Dedicated to: @Scrappy_Lover8
{Recap: Matt's parents return home right when he and Bailey are sharing a kiss. Bailey leaves in a hurry, and Matt's parents inform him and Jade that their father was moving out because their counsellor adviced them to take some space for themselves. Matt is annoyed at first, but takes Bailey's advice and tells his parents that he is willing to do whatever he can to help them fix their relationship. Matt and Jade make arrangements to live with Jonah's family once a week.}
I walked up the street to Jonah's house where Matt had been living for the past week. It was pretty early- it was only half past seven- but I was dressed in my comfiest (read: most presentable) sweater and skinny jeans, with the slightest amount of of lip gloss and mascara to surprise Matt.
Matt and his parents had had a heart to heart and they had gone to New Jersey to set their schedule with their counsellor. Meanwhile, Jonah had convinced Matt to spend the entire week at his house. Next week onward, Matt and Jade would be sleeping there every Thursday.
I left Jonah a missed call and waited for him to open the door. He answered the door in jogging gear and let me in. "So where will I find him?" I asked. "Up the stairs, first door to the right. He spent last night in the guest room because I had to stay up to work an something." Jonah said.
He opened a cabinet near the kitchen and brought out a bottle. "Are you willing to do me a favour and continue tradition, Bailey?" He asked, holding the bottle out to me. It was whipped cream. "Okay." I smirked. "I've been waking him with a face full of cream lately. He sleeps on his back, I hope you do well." Jonah said. I rolled my eyes and took the can. I could totally do this.
Jonah wished me luck and left the house. I was on my own now. I crept up the stairs, trying not to make too much noise. Jonah's house was extremely homey. There were pictures on the walls of the stairway and I struggled to not stop and stare at them.
When I reached the top, the door on the left was open. I guessed that that was Jonah's room. The door to the right was shut. That had to be where Matt was. I shook the can of whipped cream before carefully letting myself in. Matt was fast asleep on his back, with one arm sprawled out and the other under the pillow. This was easier than I had expected it to be.
I took the lid off of the can and crept upto the bed. I prayed for nothing to go wrong as I sprayed a generous amount of whipped cream onto Matt's palm. I almost tripped over while standing up and the can fell out of my hand, but Matt was fast asleep. He didn't even stir. I grinned to myself as I brought out a tissue paper that I had grabbed on my way up.
I proceeded to tickle his ear and when that didn't make a difference, I moved to his nose. Suddenly his hand rose and successfully covered his face with whipped cream. I burst into laughter and Matt growled. "Jonah you son of a-" He sat up and looked around, but I was already on the floor, laughing my head off.
"Bailey?" His confused expression with all the whipped cream on his face and hair made him look like a snowy version of the Grinch. "Good morning Matt." I said, wiping tears from my eyes. "Did Jonah put you up to this? I'm going to kill him, he's been doing this every single day!" Matt huffed. I got up and sat beside him on the bed. I grabbed a towel from a chair and gave it to him.
"Thanks." He muttered and wiped his face. He went to the adjoining bathroom to was his face, while I texted Jonah that he prank had been a success. "When did you get here?" Matt called out. "About ten minutes ago. Jonah invited me over. He's getting breakfast." I replied. I heard the tap running, and assumed that Matt was washing his face.
Jonah replied with a grinning emoji, so I knew that he was satisfied. Matt came out of the bathroom, wiping his face with a towel. He was about to put the towel away, but I stopped him. "You still have some cream in your hair." I said and he tried to wipe it off, but kept missing.
I shook my head and got up to remove it myself. His hair was smooth and I couldn't help but recollect the kiss we shared. He was obviously thinking of that too, because he wound his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against him before leaning in and kissing me hard. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Suddenly Matt poked my side, and I squealed. "Ow! What was that for?" I scowled and rubbed my side.
Matt held me again and said, "For the whipped cream prank." I pouted and pulled away, but he simply grinned and pulled me back to him. He planted a kiss on my forehead, "For coming over", on my cheek, "for always being there for me", and my jaw, "for giving me amazing advice..." He trailed off and I couldn't help blushing furiously.
Matt's phone rang, and we let go of each other. As Matt answered the call, I headed downstairs to get myself a glass of water. I leaned against the table and slowly sipped. I was a little worried that things with Matt were getting a little out of hand, but at the same time I was enjoying whatever was happening between us too much to put an end to it.
Matt came downstairs and I quickly stopped my flow of thought. "Jonah's getting breakfast. You're staying, right?" Matt asked and I nodded. He paused and looked at me suspiciously. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled.
Within ten minutes, Matt had made us both a cup of coffee each, along with some extra for Jonah. It wasn't long before Jonah returned from his morning run with breakfast from Wendy's and Amber with him. We had breakfast together, and Matt held my hand under that table.
Amber noticed that something was up, and subtly raised her eyebrows at me. I shook my head and telepathically promised to tell her everything later. I wanted to enjoy what I had while it lasted.
A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! I'm so glad to be writing again!
I am slowly going to get back into a pattern. I will now be updating a new chapter every Sunday. Unfortunately, I sense the book ending soon (not more ten chapters to go) but this book has almost completed a year since I began it, so about time it ended.
If you enjoyed this chapter do vote and leave a comment. I love talking to you!!! Also, thank you for 30k!!! *heart emoji*
Lots of love- D :)

Kiss Gone Wrong
RomanceI was pinned to my bed. He left me no option but to stay in place. I tried to control my reactions, but couldn't help but sigh as Matt nipped my earlobe. His lips travelled down my neck, sending jolts of electricity all over my skin. ...