A/N- Sorry!!!

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Omg! I'm so sorry to everyone for not updating in like three months. I'm so soooorrrryyyy!

GUMEN (-Sorry is Japanese)

Anyway, guys. I'm putting the story on hold. In fact, at the moment all of my stories are on hold. I'm sorry, but I've lost motivation for the time being. I'm trying to find a way to get what I want to happen to actually happen, but hell, that never turns out as planned.

I'm so sorry. I truly am. I have the whole end of the story, and the most of the story set out but... I'm just stuck :T

I've also got school now and a play to rehearse. I got 197 lines. Last year I had 16 lines. 16. Now I bumped up to 197. Plus a bunch of blocking. Basketball season is also coming up, and I'm going to be in the basletball team, wish me luck guys. In a nutshell, between the littlest yhings like watching and catching up on animes tp school work I've gotten no time to write. Sure, there's been a few short stories that I've written here and there, but still.


Please forgive me

Until next time


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