Chapter Nine

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Adam's POV

I glanced at Izzy, she looked quite nervous. I gave a small smile at her before walking with Griffin up to the gates. Guards looked at us wearily. "And what is your reason for being here?" One asks. "We wish for a place to stay." Griffin says. "And a place to eat!" Nikki adds from behind us.

We all chuckle at her comment. "What? I'm hungry!" She says.

The guard shakes his head. I can feel like he's smiling, and my eyes widen.

Uh oh.

Forgot to throw my shades on...

Ingulped and looked at Nikki. "Hey... I'll be right back. I think I spotted an apple tree on our way here." I say. Nikki looks at me consused. "What? I didnt se-" I cut her off. "I'll be back." I say and run off into the forest. Once I'm behind a tree I chuck on my shades and sigh in relief. I don't want those guards to know whay I am. I keep walking until I see an apple core. I keep walking until I get to an apple tree. I reach up and pluck two from the tree before heading back. They're looking at me curiously. I shrugged and handed Nikki two apples and stood up next to Griffin. Isolde and Nikki, who was eating her apple, stood behind us.

The guards look at me curiously before the gates open. I sigh in releif and follow Griffin into the village.

Griffin leads us to a... erm... resturant? I guess is the right word?

We sit down at the bar and a bartender walks over to us. "Can I get ya'll a drink or some food?" She asks. "I'll have a drink and we can use some food. I don't think any of us would care what it is honestly As long as it tastes good. And it's food." Griffin says. "Will the rest of you like a drink?" The girl asks. I nod, Isolde smiles and says "Just some water." She says. "I don't wanna get drunk." She muttered under her breath. I smiled at her as Nikki asked for some water as well. The girl nodded and gave Grifdin and I a mug of what smelt like... rum?

They had rum at this place?

I thought it was beer... or whisky at the most...

I shrugged. I'd had rum before. I've known a few who were sailors for ships. They offered me rum and I accepted it because I didn't want to come out as mean to them.

It wasn't my favorite but it was okay. Griffin was eyeing the rum with a hesitant look on his face. "Ah, come on fraidy dog! It doesn't taste that bad!" I tell him and take a swig of the rum. Griffin watches me, then looks back at the rum before taking a sip of it. "See? Not so bad." I tell him. "Not so bad my ass." Griffin muttered.

I just acted like I didn't hear that.

Nikki and Izzy were giggling and silently talking about something among themselves.

Using my Shadow Knight hearing, I guess you can call it, I tuned in on the conversation.

"You seriously think he's cute?" Nikki asks. "Yeah. He's sweet, affectionate, mysterious, but he's got the abs to go with it." Izzy and Nikki break out into a laugh attack. I watch them with an eyebrow raised as the food comes in. The girl gives each of us a plate with a slice of ham, a peice of bread, and a few fruits. Strawberries and a few grapes.

Izzy and Nikki immediatly attack their food. Nikki eats it more quickly, but Isolde eats slowly, probably savoring the taste.

"What're you looking at?" Izzy asks, and whipe crumbs from her mouth, I shrug and go back to my plate of food. The girls are finished with their food, and so are Griffin and I. Griffin looked bored, but I just listen to the girls' conversation again.

"This is Adam we're talking about?" Nikki asks. "Yup." Izzy says. "Ah. You can do better than that! Griffin totally gots the hots for you." Nikki said. Izzy chuckled, "I like Griff... but..." Izzy sighs dreamily. "Remember that time when he picked me up and such?" Izzy asks.

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