. He now lives up the street from the Griffins, along with his ancient, half-crippled dog, Jesse.

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