I shrugged off my jacket and put it into my locker. I had about twenty minutes before my first lecture began, so I leaned against my locker and brought out my phone. I began scrolling through Twitter when I heard murmurs and whispers fill the corridor. I craned my neck to see what the fuss was about. I saw Jonah and Amber walk into school together, holding hands. Amber was blushing like a tomato while Jonah spoke about something with a big smile on his face. I smiled and waved them over.
"Hey you guys!" I squealed. "Hey Lee." Jonah grinned and Amber gave me a quick hug. "You guys are the talk of the town." I said, glancing over at the other students who were still whispering about Jonah and Amber. "Yeah, I hope it passes soon." Amber sighed. "So...?" I raised an eyebrow. "So...what?" Jonah asked sheepishly. I gave him a look. "I'm your friend! Tell me! Are you guys a thing yet? What happened yesterday?" I rambled. Amber held my shoulders to stop me. She turned to Jonah. "Don't you have to talk to Ms.Young?" She asked. Jonah seemed to wake up from a daze. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll go now. See you later?" He asked her. "Lunch." She smiled.
He broke into a huge smile. "Okay. See you then." He said and squeezed her hand. "You can totally kiss if you want to, I can turn around-!" Amber placed her palm on my mouth, muffling my speech. She turned red and Jonah laughed. "Bye Lee." He left for the office, but not before taking one more look at Amber. "Bye!" I screamed after his retreating figure. Amber glared at me playfully and lightly hit my shoulder.
"Tell me!" I squealed and her angry expression melted. She held my hand and pulled me to walk with her. "It was so good Lee! I had the time of my life!" She sighed. I took a good look at her. Her night out with Jonah definitely seemed to have affected her nicely. She was smiling a lot more, was wearing a comfy navy blue dress and had straightened her hair. "That's good. But I want details!" I stressed and Amber laughed.
As we walked up to class, she told me that Jonah had created a very good first impression by arriving on time to pick her up. They drove to the bowling alley, where they had a rather competitive match. Apparently their game was intense enough to get other players to stop and watch. Then they bonded over hot dogs and Slurpees. "He was an absolute gentleman Lee! He held the door open for me, walked me to my door- did I tell you that he got me flowers when he came to pick me up?" Amber asked me excitedly. I nodded happily as I watched Amber gush over Jonah. I was glad that they both had a good time.
We walked into class, where some students were already seated. "So, when's the next date?" I asked excitedly. "We don't know yet. Soon I hope." Amber grinned. "Yo Bailey!" I heard someone call. I spotted Matt sitting at the back of the class. He beckoned for me to join him. "Go ahead. I'll talk to you after class." Amber smiled. She waved at Matt and I went to the back of the room. "Hey." I said. Matt gestured to the empty seat next to him, and I sat down. The bell rang and students began to pile in. Ellie and Max walked in too, and sat next to Amber. I waved at both of them when they turned around and smiled at me.
I brought out my text book as the teacher entered and everyone began to settle down. "Your friend looks happy." Matt said to me. "Yeah. The date was pretty good. Jonah did well." I said. "Well, credit goes to the teacher, doesn't it?" He said. "And the teacher is?" I played along. "Me. Duh." Matt rolled his eyes and I chuckled. The teacher began to speak and I focused on what she was teaching.
At the end of the class, I was putting my book away when Matt asked me, "Are you trying out for the talent show?" "I haven't really thought about it. Are you?" I frowned and asked. Matt nodded. "It's more like the coach is making us. He wants the basketball team to put up a small performance. Like the 'High School Musical' thing." Matt rolled his eyes. "It's to encourage freshers to join the sports teams." Matt shrugged. "That sound like fun. Good luck with your synchronised dribbling." I teased. Matt simply narrowed his eyes at me.
I joined Ellie, Max and Amber on the way out. Judging by the excited looks on Ellie and Max's faces, they had just heard about Amber's date. "Aren't they adorable?" I asked while Ellie just squealed in excitement. While we walked to our next classes, I spotted the talent show poster on the notice board. "You guys go ahead. I'll be there in a while." I said. Although I wasn't very keen on performing in front of crowds, Matt had successfully planted the idea of at least trying out in my head.
"You're performing this year?" Max asked over my shoulder and I jumped. "Oh my God, I had no idea you were standing right behind me!" I exclaimed and placed a hand over my racing heart. Looking at the list of audition dates, I said, "Yeah. Maybe I'll go in for singing." The date for that audition was in ten days time. Enough time for me to prepare something good. "That's awesome! I'm auditioning for the play today." He said excitedly. "Really? Which part?" I asked. The drama society was performing 'Beauty and the Beast' this year. "Gaston." Max bounced on the balls of his feet.
"Wow! Good luck Max!" I said and hugged him. Although Max's family did not have a background of acting, they were big on dramatics. His mom was exceptionally good at imitations and mimicry. We were usually rolling on the floor laughing when she imitated big figures for us. I could tell that Max would do a great job as Gaston. "What about the singing? It's musical, isn't it?" I asked him. "Eh, I'll manage. I'm good at faking it anyway." Max grinned. Inspired by Max's attitude, I signed up for singing and called up Nate. If I was going to ace it, I needed all the help I could get.
A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
A big thank you to @loveof_winter for her supportive messages! I love talking to you!
Belated Happy Independence day to all my Indian and Pakistani readers out there. Hope you had a good one. Also, I wish everyone who has entered the Wattys this year all the luck.
Hopefully, the next chapter will be up soon. Any particular POV you would like to see? Let me know in the comments. And don't forget to vote too!
Lots of love- D :)

Kiss Gone Wrong
RomanceI was pinned to my bed. He left me no option but to stay in place. I tried to control my reactions, but couldn't help but sigh as Matt nipped my earlobe. His lips travelled down my neck, sending jolts of electricity all over my skin. ...