17-Silence Before The Storm.

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I stood at my locker, listening as Max and Terry gushed about the latest action movie they had seen. I had nothing to contribute, so I looked around. I smirked when I saw Matt at his locker. No matter how awful he was as a person, but I had to admit that he was attractive. He even managed to pull off plaid. I looked away when he turned around and ignored his stare.

Amber came in and I sighed in relief. "Hey you guys!" She said chirpily. I narrowed my eyes. "What happened to you?" Max asked suspiciously. "Nothing. Lee can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked. "Sure." I said and followed her into an empty classroom. Before I could say anything, she whirled around and stared at me. "Why am I getting calls from Jonah Pratt?" She demanded.

"Ah. That." I said awkwardly. I sat on a desk and said, "Before I answer that, what did he say?" "Well, he said that he wanted to talk to me and asked me to meet him before school. Your turn." She said. "He asked for your number in return for keeping my secret." I said. I understood that we were doing the "One Question" routine. "Did you meet him?" I asked. Amber blushed. "Yeah." She smiled. "And?" I asked excitedly. "He asked me for a date. Tonight." She grinned as I whooped and began to dance.

                                                                              I held her hands

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I held her hands. "Please tell me you said yes." I pleaded. She frowned. "Of course not! I barely know the guy!" She said. My smile fell. "Are you serious? He helped us with Matt and you think you can't trust him?" I asked aghast.

"Okay, okay look. I didn't say no, I said not now. I have so much going on. I have my next competition in a couple of weeks and then I'm obviously going to be here for you. There's no way I would ever be able to choose a date over being there for you in case you need me. Also schoolwork is just piling over me. I just don't have the time." Amber said earnestly. "So this is not because you don't like him or because you think he's a jerk like his friend?" I asked flatly. "No." She said honestly.

"Okay then." I said. I was almost at the door when Amber spoke again. "I also wanted to see if he was willing to fight for me." She added in a hurry and I groaned, "Amber!" "What? Every girl wants someone who is willing to fight for her!" She exclaimed and ran to catch up with me. The hallway was more crowded now, and I walked with Amber to English.

"So how was the dinner last night?" She asked me. I grimaced at the memory of last night. "Perfectly fine." I lied.


It was dinner time. All of us were dressed to the nines. Lynn and I had done each others make up and I was particularly proud of my work.

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