There were twenty minutes left till the end of school and I couldn't wait. I had met Jonah, who had immediately asked about my parents. After I told him what had happened, he told me again, that I was welcome to stay at his place if my parents had to leave again.
"In fact", he had said, "bring Jade along. You could sleep in my room and we can set up the guest room for Jade. You won't have to order in every night. Mom and Dad will be happy to have you both." I had promised him that I would tell Jade and left for my class. I had seen Bailey a couple of times in the hallway, but hadn't gotten a chance to speak to her.
The final bell rang and I strode out of class. I had no clue what I was going to do now; there was no way I was heading back home. Movers had come to help dad carry his things to his new apartment and the last thing I wanted to see was my dad moving out. Mom would be pretending that everything was alright, when it absolutely wasn't. Jade was going to come home only after dinner.
As I began to leave the building, I heard my name being called. I turned and Bailey was coming towards me. She frantically held on to her bag as she ran to join me. "Hey. I didn't get a chance to talk to you today. Is everything alright?" She asked me once she caught up. "Kinda. Did Jonah tell you?" I asked. "No. I figured it out on my own." She said. We were silent for some time before she said, "Do you have plans right now? I was wondering if you would walk with me to the diner. I'm picking up dinner tonight." She said.
"Sure, I'll come." I said and let her lead the way. It would let me stay out longer. And spending time with Bailey only made it a better deal.
The whole time going to the diner, Bailey spoke about what she had been doing the past week. Something about her sisters performance. I didn't exactly listen to all of it, but just enjoyed having her next to me. We were walking so close, that if I shifted my fingers by a millimetre and I would be holding her hand.
When we reached, an old lady was leaving the diner, so Bailey held the door for her. I wasn't paying attention and walked right into Bailey, inhaling her flowery scent as she turned to apologise to me. It was a little embarrassing and Bailey turned red when she noticed how close we were.
"I'll go get the order." She said. "Hey, we could sit for a while if you want. I have no where to be and I don't really want to go home." I said. She thought about it. "Sure. We'll get a table then." She smiled. I lead the way to a table near the window.
"What are you planning on eating?" She asked and I grabbed the menu. "I'm starving. I think I'll go for a cheeseburger and a shake. You?" I asked. "The same thing." She shrugged and I motioned for someone to take our order.
After the waitress left, Bailey asked, "Is everything alright?" "No, not really." I said honestly. "Would you like to talk about it?" She asked hesitantly. I was about to say no, then remembered that Bailey's parents had separated not long ago. "Yeah, you might be able to help me." I said. "How so?" She asked.

Kiss Gone Wrong
RomanceI was pinned to my bed. He left me no option but to stay in place. I tried to control my reactions, but couldn't help but sigh as Matt nipped my earlobe. His lips travelled down my neck, sending jolts of electricity all over my skin. ...