Chapter Ten

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Izzy's POV

I snuggled closer to Adam once I woke up, wanting to go back to sleep. I hear a giggle from somewhere in the room. I blink my eyes open and search for the.person. Nikki's standing there, smiling like an idiot. "Hi love birds." She giggles. I huff and turn over, snuggling closer to Adam, I can hear a chuckle rise from his chest, followed by a snore. I close my eyes, "Let me sleep in peace." I tell her. Nikki tugs the covers off of us. "No can do. We have a trip ahead of us." She said. Adam grumbled, and slowly blinked his eyes open. "Wha--" He looked from me to Nikki. I just snuggled clossr to him, cold. "You're warm." I say out of the blue.

Adam chuckled and gets up. I turn over and try to go back to sleep, dispite the loss of covers and a warm body next to me.

Someone lifts me up by the waist and throws me over their shoulder. "Kay sack of potatoes." Adam says, holding me over his shoulder. I squirm around and try to get out of his grip. Nikki just giggles. Then I put my elbow on his back and rest my head on that hand.

Adam chuckles and soon I find myself back on the bed.

I sit up, now fully awake. Adam walks over to his bag and bends down to get something. He gets up and tugs his shirt back on before grabbing my scarf, and ribbons and walks over to me. He sits down and turns my bac to him and he begins to do somekind of hairstyle. Like yesterday, he adds the ribbon through it and ties the exess ribbon around the part of hair where my nape is Adam finishes and goes to wrap the scarf around my neck then around my ear.

I nod my thanks to him. "Nice dutch braid." I can hear Griff's voice come from the door. I look at him.

"Since eveyone is done with their scarfs... lets get a move on." He says. Adam nods and starts to put his armor on, then we all follow Griffin to the innkeeper. Griffin throws the innkeeper a few coins before we all head out. "Just asking... but... do we have any special job to do here or something?" I ask. Griffin shakes his head. No. "Let's go back to the... resturaut... and get something to eat real quick." Griff says.

We all nod at the idea and we go back to the place. This time the bartender is a guy. He notices Nikki and I first. "Ah, hello. What can I get for you lovely ladies?" He asks. "And what can I get you gentlemen?" He then asks the guys. We walk up to the bar and sit down. "We'll all have some water and a morning snack." Griff says. "Since when ckuld he order stuff for us?" Nikki asks. I giggle.

Adam eyes us warrily, and we both shut up. "We have to be quiet now. Adam was tuening into our conversation last night" I whispered. "Ah. Well... it was him we were talking about." Nikki stated. "Okay. But I'd rather keep my feelings for him concealed until further notice." I tell her. "The way you were snuggling next to him and he was holding you this morning says different." Nikki muttered.

"Ah, shush! I was cold." I tell her. "In summer?" Nikki asks. "Yes." I tell her.

I hear a chuckle coming from Adam, and I turn to glare at him, then turn back to Nikki.

"Sooo... What did you do last night?" Nikki asks. "Huh?"

"I mean. You and Adam obviously slept in the same bed so did you do "it"" Nikki asks with a smirk. I narrow my gaze. "No. Why would you think that?" I hiss. "Well... he did have his shirt off and you were wearing a thin top on..." Nikki said. "Ehem. The top that I'm wearing right now." I say motioning to the black and white splotched top I had on. "Yup. And you were wearing short shorts. Mid thigh short." Nikki says. I roll my eyes. "I'm wearing that right now." I tell her.

"Riiight." Nikki mutters. "You're basically just explaining my usual dress." I tell her. "Sooo you didn't do--"

"No we DIDN'T Nikki." I hiss a bit louder than I should've. I chuckle nervosuly and realize the food was there. It was a biscuit with egs and sausage.

Simple meal.

I cut the biscuit in half, put the sausage and egg in, then ate my meal.

Didn't take us long to finish the meal.

Griffin gave the bartender a few coins, then we all stood up. I looked at Nikki, then at the others.

We all began to walk back towards the gates of the village and out fo the village.

"Sooo.... where to now?" I ask. "Well... I was thinking we could drop by Siani village." Griffin said. "Isn't Siani the second largest village?" I ask. Griffin nods, "Yeah. We'll be meeting one of my friends there." Griff said.

We began to walk, but soon we grew warry.

I felt like someone was following us...

Griffin, Nikki, Adam, and I all looked around for the possible owner of our suspision.

I chuckled nervously. "I bet it's nothing." I said. They all nodded and we kept walking.

Something blue caught the light on Griffin's wrist that I hadn't noticed before. I ran up to him. "Hey Griff?" I said. "Since when did you call me Griff?" he asks. "Since now." I tell him. "Anyways... where did you get that?" I ask and point to the blue and white bracelet around his wrist. Griffin didn't respond for a moment. "Someone gave it to me..." He said. "And who gave it to you?" I ask. "That's none of your business... let's just say it's from the great great grandfather of someone I know." He says. "Since when are you Mr. Mysterious? 'Cause, that's Adam's job." I say. Everyone who heard me chuckles.

Griffin shrugs, "We have a long ways to Siani. It'll lead us through nightfall." Griff changes the subject. "So we're going to camp through the night?" I ask. Griffin shakes his head, "No. We have to shake whatever's following us off our tail." He says.

"And what makes you think you can say that Mr. Griffith?" A female's smooth voice asks. We all freeze and go to turn around. "Oh... don't mind us... we're just 'passing through'" A male's voice says.

There are four of them, all in jury of nine armor. My face goes slack, and I go behind Griffin and Adam to kinda use them as a shield.

"Hand her to us and no harm will be done." The male says.

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