15- A Change Of View

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Music was pounding in the kitchen. My sister's awful singing was putting me off my monthly attempts at catching up with school work. It was bad enough that I had woken up at seven in the morning to start my work- last night's escapade at Bailey Stanford's house had proved to be more than I had bargained for.

I had timed it perfectly. I was out of the window just a second before her mother entered the room. I was out of the vicinity by the time Bailey realised what had happened and had gotten angry. But things had gotten a little out of hand. The plan had been to kiss her senseless and get out of there. The hickeys had not been part of the plan at all. But I guess it just acted like a cherry on the top.

I returned to the calculus sum before me, but Jade decided to bring on her awful high notes. I scrambled off my bed and opened the door. "Have some mercy Jade, you're killing me here!" I shouted to be heard over her stupid music. The music grew dim as Jade screamed back to me. "Quit being a downer Matt, I'm rehearsing for my talent show next month!" The music continued louder than before and I shut my door with a loud bang.

 "Quit being a downer Matt, I'm rehearsing for my talent show next month!" The music continued louder than before and I shut my door with a loud bang

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I rummaged through my shelves and found a pair of ear plugs to drown out the sound. It worked. I could only hear the beat of the song. I could no longer hear Jade's voice. I sighed in relief and got back to work. Finally, the sum made sense to me and I solved it in record time. I had just managed to finish a week's worth of calculus when a sharp pain went through my left shoulder. "Ow!" I wailed and turned to see Jade standing behind me with her hands on her hips.

She pulled the ear plugs out of my ears. "I've been screaming your name for almost ten minutes." She looked annoyed. "Sorry, your singing deafened me." I said dramatically. Jade smacked my head hard and I winced. She was very good at doing that. "What do you want?" I asked, rubbing my head as I sat up straight. "Get a shirt on and come downstairs. You have company." She glowered at me before heading out of my room.

I slipped on the first t-shirt I happened to find and went downstairs. Jonah was waiting for me at the front door. I paused. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "We need to talk." Jonah said firmly. I scoffed, but invited him inside. We went to the kitchen where I brought out two cans of coke and went to the backyard. We sat on the hammock in perfect silence.

"I'm sorry man, she made me promise not to tell you." Jonah finally spoke up. "I figured." I shrugged and stared at my unopened can. "How did she get you to agree?" I asked. "I did it to get Amber's number? And to save one soul from your tyranny." Jonah said. I glared at him. "What happened to bros before ho-" I began to scream but Jonah spoke louder than me.

"Laura Jones! Heather Ramirez! Jane Brown! I could go on and on. You still want to quote the bro code?" Jonah asked sharply. I shut up. We sat in silence for about ten minutes. "You called her?" I asked. "Nah man, still working up the courage." Jonah sighed. I punched his shoulder. "Grow a pair and call her man." I said and he grinned. Just like that, all was forgotten.

We clicked cans and I had a large gulp of the fizzy drink. Jade stuck her head out of the window and called out, "You boys intend on having breakfast?" I looked at Jonah, who shrugged. "I don't mind if its her pancakes." He said. "That's the only edible thing she makes." I chuckled and told Jade that we would be inside in a minute.

We went inside and sat at the dining table as Jade made some pancakes for us. "So, who is this Amber chick?" I asked, exchanging my coke for coffee. "You know, Bailey's red head friend. Short, intimidating, artistic." Jonah drawled. "Typical. Take her to a museum and she'll be happy." I smirked. Jade frowned. "Don't say that Matt. You need to stop stereotyping people." She said. "Nobody really fits stereotype. There's always something that makes them different." Jonah said. "Oh yeah? Like what?" I challenged.

"Like how you both come from a family that's gifted with music but Jade can't sing to save her life." Jonah said. "And how no one expects you to be a math nerd." Jade said to me. "And how no one expects Jonah to be sweet because he hangs out with you." She added. I held up my hand to stop her. "Jonah is a good guy, that has nothing to do with me. And just because mom and dad are musically inclined does not mean that we both have to be." I said. Jonah rolled his eyes and dug into his food.

My parents were pretty famous in the music industry. Dad runs a management firm that worked with a lot of big celebrities. Mom is a former Broadway star- and by former, I mean from twenty years ago. My parents met when my dad offered to manage my mom's career. True, their scandalous relationship had ruined mom's career, but it had given her the life she had always imagined.

Growing up, both Jade and I were exposed to a lot of music. Mom and dad soon learnt that Jade couldn't sing, but she learnt how to play the guitar. I learnt how to sing and play the piano. I guess it was a blow for my parents when Jade and I gave up on music and went for drama and sports respectively. But they're extremely supportive of our hobbies.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and nudged Jonah. "When are you going to call her?" I asked. "Amber? I was thinking of going home and calling her." Jonah said. "Call her now. I'll help." I said and leaned back as Jonah brought out his phone and dialled a number. Helping Jonah plan a date seemed like a nice way to make up for being a douche.

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