I was pinned to my bed. He left me no option but to stay in place. I tried to control my reactions, but couldn't help but sigh as Matt nipped my earlobe. His lips travelled down my neck, sending jolts of electricity all over my skin.
I told my mom that I was going to Amber's place for a couple of hours, promised her that I would tell her everything soon and began to drive. Amber's house was about twenty minutes from mine by car. I parked outside her house and went in. Her aunt, Charlie was in the kitchen when I walked in. "Hey Lee. How are you?" She asked me as I walked past. "All good Charlie? You?" I lied and she smiled at me.
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Charlie was only twenty-nine, and the youngest of three siblings from Amber's mom's side. Amber looked a lot like her aunt- slim build, red hair, pale skin with freckles. They were almost twins. It was safe to say that Amber would grow up to be a carbon copy of her aunt. I climbed the stairs to get to Amber's room.
Amber and Gemma were sprawled on her with a bowl of chips next to them. Papers, books and two laptops were spread all over the bed. Along with all that, a bundle of joy was at my feet, yapping away. "Hi Sophie! How are you?" I asked, picking up the Maltipoo in my arms. Sophie was Amber's three year old dog, and she was adorable. "Look who's here!" Amber exclaimed, sitting up properly. "Hi Lee!" Gemma smiled. Sophie was licking my face and I kissed her little nose before handing her to Amber.
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Amber swept all the paper and books to one side, to make space for me. "How was your exhibition?" I asked Amber. "Tiring, but my teacher says I need to slowly increase my exposure. She thinks I'm on my way to becoming the next Picasso or something." Amber rolled her eyes. "How's the assignment going?" I asked as I sat down. "Guess." Gemma said sarcastically. "We've written one paragraph!" Amber fake exclaimed as she shut her laptop and kept on the table next to her bed.
Sophie curled up in the crook of Amber's arm and shut her eyes. "I need a conference call with everyone." I said and they both understood that it was about Matt. Amber used her phone and got everyone on a call. We only made calls to three phones- Logan and Ellie spoke through one, Terry and Ash were together at the hotel with the rest of the team and Max was in his room.