Tracer x Female Reader Is it wrong that I'm saying I'm Sorry Now?

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This is for Ryu Tea who requested for a Tracer x Female Reader Warning: Contains depression, heartbroken moments, and self-harm

Ever since you joined Overwatch things changed for you for an example Tracer or Lena for her real name has the same cheerful attitude just like you ex-girlfriend. You avoid her much as possible not because you hated her or anything like that, it's just that she reminds you too much of her. From her playfulness in battle, her some cocky attitude, heck even her Lena accent remind you of her. But unlike you Lena has actually started to worry on why you keep on avoiding her.

After a battle in Oasis with defending/attacking the objective Lena decide to talk to you a bit.

"Hey love, you did great out there!" Lena had an arm on you shoulder. You looked down at her arm before unwrapping her arm and started to walk away from her. Lena pounted before she ran up to you.

"You shouldn't have seen my team face when you popped your ultimate unexpectedly." Lena started to talk to you again, but you walked a little faster. Lena soon gotten fed up with your actions and you her blink ability to appear right in front of you. "Okay love, tell why you kept avoiding me? Every time I try to talk to you to just run away from me, what did I do to you love to make you hate me?" Lena said with her in her voice, but with a hint of sadness.

"Fine you want to know Lena on what you did to make you avoid? You are just to annoying always running around the station and on the battefield always going around with that stupid ability of yours. Your childish acts sometimes make me wonder if Overwatch really did pick you and if they did then they really made a mistake!" With that you shoved Lena out of your way before running towards your room with a loud 'bang' not noticing Lena's heartbroken face.

When you were finally in the security of your room, you had slide down your door and onto the floor, you soon started to to cry. "Lena I'm sorry, so sorry I wished this burden of mine didn't clouded my thoughts about you, then made we could've been friends or maybe even more than friends." You continue crying on the floor not caring that you soaked your carpet or not. When you did stop crying you got up and went towards your desk.

On your desk was a picture of you and a dirty blonde hair girl with green eyes and freckles on her face doing both peace sighs and kissing you on the cheek making you blush. The picture had cursive words saying 'I love you even if we died together.' The photo was taken five months before she had lost her battle with cancer. Since then you haven't found any look for a new lover and had sinked your sorrows in depression and self-harming. Behind your picture was a long, but small piece of glass, you had removed your pants only showing your part if your thigh, you then grabbed a piece of cloth and placed it in your mouth before biting it down, when you had started to slowly to cut your thigh. You repeated this process for the next five minutes, once you were finished you had wrapped you thigh in bandages and gotten dress, you went towards your bed and started to cry once more.

"I really hope you can forgive me Lena." You sobbed

While you were sobbing your eyes out Lena was sighing in disappointment with Lucio and Hana by her side comforting her.

"I just don't know what did I do to make her anger. I mean try to cheer her up, but all she dose is push me away it's almost feels like she doesn't want me near her." Lena sighed.

Lucio and Hana were the only ones who knew about your past and why you stayed away from Lena. They wanted you to try and forget about your girlfriend and tried to be close with Lena, but they knew it won't be happening since your depression is getting the best of you.

"Lena is not your fault maybe (Y/N) doesn't want to have friends." Hana tried to cheer up the bubbly girl.

"But I see you two hanging around with her and she doesn't push you away like what she dose to me." Lena said. "Maybe she is right about how I'm really am annoying to her, really should stop bothering her." 

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