I lay on my bed and bounced my basketball off the ceiling. Jonah was strolling across my room, engrossed in a phone call with Amber. It was Bailey's birthday the next day and I still wanted to surprise her. Although we hadn't started out as friends, I considered her a friend now. And friends surprised each other on their birthdays.
"Get that over with, will you? How hard is it to know if Bailey has any plans tomorrow night?" I wailed at Jonah. I threw the ball again and it landed right on my face. Ouch. "I'm working on it." Jonah said and went back to his phone call. I rolled my eyes. I set the ball aside and went downstairs. In the kitchen, there was a bag of pizza rolls. I popped them into the microwave and waited.
Jade had gone to LA with her friend for one week. She had grabbed an audition for a small role in an indie film, and the house was extremely empty without her. As much as I hate to admit it, my sister made the house a much better place when she was here. I dreaded being alone in the house.
Ever since Jade had left for college, mom and dad seemed to be away more. It was almost as if they hated being in a home where there was no Jade. That meant that I was alone in the house- often for days at a stretch while they went away on 'business'. Of course, they would call and check in, they're always concerned; but eating dinner alone every night in an empty house is depressing. And scary, because it feels like someone is constantly watching me.
Jade always wonders why the fridge is stocked with frozen/microwaveable food when she comes back. I never told her its because I can't cook for myself, and sustain on that and salads when she isn't here. And whatever Jonah's mom sends over. His mom is a life-saver.
The microwave beeped and I got my pizza rolls out. "Matt!" Jonah called and I let him know that I was in the kitchen. I heard him clatter down the stairs and he burst into the kitchen. "Get the car keys. Amber is taking us shopping for Lee's gift. We're leaving RIGHT NOW." He said. I looked down at my pizza rolls. "But I just made these!" I said. "Take it to go, then. Amber's waiting." He said. I quickly packed the pizza rolls in foil, grabbed the keys to the house and my car and followed Jonah outside.
I gave Jonah the car keys and settled into the passengers side to enjoy my meal. "How long are you going to survive on that?" Jonah eyed the pizza rolls with disgust. "As long as possible. And don't worry, I got pasta for the night. Low-fat and full of veggies, just like coach said." I said took an enormous bite of the roll. I was starving. We drove towards Amber's house. "Why don't you just stay at my place? You know my parents are cool with it." Jonah said, checking the mirrors before making a left.
"It's just for a few days. My parents will be home before Jade is next week." I stared out the window and concentrated on the sauce left on the foil paper. Couldn't waste it- so I began to lick it clean. Jonah suddenly pulled over and grabbed the foil from my hands before throwing in a dustbin on the sidewalk. "Hey!" I protested. "I think it's time you told Jade about this." Jonah said. I began to say that there was no need but he interrupted me.
"For at least six months a year your parents leave you alone in that house and you live like a scavenger. You refuse to come to my place for meals, you stay alone in a house that creeps you out and you pretend everything's okay. Quit being such a martyr! Just accept help sometimes, it's not a bad thing!" He said furiously. I stared at my shoes, unable to say anything.
"Do you like living like that?" Jonah asked me. I shook my head. "Do you like surviving on rubbish?" He demanded. I shook my head again. "Are you willing to tell Jade?" He asked. Again, I was not. "Then your only choice is spending the rest of the week with my family. Just because your parents don't care doesn't mean I don't." Jonah said with authority. Thankfully, his phone rang just then, so I didn't have to respond.
We didn't speak till we stopped at Amber's place. Just before Jonah got out to greet Amber, I got his attention. "Thanks, man." I said quietly. He nodded and hugged me, then got out of the car. I watched as he hugged Amber and chuckled. Jonah had always been a hugger. Even when it was uncool to hug other guys, Jonah gave out hugs like candy on Halloween. I secretly admired his ability to ignore what others thought of him. He was observant and often knew exactly what to say. He wasn't afraid to say it like it is. I would be lost without him.
Amber got into the backseat and said, "Hey Matt." "Hey Amber. Where are we going?" I asked. She consulted her phone. "Okay, so Lee loves these cupcakes you get near the Art Gallery. But you only get them if you pre-order them at least a day in advance. So we'll go there first and place an order. Then we will got to the nearest Barnes and Noble and get her a gift card. So that, in my opinion, are the safest gifts you can give Lee." Amber said.
"You planned this?" I asked her. "Well, we are kind of friends now, you and I. It's not a big deal. And Lee likes you too. So, it's like Jo and I are getting our best friends together." She said. All that registered in my mind was that Lee liked me too. "I appreciate it. Friend." I said and Amber grinned.
The shopping took less than an hour. On the way back, we dropped Amber, who had also purchased some toys for her dog. Then once we reached my place, Jonah kept the car running while I packed myself a bag with a week's worth of clothes. I made sure all doors and windows were locked before locking the front door and heading to Jonah's place. I didn't have to stay alone after all. Like Jonah said, accepting help was not a bad thing.
A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much fro 13k reads on this story, this means so much to me! What do you think of Matt's predicament? Do you think he should tell Jade? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote!
Lots of love-D :)

Kiss Gone Wrong
RomanceI was pinned to my bed. He left me no option but to stay in place. I tried to control my reactions, but couldn't help but sigh as Matt nipped my earlobe. His lips travelled down my neck, sending jolts of electricity all over my skin. ...