Genji x Reader My Fan Dancer

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This is one gose to xjuile_chanx who wanted a Genji x Reader and for those who requested a Genji x reader don't worry I'll make them.

You were an apprentice of Zenyatta who made you used your fan dancing skills with a combatination of his training he had taught. You used two fans that if you fold it's normal, but unfolding it reveals blades. Your ability had allowed you to control wind and your ultimate had allow you to create a tornado that had five fan blades that you can control as the blades hit your enemies.

As Zenyatta student he taught you peace and patience, you were a fast learn so we he told you that he will test your training in the battlefield. You were nervous because you heard stories from Zenyatta that there are different types of people who have different skills and abilities. But soon you had calm down and told yourself that it will be alright.

The next day you had wore a baby blue chinese dress that had dark blue designs, matched with your loose sleeves, white stockings, blue flats, and your fans were (f/c) that were folded nicely with (second favorite color) lace as well as your (h/c) was in a (your hairstyle). Right now from what Zenyatta had told you the main goal is to claim the objective in each round. Zenyatta had also told you that he would be at the opposite team.

"5..4..3..2..1..Capture the objective." The AI had said. Your team mates (D.Va, Tracer, Mei, and McCree) had scatter around the area to find the objective while you had started running as well. 

Your path was to quiet, until you felt something graze your shoulder making you stop. When you to touch your shoulder there was blood. There in front of you a cyborg ninja who a katana and three shurikens in his hand. You had open your fans making your blades to pop out. You then had thrown one of your fans at the man only for him to deflect it making the blade coming back at you and catching it. You took one step back making you dissolve into air. Making Genji to look around the area. You reappeared behind him and slowly approached him, then strike his back making him respawn somewhere else.

You had continued on your path agian and soon noticed that your team was having trouble to get/claim the objective making you sighed at their actions. You drag your leg and made a cresent mark that behind you then making another one in front of you, you took a deep breath, then throwed both of your fans at the enemies giving them a one hit kill. 

Your fans had return to you once they had strike the down your enemies. You then went to the objective to help your team to defend it, but soon stop when a shuriken had scrapped part of your dress. You look to the direction of where the shuriken was thrown and notice that the same person you had fought you earlier was on top of a roof. He had thrown all three of his shurikens at you, you had throw your fans in the air, then catching the shurikens in bewteen your fingers. Making Genji looked at you in surprised.

You smirked his reaction (even thoug it was covered with his masked) then thrown back his shurikens to him and jump to where he was standing. Genji had doged the small weapons and used his katana to block your kick that you were about to do. You had jumped back and used your hand to stop yourself from sliding any further away than you were right now. Genji had ran up to you to strike, but you had put up your arms up to shield his attack, but was sent back making you hit the wall. Genji had takken this as an opportunity and pinned you against the wall with his shurikens on your sleeves, stockings, and dress.

You had blushed then speak up, "Never knew you were you liked this type of foreplay." 

Genji had unsheathed his katana and started to walk towards you ignoring your comment you had told him. You had struggle to get his shurikens loose, but they were to deep in the wall to get them loose. You had sighed  before making good tugged your hands and free themselves from the weapons, but part of the fabric was ripped. You had done something to your stockings and dress. Finally getting yoyrself free from the weapons, then striking Genji before he had time to react. When the two of you were on opposite sides you had fallen down making you respawn back at the beginning.

For the next couple of rounds you didn't face any other opponents only for Genji. Which either lead to you or him wining, but at the end it was only your team who had lead the victory thanks to your special you spent or killed the enemies giving your team the winning lead. When it was all over you tried to ignore all the looks that the males were giving you since the shurikens had mostly ruined your clothing. But mentally cursed when you had to walk to your house, so by the time you left people were staring at like you just had came from a party, then got into a fight. You tried to ignore all the cat calls they were giving you, but when you had past an alley a group of men had came out and started to cornered you.

"That a nice outfit you got there." One of the members said, as he was eyeing you up and down.

"Where are you heading to?" Another asked, but you didn't answer you couldn't fought back because your whole body was sore from all the fighting you had with Genji.

"Well if you are not going anywhere why don't hang out with us." One of the member had grabbed your arm.

"Let go!" You had lifted up your leg and hit the guy who was looking at you in a perverted way.

"You bitch!" The one who had grabbed you had pined you against the wall and ripped your stockings.

Luckily for you Genji had followed you to apologize for your injuries, your clothes, and he wanted to know where have you learned your fighting skills and who did you learned it from. But when he had found you he saw you being cornered, he then used his shurikens to strike them down.

You leaned against the wall as you watched Genji strike down the members.

"What brings you here?" You asked the ninja.

"To apologize of what I did to you." He answered.

"Ah then it's fine." You said, when you got off the wall you were about to fall, but Genji had caught you.

"I think it's best if I would carry you to your house." He insisted.

"Good idea." You agreed, but he had carried in a bride style.

By the time Genji had reach your house it was alright night.

"Thanks Genji." You said, as he let you down.

"Can you tell me where did you learned your fighting skills?" He asked, this made you smiled.

"My fighting skills are simply fan dancing skills and with a little help from Zenyatta he taught me how to fight with my dancing skills." You answered. "I thought you know by know Watashi no hiro (my hero)." This made Genji shocked at the last part. The only one who would called him that was....

"My Fan Dancer?" He asked, making you nod, this made him hugged you.

"Sorry if I didn't tell you, but you know how I like to reveal things at the end." You said. "Come on we have a lot of catching up to do." You said as you pulled him into your apartment and closed your door.

Okay hope you guys like this one the next Genjix Reader will explain why he was shocked wen the reader called my hero in Japanese. Til next time~

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