McCree x Reader Guns and Roses

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This one is for Sine-Cure who requested for a McCree x Reader story hope  you enjoy this one~

Most people did not know who you are. Why is that? Simple to them you were nothing more than an average girl, but actual you have a little secret. You were actually a girl who lived with the gunslinger and bounty hunter which was none other than Jesse McCree.

Since day you two were born the two of you were close, he knew what you liked which was roses, so every time he would visit would you he would give you a couple of roses. You knew what he liked as well you knew he had a crush on you, so you would often tease him or even give him kisses on his cheeks making him blush at your actions.

Right now you were just sitting in a small cafe waiting for McCree the man have you known him since childhood and had a crush on as well. Yes, you actually had a crush on him not for his looks, but how he was always there for you in the past.


You just standing in the rain wearing black clothing and flowers in your hands. You placed the flowers down on two graves that had belong to your parents who died in a car accident who were heading home

Your eyes were dull and filled with sadness there was no one to take care  of a sixteen year old girl. The only family you had left were your cousins, but they hated your mother and father, so they were out of your list. Your legs started to shake making you collapse on your knees and you soon started to cry not caring if you would get sick or even wet from the rain, but something prevent you to get wet from the rain.

You stop crying and look up to see that it was an umbrella you looked up and see a brown hair teenager, who had his hair in short ponytail. You know this male it was Jesse you stood up and suddenly hug him and balling your eyes out on his shoulder. He wrapped had his free arm on your shoulder.

"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll take care of you." He said, as he comforted  you.

"I-I-I...I really c-c-c-can't thank you enough Jesse. Please d-d-don't l-e-e-eave me alone." You said, as you hugged him tighter.

"I won't (Y/N) I promise you." He said, as he took you by the hand and lead you away from the graves.

*Flashback ended*

You were soon interrupted when someone called your name. You looked up and saw Jesse sitting down in front of you. 

"About time you snapped out of it, my rose." Jesse said, with a chuckle.

"Sorry Jess I was thinking about that day." You said, with  shy smile.

"You mean the day your parents die?" He asked, making you nodded in response.

Since that day you had lived with Jesse as a roommate with him. The first couple of days Jesse keeps on forgetting you now lived with him, since he was used to living on his own. It was of course embarrassing for you.


You were sitting on the couch of the living room reading book it was the second day of living with Jesse. Right now he was taking a shower after he had found another criminal that had a huge bounty on his head. When he had arrive back home he was covered in sweat and bruises.

You heard the door of the bathroom opening up assuming Jesse was done, you had closed your book and stood up only for you to blush at his figure. Jesse was shirtless only wearing a towel on his waist, his hair was still wet leaving a trail of drops of water falling all over his body.

"Jesse what the hell?! Get dress!" You shouted at him, making your back face him.

"Sorry (Y/N) I forgot you were now living with me. I got used to living alone, so I usually be in this every time I take a shower." Jesse quickly explained and went aback to the bathroom to get changed.

"I didn't say you could go back to the bathroom I could have check your injuries on you to see how serious it is." You mumble, as you sat back down and continuing reading your book.

*Flashback ended* 

"Anyway, Jesse why did you called me. You know I have to go to work soon." You said. You worked as  bartender in the morning to the afternoon.

"I was wondering, my rose if you want hangout after you are done with work?" Jesse said. "I don't have any work to do right now, so I thought you might want to hang out like we used to do we were teenagers." 

"Sure." You smiled at him. You love hanging out with him when you were younger you two would always talk about random subjects and he would always make jokes making you laugh.

"Meet me after my work place?" 

"Sounds good my rose." Jesse agreed.

Of course true his word Jesse had met up with you after you done work. Luckily for you had change before you went outside. You were wearing a simple yellow dress that was yellow on top that had reach to the bottom that was soon started to change green. The dress had also match your strap heels that had some lace on the top and bottom. With some accessories like your rose earrings with a hair band that went across your forehead and with a rose on it.

"You look beautiful." Jesse commented, making you blush. "Shall we go?" 

"Yeah." You said.

The two of you had spent the entire day at restaurant where the two of you had been talking about the past, work, and even jokes (mostly from Jesse). When the two of you had finished eating you had both left the restaurant and started to walk back at yours and his house. When the two of you had reach the door Jesse had stop you from opening your door. 

"What is?" You asked, trying not to blush when you had face him.

Jesse didn't say anything, but gently pushed you against the door and slowly come towards you. The gap that once had separate you and him was now closing.

"Do you trust me about on what I'm about to do?" Jesse asked with a voice that was filled with lust. 

"Yes." You answered in the same tone as his.

"Do you what I'm about to do?" He asked again.

"No." You answered. 

"Do you want me to show you?" He asked coming closer to you.

"Yes." With that the gap had finally closed in between the two of you. Your lips had contact with his, the kiss was a passionate, but yet dominate. But of course he had won since you wanted to savior each moment when you had kissed with him.

When the two of you had parted each other, both of you were panting against each other.

"Can we lose the friend zone and move on two lovers?" You asked shyly. Making him chuckle at your shyness

"Sure how about we start as lovers tonight." He whisper in a lust tone with a mischievous smirk on his handsome face.

You shyly grinned making you open the door and pulling him inside and quickly closing the door behind him. He was there for you since childhood you knew what he likes and he knew what you liked, he had a crush on you and you had a crush on him, he was a gunslinger and bounty hunter and you were a rose. His and only his rose. You two were once friends that always had been there for each other, but after that day the friends were soon lovers.

 I really enjoy how I made this one so hope you enjoy this one had please if you have any request I'll do my best to make it a story you will enjoy. Now if you excuse me I start writing on my X-men one shots that I start come up with along with my Twilight story on Jacob. 

Till next time~

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