Jonah's alarm rang and I woke up with a start. It took me a moment to remember that I was at Jonah's place, sleeping on the pullout sofa. Jonah was already dragging his feet as he walked to the bathroom, so I lay back in bed and tried to not fall asleep again. Jonah's parents were very relaxed, except for when it came to responsibilities. They woke at five every morning to exercise and start with chores.
Jonah woke up at seven everyday, irrespective of whether its a school day or the weekend. He was just brought up that way. He made his bed, went for a run, had a shower and was eating breakfast by half past eight everyday. I, on the other hand, would crawl out of bed at nine and make it to school by ten. The only day I woke up early was when we had early practise or a match. But seeing that I was a guest in the Pratt's house, there was no way I was messing up their daily routine by being late.
I was starting to fall asleep again when Jonah's alarm rang for the second time. I jerked awake and ran across the room to shut the thing up. Jonah poked his head out from the washroom and said, "I set that for you. I knew that you would doze off again." I glared at him. I sat on Jonah's bed and rubbed my eyes. If I lay down again, I would fall asleep.
Jonah's room was a lot larger than mine, which was justified seeing that he was an only child. On entering the room, Jonah's bed was on the left with a bookshelf on the wall. To the right was his study desk. At the end of the room was a pullout sofa for when stragglers like me stayed over. Otherwise, we sat on it while we played video games. His room was also a lot neater than mine. Jade always said that I should learn from Jonah.
The blasted alarm rang for the third time and I stopped it with growl. "Jo? Exactly how many alarms did you set for me?" I called out. Jonah walked into the room with his running shoes. "Just one. You must be hitting the snooze button." He said. I handed him the ancient alarm clock and went to freshen up. Once ready, I put on my running shoes and accompanied Jonah on his morning run.
For the first time in three months, I arrived in school with twenty minutes to spare before my first class. "This feels weird." I said to Jonah as we walked to our lockers. "What feels weird? School?" Jonah asked. "No. Being on time. The hallways are never this crowded when I come in." I said. "It's not all that bad. I get to meet Amber before going to class. I can talk to the guys, copy any homework that I may have forgotten." Jonah said. I rolled my eyes. "And today you can talk to Lee." He said and dragged me to where Bailey and her friends were standing.
"Good morning everyone." Jonah said as put an arm around Amber, who smiled up at him. "Good morning. And look who's early!" Gemma said to me. I smiled awkwardly. "We were just discussing where we could keep Sophie till school gets over." Amber told us. "Who's Sophie?" I asked. "Amber's dog. She's right there." Bailey said and knelt next to a medium size crate.
"Why'd you bring her to school?" Jonah asked. "We were at Lee's place last night and I had taken Sophie with me." Amber said, "We would've kept her there till later, but no one's gonna be home and Sophie might get scared of being alone in an unfamiliar place."
"Charlie, Amber's aunt is home, but there's no time to drop Sophie home either. We've all got classes." Bailey said. Suddenly, it struck me. "I'll drop her home." I said. "What?" Amber laughed lightly. "I'm usually late anyway, and this crowded hallway is creeping me out. I know where you live. I'll drop Sophie and be back at the usual time I come in." I volunteered. "The one day you come to school on time, man." Jonah shook his head at me.
"Where are you going to store a poodle-" "Maltipoo." Amber corrected me. "-Maltipoo for six hours without anyone noticing?" I snapped back. "Actually, it's not such a bad idea. He can drop Sophie and get in late without any trouble." Bailey said. I glanced at her, but she refused to meet my gaze. Without waiting for what Jonah had to say, I gently picked up the crate. "Thanks Matt." Amber said. "No problem." I said.
Amber and Jonah left for their classes, while Gemma waited for Bailey to gather some things from her locker. I began to walk to the exit when Gemma called out. "Matt, are you sure you know where Amber lives?" Gemma asked. "Yeah. The brown house five minutes from the park." I said. "You know, I don't think you know the place. Maybe you should take Bailey with you. She can get you there by using shortcuts and you both can be back on time." "Gem, what are you doing?" Bailey muttered. "You're running out of time. Chop chop!" Gemma said and briskly walked to her own class.
"Come on passenger. You're holding the furry." I said and handed Bailey the crate. We got in the car and I began to drive towards Amber's house. "Why was Gemma so adamant for you to come?" I asked. She was silent for a few seconds. Finally, she said, "Ever since you came to wish me last night the girls have this absurd notion that they need to set us up. I've tried talking them out of it, but it's no use. All I can do is ignore them." Bailey shrugged.
Bailey's friends thought that Bailey and I could potentially be in a relationship. At first thought, it seemed strange. But the more I thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. As we stopped outside Amber's house I said, "Bailey, I know that their idea seems weird to you, but have you ever considered it? I mean, why do you find it so absurd?" I asked. Bailey scoffed. "You know what I find weird Matt? That you're the only one who calls me Bailey." She said and got out of the car with Sophie.
I watched her ring the bell, hand Amber's aunt the crate and return to the car. She got in and I said, "If you go out with me, I'll call you Bay. Get it? Bae?" I said and she groaned while I roared with laughter. "I'm never going out with you. Never. That's worst nickname ever!" She said and punched my shoulder. Bailey told me a shorter route to school, and we reached just as the warning bell rang. "Still too early for you?" Bailey asked and I grimaced. "There's nowhere I can run Bay. I think I'm going to walk in with you." I said and followed her out of the car.
"Why can't you call me Lee, like everyone else does?" She asked me. "Because everyone else does it. And if you date me, it can be a nick name plus a term of endearment at the same time! Wait, isn't a nick name a term of endearment..." In the time it had taken for me to confuse myself, Bailey had gotten way ahead of me. She was practically running away. I ran to catch up with her.
"Have a good day, Bay." I said and walked away as she groaned in frustration. It was going to be a good day ahead.
A/N: Hello everyone! Happy holidays! And a happy new year in advance! I hope guys had a blast. Do you guys celebrate Christmas? I had gone to my aunt's place and we had cake and sang carols all night. No gifts though. I wish there were. :(
Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this! See you soon with the next chapter!
Lots of love-D :)

Kiss Gone Wrong
Roman d'amourI was pinned to my bed. He left me no option but to stay in place. I tried to control my reactions, but couldn't help but sigh as Matt nipped my earlobe. His lips travelled down my neck, sending jolts of electricity all over my skin. ...