Accepting His Love: Chapter Six

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A week passed. Two weeks passed. It was the start of the third week and Abigail was getting even more frustrated with every second that passed.

It seemed as if that was the only thing that time did these days. Pass. What she wouldn't give for the clock to stand still for just a day. She was tired, exhausted and at the moment, would do almost anything to get back the lumpy mattress that she'd left in Missouri. For all the belly aching that she used to make about the back killer, it'd be pretty darn wonderful right now. She didn't know if she could stand to sleep another night on the hard floor of her covered wagon. But as it was, that was the only place she had to sleep and she was damn sure that she didn't want to sleep on the floor. She'd seen enough critters buzzing and crawling out there and she didn't want them coming anywhere near her when she was unconscious and unable to squish or swat them away.

As of the moment, she was trying to plow some of her land. She didn't see the use in delaying the inevitable, so she'd gotten started on making the land tilled to start planting the winter wheat seeds. They'd grow in the early October chill, but only as long as she got the ground nice and soft.

She stopped her horse and halted plowing the particular section of land she was in. She wrenched her hands from around the plow handles and grimaced at the sight before her. Cuts and blisters marred the once soft palms, and her skin was abraded so that sections of her hand were raw and bloody, not to forget the amount of splinters stuck within.

She wanted to kick, scream and cry, but she knew that it wouldn't matter. She had gotten herself into this situation and she'd be squandering her pride and dignity by murmuring and complaining. And even if she did want to kick, scream and cry to her lungs content, no one would hear her.

It wouldn't accomplish anything as she was practically alone out in the wide expanse of fields that surrounded her. She almost regretted sending away her sole neighbor and only companion in this Oklahoma territory. She hadn't seen Derek for about three days now and she supposed that she should be elated. He'd set up camp right on the borderline between their lands and hadn't really bothered her, save for the occasional conversation, but, a part of her missed having him around. Well, just having anybody around really. Even if that someone was a silly, white man.

While she rested on the wooden handles of her plow and waited for her breath to return, she wondered what he was doing at the moment. She didn't know him all too well yet, but he was the only person at the moment that she could entertain thoughts off. She certainly wouldn't think thoughts of Susahnna because those would be too painful, so for now, she'd think of Derek.

He was interesting man, and she wanted to know what he was playing at. He hadn't seemed to mind talking to her and he'd willingly graced her with his presence.

She was going to get right back to plowing her land when all of a sudden, two warm hands spanned the width of her waist and literally lifted her up and deposited her to the side. What the heck? After she had gotten over her moment of shock, she looked over and saw that it was Derek who had lifted her out of the way. And now, he was currently taking over her plow. Marching up to him, she tried to push him off and take back control of the tool. Childish yes, but hey! It was her land. She was going to do things herself.

"Give me back the plow, Derek." She demanded. He wouldn't budge no matter how hard she pushed and pulled on him to stop. It was much like pushing against a brick wall. He just rolled his sapphire eyes and endured her little show of defiance. "I'm serious Derek! Give it back!" Her horse that was attached to the plow didn't seem to mind the change in leadership and it just continued to walk ahead. Traitor.

She started to walk backwards so she could face Derek. "I don't know what you're planning to accomplish. I'm not giving you anything and I'm not going to reward you. Why don't you just get back to your own property and leave mine alone! I don't need your help and I most certainly did not ask-"

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